They saved the best for last. Beautifully made. A full movie in 68 minutes. Each character makes sense and you care deeply for the woman and her husband.
Also deliciously creepy and shocking where appropriate, but those moments are in service of a much greater whole.
An excellent piece of cinematic storytelling.

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A sad but beautiful short story. Might not be for everyone, but I enjoyed it. Cool to see Lincoln in something different.

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Well-acted, beautiful scenery and emotionally packed dealing with grief and loss. What stands out about it is the drama with the two characters and their dynamics. Also the birds were interesting but the whole ghost stuff was very generic and unoriginal. Not the best episode but it's well placed as the last one sinse it ends on an emotional note.

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Starts out promising, but falls flat when it becomes an unoriginal ghost story.

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If I were to rate this on a scale for horror, it would be low. Yes, there is a ghost story buried in this but in reality, it's a love story wrapped around loss. So I rated it for the drama it is. (It reminded me more of an independent film trying to win awards hitting all the cliches)

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Birdwatching, ghosts and some of the most obnoxious wives ever. Although painfully bland, I can see why they got Jennifer Kent to direct this.

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Kent and del Toro crafted an absolute masterpiece, filled it with the two most perfect actors for the roles, and polished it to cinematic perfection. I grieve because it's over, but am thrilled that it happened.

... it doesn't hurt that I have a total crush on Essie Davis

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I didn't realize it was Andrew Lincoln til i saw the credits. Haven't seen him since I stopped watching TWD at season 6.

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The man is insensitive, always horny, snores, takes all the credit, makes terrible sandwiches.

I rate it "congratulations Guillermo, you won one way ticket to propagandaland" out of ten.

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Best episode of this season.

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What a terrible episode, soooo boring.

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This became emotionally very strong.
And such beautiful images.

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Easily the best episode with The Outside being the worst.

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This one was a bit boring. Still nice production and good actors but the story is pretty limited, at least in the framing of this show.

Yes, the subject of a couple's grief following the death of a child is extremely well treated. You can really feel her pain and their difficulty communicating despite their love. Specially Edgar's dong all he can while Nancy shuts down and bashes him whatever he is trying. It is painful to watch. This is very good. But that's out of place here, this is not what this show is for.

The ghost story added on top of it is very basic, contrasting fiercely with the work that was put into the characters.

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I was surprised to find this, the final episode, to be the most straight-forward of them all. It's a story of loss and of something lost, regained. While this was a story I've certainly seen before, it was well-acted and had some surprisingly creepy, almost scary moments. I found it to be the most frightening of the series, even though the ground tread here has been walked on many times before.

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this story was so beautiful, and was objectively one of the best i think.

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I was almost completely done with this episode - and didn't have a very positive review for it - when I finally realized why the acting was so "wooden" and almost lifeless. (Hint: Read the synopsis) When you get to that point in the film, you understand exactly WHY their acting seems so dull and uninteresting and suddenly (for me, anyway) it takes on a brand-new depth and you suddenly realize these people were doing a stupendous job at portraying exactly what they were going through. Although not the most gruesome of episodes (not to be a spoilsport, but there's no blood, guts, or gore here) this was a brilliant story that was brilliantly portrayed. The ending was as perfect as you could ask for in a story like this. This was probably - even though it definitely seemed to crawl at many places (and the character of "Nancy" was infuriating at times) - my favorite episode of the entire collection. Haven't decided if I'll watch any more of these (if there ARE any more) as the collection - on the whole - just didn't do a lot for me. But this particular episode was definitely worth watching.

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[Netflix] A splendid horror story as a reflection of a personal trauma, built almost as if it were a theatre play, with only two characters revealing the frustration and the feeling of mourning. Although well executed, the ghost scenes actually reflect the inner world of the characters, in a beautiful gothic display of human relationships and the different ways of coping with loss.

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It feels like, given the tone and nature of the other episodes, this is a strange bookend to the first season. The outlier in the season is episode 07. It's so stylistically different given Panos Cosmatos's direction, it feels a bit out of line with the others. Why not reverse the order and give this episode a bit more weight? I'm not knocking "The Murmuring," at all. I think it's quite good. But putting an episode like this at the end of the run can sometimes be detrimental to its impact.

Everyone is expecting something grand, and this story is anything but. Bump it up in the order and the viewer is expecting a bit less out of it, which allows them to appreciate something like this story more. Regardless, it's another good bit of a great season. I'm excited to see what's next.

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best episode of 8, not sure about the other tho

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