Shouts about...

Legion 2017

This is what I call quite good! Better than any X-men movie, better than any other Marvel Show. Better than any other Super hero show even!

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In no way will my words be able to accurately account for how stunning this world is. Visually stunning. Overflowing with intrigue. I'm invested in every single character. I want to pay attention to every single frame, hear every line of their struggle, and even take in every song at the end because it's such a complete package. I shouldn't have even really started to write without finding the words, but that's almost the point. There's so much about this series that is so compelling, to not fill in the space around the balloon of incomprehensible feelings of excitement and angst would be an injustice. Utterly compelling performances in wonderfully cast roles. Backdrops, clothes, camerawork, color schemes, explosions, and use of powers blend into a sheer beautiful expression. The only reason I haven't given it a ten is because I want it to remain so compelling for season after season and go down as a masterful work of art few could ever hope to achieve.

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It's so hard to explain this show to people that haven't watched it.

Imagine putting...

Fight Club
Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind
One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest
Mr Robot
Twin Peaks
The Matrix
David Lynch & Stanley Kubrick
and the X-Men movies

... in a blender. The result: A mindboggingly amazing Legion smoothie.

The visuals and audio design are second to none and completely original. There's nothing like it on TV. It also has a kickass soundtrack provided by the likes of Pink Floyd, The Rolling Stones and The Who. What's not to like?

The storylines aren't that complex. It's just presented in a non-linear format, a jigsaw puzzle that only makes total sense when you have most of pieces in place. The fun is in trying to piece it all together.

It's my favourite Marvel product ever (including all the movies).

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So season one of Legion has finished. Easily the best (non anime/comic) tv show currently running. Can't wait for more!

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While it won't appeal to the lovers of mediocre, low quality shows like arrow, Legion is a fantastic show which I recommend strongly.
The music, the pacing and the actors are all incredibly great. Haven't seen anything this good since fargo and The Wire !
Definitly don't watch it of tyou only want "action and explosions

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one of the best TV series out there...

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Superb series.
- Original.
- Interesting story line.
- Impressive acting
- Surprising.
- An amazing look into the brain of a schizophrenic - or not?
- not a just-another-super-hero series

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My God, Aubrey Plaza is brilliant.

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This is THE MOST WEIRD sci-fi I've ever watched and I don't think there will be another one like this. I've spent hours to think about the complexity of this show and it blows my mind that someone can imagine such a strange and complex world with these unique but somewhat ordinary characters. It's just so much more than an average series.

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You’ll start out confused, scratching your head, you might think to yourself “ I don’t get it! Wtf am I watching “ Well, just tell yourself to shut the fuck up, sit back and pay very close attention because this is probably one of the top 2nd seasons of any show period. Pay attention people, the thought put in to the writing of this series has to be applauded. It gets out there.... way out there...... but it’s all stitched together with silk thread creating a flawless insane story line that makes you’re head spin and leaves you dying for more. The second seasons of Legion and Westworld are probably about The best tv you’ll see this year, that is if you enjoy shows that make you use you’re head to understand. After you watch the entire season and wrap your head around it watching the second time and tell me if it’s not a whole different experience. For either of those series I mentioned.

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Legion is a show that demands attention and rewards patience. It's also a reminder that the journey is equally, if not more, important as the destination. Every episode is a play on narrative, allowing us to experience something entirely new every time, and at the same time, though we might not realize it at first, progresses the story in a unique way. One might classify some episodes as filler, but I don't believe there's a single wasted moment here, even the slowest sections of the show still have so many interesting things, be it visually, musically, philosophically...
Overall, this is one of the most unique shows ever made, and easily in my Top 3 Series of All Time.

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This show is incredibly thrilling and dense. A pure sci-fi jewel with remarkable acting and directing. The story and characters are complex, there are so many reference and details. Thanks for this masterpiece !!

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Season 1 : 10 out of 10. Great series, unique, refreshing.
Season 2 : Hmpf.... wtf happened to season 1's writers?! 7 out of 10, some episodes came close to season 1 quality (8 or 9 out of 10), most mediocre at best.
Season 3 : omgwtfbbq. 5 out of 10 max. Attempt at doing time travel in a unique way perhaps was succesful, but everything else was totally and utterly crap. Huge disappointment. The final 2 episodes saved it, but only just.

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It was a good journey :) No other show is like this one. However, there might be some similarities with these shows too: Happy! and Utopia.

I am going to miss Legion a lot... :(

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Legion you either love it or you hate it.
One interpretation is that the series oozes style and tells you a story through sound and visual choices taking you on a journey through the madness that is the mind of David.

Another one is that it's a confusing mess with needless visual effects underneath a not too special story. Ending with something maybe not even watchable

I understand that people think the later however if you are into the trippiness of the show and give it your full attention trying to understand the visual and auditory cues it can be one of the best tv shows that exist. Honestly whatever side you fall on is equally valid. If you are planning on watching it, know what you are getting into and know that watching requires your full attention.

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If you like this style of shows, I recommend you to watch Utopia 2013. It has a uniquely weird style of music, acting, and directing.

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Fantastic. Can't wait for it to continue.

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Aubrey Plaza as a junky, drug-head, psychotic monster is literally the best thing on television!
Besides that, the story is well built and we actually care about the characters (even the so-called bad guys!), from one episode to the other there's always some mistery, some cliffhanger. Great show!

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show is downrated..,i dont know why but i liked it and its amazing

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Dan Stevens' real superpower is how his face can go from puppy-dog to psychopath in 0.2 seconds.

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Shout by Jesús López Ponce
BlockedParent2017-11-21T16:44:38Z— updated 2018-10-22T05:43:18Z

This is one of the best shows I've seen this year and most of all in the genre of "superheroes". The greatness of the show is on the mental issues that it talks about and how they handle it. The show keeps you confused about what you see is real or not just like the protagonist and that goes with the great performance of the entire cast, the amazing work of the director and the editing.

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So, it's Wednesday and episodes air on Mondays, so when I gleefully realize I haven't watched the latest episode yet, I excitedly just went looking for the new episode, episode #9 to watch. Then: hmm. Wait— what? The season (which I already know to be the final season) concluded in the last episode I watched (#8), without me even noticing that it was the finale a week after having already watched it?

This is only an 8 episode season? Ayayay... I need to watch that last episode all over again now. This is a favorite show of mine and I don't even remember how it ended!

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Damn this was great, I'd love more super-hero shows that center around an anti-hero protagonist. That scene where he completely obliterates the army base while acting all goofy is best in my opinion.

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It starts quite weak and boring, I was like "I am way too stupid to understand this show". But give it a few episodes.. It is a psychological drama. You will be amazed by the end... Totally worthwhile

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A refreshing change from mediocre CW-style superhero series. The plot has an arc, and doesn't come off like writers are winging it each week -- some actual thought went into a story. And it's done without the emphasis on flashbacks to create a backstory. Quirky... unique... engaging... worlds better than the cookie-cutter Marvel franchise.

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Legion is a beautiful work of art!

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To describe this hard to follow show would be to suggest it's darkly comic. But it's less comedic and more dark than any description can truly reach. It's tough and confusing but not unfair and not impossible to follow. It's a deliberate show as much as it is as cloudy show. It's great entertainment.

While technically it's based on a comic book comparing it to ANY of the superhero TV shows is unfair. This isn't a superhero show. You don't need to know anything about super heroes to follow along with this show. If you know what a "Mutant" is you're good to go. This is much closer to sci-fi anthology series like Twilight Zone and Outer Limits than any CW Superhero Show or Gotham or any of their ilk.

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Best show on TV as of right now!

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People write they dropped it after few episodes, so my advice is: don't rate it. It all makes sense when you see it fully or at least first two seasons. This show is not for everyone, but it's so unique and very well written that I have to give it 8.5/10. First two seasons better than the last.

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Super quirky, captivating psychological thriller cocktail combined with a classic mutant squad chaser. Loved every second of it.

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The editing in this show was some of the best I've ever seen! Truly hypnotizing.

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Have watched the first 4 episodes. I'm enjoying the very different take on a mutant show. From the "monster" to the unique set of powers and problems. The first 2 episodes def. had some issues with clarity in direction, by the third episode it was much easier to follow past/present/memory/etc. If the idea interests you then I'd suggest keeping with it, if not then feel free to move on.

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I really enjoyed Season 1 but god Season 2 quickly turned into a slog and I don’t really have any desire to finish this anymore.

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What the F is happening in this show. So hard to follow. I feel like I’m losing my mind.

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A triumph of style over substance. Visually stunning but almost nothing ever happens. A random musical number is no substitute for an actual plot. By the third season I just didn't care about the characters anymore.

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CW need to hang on to flash because it's the only superhero series the majority of people like of theirs, Legion is a trip to crazy land and it should be after all the guy is a druggy that gets sent to a asylum because he can hear voices, the show is slow yes but really interesting

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Shout by Deleted

It could have been something as great as GAME OF THRONES.
But still its an eye candy.
Aubrey Plaza was relentless.

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the first season of this show was really good It really had some thought provoking storylines. seasons 2 in season 3 are very trippy.

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Shout by Daniel Bowser
BlockedParent2017-02-09T10:00:20Z— updated 2017-03-02T19:30:40Z

A meh start to a season show. It's not bad, but nor did it knock me off* my feet. That ending scene was pretty terrible for the first episode, and the effects were laughable. This is a generous rating, seeing as I came into this show with very little expectation, and came out somewhat amused. 6.8/10

edit: So after 4 episodes, I have to say it really is not as bad as my original judgement. It has quirks, sure, but it IS a good show. I change my original rating to a 7.4/10. Decent show for what it offers.

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I so wanted to quit after three episodes, but I gave it the benefit of the doubt and finished season 1.

It is so uninteresting, the characters especially. There is no reason to root for the main guys except that they're the good guys, they don't have a personality beyond their powers. It doesn't seem like a bad show, but overall it's a lot of "seen elsewhere", and slow.

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Watching this show is almost like getting stoned

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Shout by rhaeneris
BlockedParent2018-11-02T16:42:40Z— updated 2018-11-14T19:30:39Z

I think this show meanders way too much. When something is actually happening plot-wise it's really good and interesting, but it overall feels like 3-4 episodes worth of plot were stretched out over 8, padded out with artsy cinematography and the same scenes/flashbacks repeating multiple times. And some just bizzare and out of place things, like the dance scene in ep 6. It intentionally tries to be confusing and mysterious, but it gets annoying when the plot is moving at a snail's pace. I don't find the characters particularly relatable either (I mean Syd's a rapist apparently?? David at least has the excuse of having someone messing with his mind, but her? You can't brush off her actions against her mother's boyfriend with "who teaches you to be normal when you have powers".). David is the most interesting one, Lenny is tons of fun when she is on screen; the others are just sort of there. I hope they will get better developed as the series progresses.

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‘Legion’ is full of absurdity - which I believe is completely and utterly intentional. It’s unlike anything else on television and its highest points are pretty spectacular, in all its originality and creativity. The show in itself is a piece of art, not always understood but awfully fun to look at. Sometimes.

When it’s not fun, it’s often confusing, seemingly headed in no direction at all, and full of side characters that lack a substantial amount of depth. There’s one character who isn’t introduced until the final season whom I found more compelling than those who were there since the series’ debut.

In the end, I appreciate ‘Legion’ for what it was - even though I’m not entirely sure what that is.

That’s ‘Legion’ to me. 6/10

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This is a love it or hate it show. Straight rave reviews from an audience that loves heavy metal, drug flavoured, bizarre story lines, and more than slightly insane meanderings in the story arch. It's not my taste, but I stuck it out for the full first season. However, great performances from a diverse cast (is it my imagination or is Dan Stevens aging backwards?), lots of nods to other genres. I'm going to leave this first season with a 5 (meh) rating, and will watch the first few episodes of season two when it is broadcast, but, in order to keep me in it's audience, it will have to be a whole lot more sane and have stories that advance the plot and develop characters. [Genre jumping joy ride - this is not a super-hero show.]

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Now this series is baaad. The first episode had one of the worst directions I've ever seen in a tv series! The director sure has its own approach, but he made "art" and that's all.
You certainly would expect something crazy and confuse from the MC's POV in the first few episodes, but I hope the next episodes turn into something atleast enjoyable as a whole for the story's sake.
I'll only keep watching it for that tiny hope of some actual plot development and the fact it's a new approach to X-Men's world so I'm expecting something new to it...

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Couldn't make it through the first episode. Read other reviews to see if worth sticking it out. Seems like show is big on concept, but poor on plot. Positive reviews are based on the show not being like other superhero shows/movies, but if that's what you want, look elsewhere.

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Amazing visuals. Yet nothing is ever going on.

Hour length is not their friend.

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total bullshit for a drugged up high audience. Superficiality masked as 'being deep and artistic'

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Shit delivered directly for kiddos, beyond my comprehension.

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"Per me Legion è una cagata pazzesca!" (cit.)

Non riesco a capire conte abbia fatto a ricevere dei voti così alti.

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Since everyone was talking about how great this show is, I decided to stick with it for 5 episodes. It is trying too hard to be an artistic masterpiece than to have an actual plot or character development. Each episode does not reveal anything new, it shows us the same flashback. It is very hard to keep watching a show with a protagonist you do not care for. Superhero tv shows and movies are too cliche and action-packed but this one is definitely not better as it is not even watchable.

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I tried like hell. I made it to episode seven of season two and this show absolutely sucks out loud!!!Please don’t watch it ,don’t try to watch it. It is about a mental patient and it’s for mental patients.

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Not exactly "easy" to watch. Even when dedicating your full attention, it's still incoherent and confusing. We can have a show about schizophrenia without the actual show being schizophrenic, right?

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Show is trippy, tries to be different, starts out and often is slow as frack, which is where it will lose most of its viewers and drive itself into the cancellation asylum, which is a pity because if you stick with it it could actually be good. Word of advice to the writers, find your flow and find it fast.

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Shout by Beautah
BlockedParent2017-03-06T13:51:47Z— updated 2017-03-10T11:51:54Z

Legion feels like nothing else on TV right now. You might want to stop watching it between episode 2-4 but don't stop. It pays off. The show is legitimately terrifying and trippy as hell but maintains a balance between both. That Noah Hawley (Fargo TV show) is majorly involved in the making of Legion gives me hope we might have something great here. It's also a good thing the show is on FX who seem more willing to take a chance on shows regardless of low ratings (The Americans).

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Well, that was quite annoying, pretentious and artsy piece of a show. It's only for the last 5-10 mins. that you get a feel of what is going on. I'll give the show another shot with episode two but so far the show is mostly unwatchable.

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Amazing Pilot! Love the unique and weird aspect, separates itself from all the other superhero shows. And holy shit those last five minutes were spectacular!

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A truly unique experience. Very different from most of the prime time TV serialized stuff. Kind of similar to the edgier Marvel shows like Jessica Jones and Luke Cage. Overall, FX did it right like it does most of its shows. Special effects create the environment of mental instability very well, making you question if the character is mentally ill or extremely powerful.

I am interested if they plan to keep this within the MCU and if that means tying into other X-Men related story lines or movies.

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Such a slow start, i was already writing it off but the end pulled me back in and i'll be back to watch episode 2

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Too many loose ends that weren't tied up -
1. What happened to one-armed Syd?
2. No mention of Amy (David's sister)
3. Oliver's 1+1 riddle
4. What happened to David's parents? (The Hallers)
5. Where were present-Charles and Gabrielle?
6. Why did Charles abandon David in the first place?
7. What the fuck did the stars say?
8. Switch's motivation to help David?
9. Kerry can kill time demons with a sword now? Ok
10. Where/why did the orb (in season 1) come from?
11. How exactly did Switch level up?
12. What became of Cary/Kerry?
13. How/why is Ptonomy an android in season 3?
14. What happened at Red Hook? What was the "Lazarus affair"?

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I would recommend anyone who wants to watch the show stop at the end of season 1.

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I mess with this show but I can't even recommend it. Visually, it's gripping. But the story man... they drag the sh*t out with allegorical sideswipes that feel like they're just padding time for the lack of story.

I feel like Noah Hawley and crew were intersecting that allegorical sh*t the same way they do with Fargo and it's pretty jarring. I was gripped by the 1st season but all that "surreal", "trippy" storytelling went off the rails as the series progressed, and absorbed the show. By the time you get to the end it's pretty anti-climatic too.
If you're a fan of visual storytelling, meh. Look up highlights on YouTube?

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I'm hooked. Almost stopped watching during first episode but I'm glad that I didn't. Little bit too much special effects but I like all of the actors and characters. Episodes are really chaotic sometimes but that's what keeps me interested. Rated 8/10.

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I was expecting another boring ass flash or arrow, but this actually good, even visuals and setting.

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Leave these type of shows to Netflix plzz

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Simply bad. The first season was somehow manageable, but the second season went nuts. If you need this kind of story telling for your show, then sorry, you simply suck at story telling.

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Shout by Deleted

i have my count at 18 but what eve

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I'm 3 episodes in to this series and I have no freaking idea what is going on?! It's pretty good, don't get me wrong but I came to this knowing nothing about legion, marvel, x men or whatever. Do I stick with it?

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The trailer looks interesting, but not interesting enough to watch. If an enough people around me starts to talk about it, then I might watch an episode or two.

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Shout by Deleted

still cannot watch anything on shiftv #ShiftvW8

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