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Marvel's Daredevil

Season 1

Very glad I decided to rewatch the first season. So many things I missed and didn't pay attention to before. Smart script, great performances, brilliant directing, amazing soundtrack and sound editing. All around a very well done show. 10/10 would recommend.

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Daredevil is brought into the Marvel Cinematic Universe as an original Netflix series. Season 1 follows blind lawyer Matt Murdock as he moonlights as a masked vigilante combating the criminal gangs in Hell’s Kitchen, which he traces back to a secret crime boss named Wilson Fisk; meanwhile Fisk works with his partners to control and rebuild the Hell’s Kitchen district. Charlie Cox and Vincent D’Onofrio both deliver excellent performances that make their characters extraordinarily compelling. And, the writers do a good job at developing the characters and plot slowly over multiple episodes. Also, the show does some nice tie-ins with the Avenger films by addressing the effects of the Battle of New York. Incredibly well-made, Season 1 of Daredevil is an impressive and bold crime drama.

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Wow, I enjoyed this show more than I expected to! I have to admit I haven't read any DD comics before, so considering how I don't have any comparison with the original story, I can only rate this show as a stand-alone. I loved how well all of the characters were written, both the main and supporting ones, and I hope we get to see more backstories (Claire? Karen? Vanessa?) in the second season (hurry up, 2016!). The entire setting is indeed darker and more dense than the rest of MCU, but I loved that we got to see an another side of being a superhero (or in this case a vigilante, I guess). I've seen some people ranting that there are some gaps or perhaps plotholes, but I actually just feel like the creaters were opening a door for the second season. In overall, I'd say if you're a fan of mystery/detective series or Marvel+superheroes in general, you will definitely like this show

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How I see Wilson Fisk? Well fat retarted crybaby with robotic chinese. For me was Fisk just annoying... I really like bad guys in movies and tv series, especially from Marvel Universe, but even cartoon Kingpin from Spider-man was better than this.

But I really enjoyed Matt Murdock. Well Matt is real hero, real man and yes he bleeds.

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That was bangerang! What a taut, well produced season. Engaging from start to finish. Excellent writing, acting, fight sequences... I really enjoyed this show.

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My first reaction was: How can people enjoy this show? It's too violent! says a GoT fan
But for some reason I kept watching the show, and I haven't regretted it. It's well made, the actors are great, and although it shows too many similarities with Arrow, Daredevil is much better!

"There are no heroes. No villains. Just people with different agendas."

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Shout by m00nwiz

The red suit?! Totally disappointment.
Come on guys, Marvel's heroes suits are part of who they are, don't mess one of the best suits ever. I wanna feel like that's a red devil out there. This Robocop colored version of the suit is awful. First black suit was more scary than this robot crap. How hard can it be to copy the suit from the movie?!

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That hallway fight scene tho...

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Really great show and season! Unexpected in how well they storied the episodes together and how well all the actors contributed into the gripping drama that is this show. I really think this way of delivering quality product is way better than the regular TV methods. Way to go!

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karen was such unnecesary character, or just poorly cast. simply annoying and turned this show into a soap opera.
apart from that awesome show

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I knew nothing of the character before the Affleck movie. And while that one wasn´t a revelation I really liked the idea behind Daredevil. That´s the kind of superhero I like - in general a human being. Not some alien fallen to earth, a god out of mythology or a guy that turns big and green (to name a few to make my point).
This is one of the best shows first season I´ve ever seen. The dark and gritty atmosphere got me pulled in instantly. I don´t think there was a bad or boring episode. The whole thing builds up to a great finale. Both, the hero and the villain, are well written and superbly brought to live by Cox and D´Onofrio alike. That doesn´t mean the suporting cast is weak. On the contrary - they all have their moments and have a place in the story. Which I hope will go on for a long run.

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In my opinion this show is extremely overrated because half of it is like dialogue in the dark followed by the other half which is just extended Mortal Kombat - also all in the dark.
It’s funny how people complain about GoT episode „The Long Night“ being too dark and therefore being incredibly bad when this show is all dark. A lot of the scenes in this show don’t even need to be in the dark. It’s incredibly annoying and on top a lot of the dialogues are dragged and unnecessary.

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The "Daredevil" adaptation on Netflix is a standout compared to recent Marvel TV shows. It focuses heavily on gritty mob struggles and character development, resulting in a show that is more complex and sophisticated than you might expect from a superhero series. While there are moments when the pacing can feel slow, the attention to character development more than makes up for it.
In terms of action, the fight scenes are well-choreographed and have a practical, visceral quality that sets them apart. The only element that feels over-the-top and unrealistic is the protagonist's powers. It would have been interesting to see a toned-down version of Matt Murdock's abilities that made him more vulnerable and relatable. As it stands, he walks around with the confidence of someone without any visual impairment, which can sometimes strain credibility.

Overall, "Daredevil" is an excellent example of how a superhero show can explore mature themes while still delivering thrilling action and well-rounded characters.

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Wesley was my favourite character so i really never continued it after this i was mostly watching it for him :( i was so upset by the ending i loved seeing him doing his evil little tasks for his “employer”

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Nelson And Murdock: Avacado's At Law

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Shout by Deleted

Nelson And Murdock: Avacados At Law

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Shout by chair

Overall I really enjoyed this show. It was dragging for me around the middle for an episode or two, but then I got hooked again, fully got the feel of it, and smoothly watched till the end. Gotta say this show is definitely characters-driven. Relationships, emotional connections and intimate personal motivations seem to be the focal points of the story. Obviously, a fair share of general kickassery makes it so much more compelling to any viewer who got on the Daredevil wagon as a comic books or at least comic book heroes fan. But in the end this show is more of a criminal drama with a twist than anything else, which I learned to appreciate from the very beginning. Definitely sticking around for the second season. Like many others was slightly disappointed by the suit, though not in your usual 'isn't true to the original material'/'looks stupid'/'is too flashy'/'isn't flashy enough' way. For me it's a disappointment for more practical reasons (red and black unfavorable ratio).

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Not really feeling this show.

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