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Killing Eve: Season 4

4x01 Just Dunk Me

The show hasn't been the same since PWB left the project. Wondering now if that was over difference of opinion on how long you can string this all out. A good writer/creator knows when a story is finished being told - fleabag had the balance just right on that.

It's good to see characters grow and change like I suppose Eve thinks she has but everything feels watered down now. Feels like we've been meandering and the core of the show - the fire between Eve and Villanelle isn't even there anymore.

Make us care again!

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Watchable because of the excellent cast but it definitely feels a shadow of its former self.

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is it even a phoebe waller-bridge show without a hot priest?

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Good first episode of this (unfortunately) final season. I do have one criticism though, Eve's love/hate attitude towards Villanel is getting old. She shouldn't be so much angry with her anymore especially given how the last session ended. The sooner they stop recycling that plot and get them working together the better. The sad thing is that we won't see much of it since there won't be S5.

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If everyone on the internet loves cat, surely no one likes V now, right?

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Eve hating vegan food when Sandra herself is a vegan, haha. Also, that scene of her on a motorcycle reminded me of her character in Grey's Anatomy.

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Did I accidentally miss something or are we just not going to address the fact that Hugo came back from “death” after a whole season?

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Well, Eve certainly moved up. Loving better. Dressing better. Shooting better. Fucking better. Fighting better. Love it.
Carolyn also went places. As did… douchebag.

Not entirely sure what to say about Vilanelle but it’s basically most characters switched places.

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I didn't even realize how much I'd been missing this show's characters and wonderful dialogue, and that includes pretty much every supporting character. Tons of fun even though the ending is more than a bit...odd. Overall, it's a nice improvement on the laggy bits from season three.

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They really should have wrapped this show up last season. After season 2 it has all been downhill.

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If this episode had been my first introduction to the series, I would have turned it off halfway through and never watched again. As a fan since the beginning, I have to agree with professional critics that stated the show has lust its luster. V is a shadow of her former self, none of her decisions in this episode make sense, and the ego!Jesus subplot leaned on the side of ridiculous and not the brand of dark comedy that PWB mastered in season 1.

It felt like someone imitating Killing Eve’s style rather than actually making it. May was a sweet character who deserved better. And the cat scene was barbaric and uncalled for. It didn’t even fit with the plot as his death affected none of the characters around V. It could have been left out instead of existing for quirkiness and shock value.

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The sooner they get these two on a Midnight Run-style rest-of-season pair-up the better. The fewer dangling plot lines the better too.

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So far I'm quite optimistic that this season will be better than season 3. Was quite disappointed in that one. I'd say so far so good this time. We'll have to see if the plotlines don't become too ridiculous as it goes.
I think it's kinda the point of the episode to show Villanelle as a shell of her former self (a critique in a number of the comments here). Because we all know she can't really change that drastically. I wonder how long it will take before she drops the idea of becoming a good Christian (especially after her Jesus vision lol).

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I don't think i'll make it any further into the series

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This is disappointing. No where near the engagement or enjoyment of the earlier seasons.

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Nah, I'm not interested anymore, I should have stopped after season 1, maybe after 2. I'm finally doing it right now

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