One more episode till this season over, and as much as my feeling of the film is forever soured by being WTF nonplussed at the cowardly non-ending in theater, the (sadly kinda inferior) series makes me appreciate the film more, especially considering this one has no time constraint to think off and only manages this. This episode especially, so many baffling adaptation choices for what should be a sure-fire section of the first book. A lot of plot moving forward, but momentum feeling shoddy. Only thing I would keep from this adaptation is Ruth Wilson.

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So, episode 4 was about getting the bear his armour (the episode is even named after it, ffs) but he didn't even use it in a fight to death?! Stupid.

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Was a bit disappointed by some parts of this episode to be honest. Pretty sure Iorek and Iofur fought in their armour in the book as there was a comment made to the fact that Iofur's was designed to look good but not protect. An important point to be made about the function of the bear armour. Similarly no mention of the other bears being annoyed at their 'humanesque' Royal court and silly helmets. Just a shot of them dropping them. I also think it should have been a bigger moment when Iorek gives Lyra her new name. He doesn't even explain why. Why rush over this!

Also there were some powerful moments in the episode, shots and music swelling to real gravitas, then it would cut to Will's story and the momentum was lost.
So frustrating!

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When will Iorek give me my bear name :weary::weary::weary:? The fight to the death between the bears....just like that? Why??? No more budget for the cgi?

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My god this is so boring... lazy writing and there is always one character that explains what's going on, like we are too stupid to understand. I don't know why I'm still watching this show

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Asriel is a creep too like Mrs Coulter? WTF?
Looking forward to the next episode.

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Funny, how the people in an “official position” to read an aleothemeter can’t actually read it, or rather, they read, but they do not understand the true meaning. (Remind you of anything/anyone?:sweat_smile:)
A knife in a tower with angels around it? Sheesh. How about something tall with a weapon in it, and angels… how about people with wings, that could be the witches, or those little vicious air goblin thingies. I doubt it’ll be angels or a knife. Maybe not even a tower :upside_down:

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Can someone tell me why the hell was he so pleased with Roger being there? Is Roger his son?

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I have to say that the fight had some pretty impressive affects - this is definitely not two people in bear suits.

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The sub-story about Will & his mother is so freaking slow. They could’ve done a better job with the editing. Like place in it’s own episode or something.

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