Review by Matthew Luke Brady

Marvel's Daredevil

Season 1

Daredevil fans must put the 2003 film in the past, as you got a new hero that you all have been waiting for.

With the new superhero TV shows that we get today like: Gotham, The Flash, Agent Carter and Arrow. Those shows I'm not such a big fan of because I rather see a full movie of these character's as it will have more to work on with the budget and all that stuff, but not a 10 or 13 episodes of a TV show. These superhero TV shows never suck me in into it's world or even it's character's, I mean it would at least get my interest and make me keep coming back to watch more episodes if the creator development more on that.
I won't lie here when I first heard that Marvel studios was making a TV show out of Daredevil I just thought to myself "Oh no not another one of those superhero TV shows". But then I heard all the positive and amazing feedback it was getting and got quickly got interested in it and checked it out straight and I got to say that Daredevil is the best thing Marvel as ever done.
What really hooked me to keep on watching the show is how dark, violent and real it was, this isn't your average superhero, no in this are hero is human and can take pain and injured. This is what makes Daredevil a different show and is it just me or I had a Batman Begins feel to it.

Charlie Cox as Daredevil was absolutely spot on great casting. He added a lot to his character if it's pain, injured, being a hero or just being Matt Murdock. He was Daredevil, he was Matt Murdock these no doubt about it he nailed the role and I can't wait to see what else he brings to season 2.

Vincent D'Onofrio plays Wilson Fisk the villain of the show and may god this has to be the best and the most understandable villain I've seen in a while and Vincent D'Onodrio did outstanding in this role. Wilson Fisk in this show wasn't just a big evil guy who dose horrible things because well his the villain and his there to do bad things, well that's not the case here as I was so surprise how social awkward and so down to earth human he was and I loved that, I'm sick of these big cold perfect villains that has nothing interesting about them but this is totally different and new, it's a bit like some people in reality. These one episode showing his past and why he is the way he is and I think it has to be the most shocking and uncomfortable episodes I every watched. These like other episodes where he's on data and starting a relationship and it wasn't boring or didn't drag at all and that's because of the excellent performance and the writing that made a scene like that interesting.

Vincent D'Onofrio did a excellent and outstanding job playing the villain as he gave so much to his character that it came off brilliant.
The action scenes in this show are... freaking mind-blowing and awesome. These an amazing fight scene in the episode Cut Man with the long take fight scene with great fighting and realistic stunts, oh and the sound in that scene made it work even more because every punch and every kick sounded rough and painful.

For problems with the show I don't really have many to be honest but if I have to say which episode was my least favorite has to be Sick, it's not the worse episode but compare it to the other episodes Stick was my least favorite.

Overall Daredevil the TV show was freaking amazing and set's a new bar for superhero TV shows.

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