Your mum is bad and your dad is worse...

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I rarely fast forward an episode but I had to on this one... I kept telling myself that the show would get better but let's be honest it was painful and boring to watch this season. it feels like a badly told kid story. I'm sure the books are way better. That's a shame because it must have cost a fortune to make, it's just bad directing I guess.
I won't come back for the next season if they make one.

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After each episode of this show, I kept asking myself, "What the hell am I watching here?" After this 8th and final episode, I still have no idea.

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that was disappointing, Rogers death felt so telegraphed in the fist half of the episode that it didn't even leave any kind of impression
which is a common problem with the writing, they seem to do the story by an episode by episode basis leaving plot exposition and character development for the very last minute like Iofur's desire for a daemon or character development between Lyra and Roger making it feel as if his only purpose in the story was to be a sacrifice and not be an actual character

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Lyra's parents are evil beyond belief...

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there was a moment very early on in the episode when lyra smiled so big at azriel and he just looked away and it made me want to cry

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How is it that liked characters, who will be killed off soon, get some very meaningful and tear jerking lines before that happens…
And that people who need to hurry, especially when it’s about life and death, somehow stop a lot during the way for dramatic pause.
We all know she’d have been in time if she hadn’t been stopping :upside_down:

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Lyra's Dad...Lord A**HOLE...and, I thought Boreal and Coulter were the baddy's!

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