I fell asleep, started again and fell asleep again. Not my cup of tea.

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I really hoped I'll never see the annoying little girl from House ever again. But I gave her benefit of the doubt thinking she was just that good at her role.
But after watching this episode I realized she's just that bad at being her.

Bad acting, bland story and shitload of buzzwords that may sound exotic to majority of the audience, but make absolutely no sense to anyone who knows them already.

I rate it "if a stranger offers you drugs , say thank you cause drugs are expensive" out of ten

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This was only the 2nd episode of the whole series that got my attention throughout, unaware of what was going on or away to happen. It’s about a man who has everything, including things that no others have or can have. I will watch again as a 2nd viewing may lead to revealing more.

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What in the actual fuck did I just watch? I've never done acid but this episode makes me feel like this is what an acid trip would look and feel like. Never again.

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"Everyone has two lives, and the second life begins the moment you realize that, all along, you only had one."

Same director as Mandy so of course we get some beautiful visuals. It has a lot of style and the synth music is hypnotising. Peter Weller's otherworldly voice goes perfectly with all that. One sniff of cocaine and you're transported into whatever this is... well maybe I needed a little bit of that to enjoy it because it was a bunch of nonsense. The monster looked amazing though. Also I never imagined i'd see Velma (Scooby-Doo) do some coke in my lifetime, that was funny.

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This one is completely successful. I was never bored, never sure what exactly was going on, or what was going to happen next.

Continuously interesting.

This is the only one so far that you could watch a second or third time and potentially get more out of it than the first.

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I think this and Autopsy might be my favourite ones in this collection.

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I get how some people find the buildup of this episode boring, but I was fully okay with existing in that hazy neon-honey dreamland for as long as I could. Ironically much better at portraying cosmic horror than the previous two episodes based on Lovecraft; knowledge, wealth, creativity, and spirituality all swallowed up into an unstoppable, unknowable entity. No use in fighting, only running as far as you can. This episode was vague, dreamy, and uncomfortable, and I had a good time with it.

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What a stupid episode. Creators must have been high on cheddar cheese

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worst in the entire season

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Of course the best episode of the season has the lowest rating in here lol. It makes a bit of sense, given how different this is from the others, but still.
Can't believe they let Panos Cosmatos do his thing. From the aesthetics, to the synth, to the drug-fueled madness, this is 100% him, and the most unique episode of the whole show.

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like some said: dont watch this garbage!

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Boring AF. A complete waste of my time.

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Only episode worth rewatching, which makes it handy that it works so well as a stand-alone (albeit brief) movie. As usual, Panos Cosmatos is astounding. Perfect setting, tone, atmosphere and music (Oneohtrix Point Never on top form as usual). The only episode that even gets close to being Lovecraftian despite the official adaptations in earlier episodes.
Eric André needs more horror roles! Really nice to see Peter Weller in his element and back to his SF/horror roots.

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Visually stunning but the slow pacing of this episode and the plot wasnt enough to keep me interested.

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This is the hidden gem of the series. It's worth watching for the direction and photography alone. It ranks above The Autopsy, which is my second favourite.

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Well, someone must have watched John Carpenter's Prince of Darkness recently...

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In "The Viewing" six people sit around a table and do drugs for three quarters of the episode's running time. But in the last quarter, things really get going. I wouldn't say that the beginning is uninteresting, though. Panos Cosmatos' use of a trashy B-movie atmosphere fits the plot perfectly. The cast is also very good overall. Peter Weller always works, and I could never complain about Sofia Boutella. When actors like Eric André, Charlyne Yi or Steve Agee appear, who are more associated with the comedy genre, it quickly becomes clear that there is a different vibe than in the other episodes of "Cabinet of Curiosities". And there are actually quite a lot of funny moments, even if Cosmatos doesn't skimp on gore in the finale. The look of the episode takes some getting used to, but I was never bored. Overall, "The Viewing" is one of the series' better chapters.

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Season 1 was a mixed bag. The first 4 episodes were great, the rest were not nearly as compelling.

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How do you make something look so 1979? I mean even the filming technique, not just what we see and hear. It does look like it’s filmed analogue.
And the light? It’s like it’s seeping through people. This thing already is a trip, haha. Panos Cosmosis… Cosmatos. Indeed.

What a flick! It’s somewhat reminiscent of the episode 3, The Autopsy, as it is a somewhat similar topic.

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A Psychedelic trip that had no explanation or ending really.

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Wtf did I just watch. Absolutely no story, the conclusion was a very lazy suggestion.

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i hope anyone read my review before he watch this episode, dude, it's one of bad episodes u gonna see through your whole life

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Great visuals, great music, but this was really slow, quite boring

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I liked it. This was fun watch.

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It's as captivatiing as Mandy. Absolutely brilliant.

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That's one hour of my life I ain't getting back...

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This is the first time I give a score of 1 to a series. It was painful to watch and I didn't enjoy it one bit.

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Panos Cosmatos will bend your brain. If you liked Mandy and Beyond the Black Rainbow, sit back and enjoy the show.

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Definitely the episode with the most distinguishable visuals. This anthology puts a lot of emphasis on the directors for each episode, but it might be the first time you could see the difference. It has the same strengths and weaknesses as Cosmatos' "Mandy": a personal style with a memorable atmosphere, but an absolutely unnecessarily long preface killing the pacing. Not too much of a problem considering the not-so-demanding runtime.

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Smokers being inconvenient, as always.

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I can’t believe I just sat all the way through that. I kept thinking it would liven up and something interesting would happen, then…. all of a sudden…… the credits started to roll.
That has got to be the worst episode up to now, and there’s been some bad ones prior to it. Completely boring and pointless episode.

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Considering I'm fairly indifferent to the one previous Cosmatos I've seen (Mandy), I didn't expect for this to be my favorite of the anthology so far (only have Kent's The Murmuring left to see). Mainly because it solves my two persistent problems with this type of patient, sonically droning, visually dazzling horror: the slow-burn shouldn't preclude some lively personalities/performances/interactions to operate within its framework, in which the ensemble's dynamic here is engaging to watch played out, and this running length is perfect for the horror type's often thin premises.

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Oof...this is slow. I don't know why the wealthy host (Peter Weller) chose the four people he did. They were supposedly picked because of their unique skills. So here's a thought, don't get them high on cocaine if you're going to need them for their talents. Anyway, nothing really happens until the last 15 minutes or so, and at that point, the undeniably weird but still cool conclusion couldn't rescue the episode. Still though, I really didn't know what was going on and that redeems the story somewhat.

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i had actually really liked the slow burn of this episode in the beginning. i was thoroughly intrigued by all the characters and i was so excited to see why they were all there! the last ten minutes completely fell apart for me, and i wasn't satisfied at all with the way it ended. i guess it was fine

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What a waste of almost a full hour of my time. Although certainly not the worst VISUALLY, this episode has to rank as one of the worst - if not THE worst - of this entire collection. Like others have pointed out, the visual effects were great but the conclusion left me wondering why I had just sat here for an hour when I could have been watching so many other shows or reading a good book. I would recommend ticking this one off as "Watched" and skipping over it because it makes absolutely no sense and truly is a waste of your time. Completely awful.

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Series starts off fairly good, but this episode is a real exception. Feels half-baked with weak narrative thread, as if someone threw a bunch of money at a film student and said "do stuff until the budget runs out).

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This so far is my second favorite episode of this season. I do understand how some people wouldn't like it because it's kinda weird and funky and would probably be off-putting to your basic plain jane average simple person

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Peter Weller is in fine form here.

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lol good thing I persevered. That ending portion was crazy. One of the best in this anthology.

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The worst episode so far. In most others, I felt the story was pretty rich, at least for a full tale told in under one hour, and maybe even a good lesson or two to take from them. This had one twentieth the amount of story compared to episodes 1, 4, or 5 despite being the same runtime. Like the writers ran out of ideas and let the visual effects people make an entire episode.

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[Netflix] Far from the usual gothic tone in the series, Pan Cosmatos' proposal is a retro horror story from the seventies that works well especially in its aesthetics that sometimes recalls Nicolas Winding Refn. The development is somewhat unbalanced but it has one of the best endings in the series, it brings back Peter Weller and the viewing is generally quite satisfactory.

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The Akira ref with the taillights really tied the whole insane experience together.

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I loved the vibes in this episode. Jodorowsky meets Carpenter. I can see why people who value plot above everything would dislike it. It's more about the atmosphere.

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Panos Cosmatos. Someone please give this guy his own show.

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