Execution was messy and it was cheesy overall. Rupert Grint is a great actor in Servant but he's somehow no good in here. They probably did one or two takes and called it a day. The witch was laughable and what a weird design for a witch, she looked like a scarecrow to me. At least the talking rat (and the fact that Rupert Grint is in this) made me think of Prisoner of Azkaban. Not a fan of episodes 5 and 6 I hope the last two make up for it.

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This episode started out okay, almost promising, but towards the end became comically bad. The scene in the church was like something out of a horror parody movie. I have not read the original Lovecraft story, but I doubt this does it any justice.

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Scabbers' revenge.

(Random words to make Trakt happy)

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I quite liked the build up, but unfortunately it didn't fully stick the landing for me. Nice to see Rupert Grint in this episode. Thought he did a great job.

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This is the worst episode in this series so far. The writing was really off, I couldn't keep track with the decisions of the characters. I still have no idea who that rat-man was...
It's unfortunate since I really liked the cast and the visual effects.

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Grint's performance is a bit too melodramatic, as did everyone else's in this one actually. Great production nonetheless. I liked the setting, the period costume and set design, especially that of the house. Creepy creepy house. The villain just was too much, bordering on caricature. Overall at the same level as episode 4. Not that compelling, but great visuals.

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"Dreams in the Witch House" may not be the worst episode of "Cabinet of Curiosities", but it is definitely the most boring. I wouldn't have realized it was a Lovecraft story if Guillermo del Toro hadn't mentioned it in the introduction. I usually associate Lovecraft with an eerie, creepy, and disturbing atmosphere. That is not the case here. Unlike most other episodes in the series, the effects were also underwhelming. The combination of Rupert Grint and a rat is nothing new, but it was way better in "Prisoner of Azkaban".

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Ah I can’t stop thinking outlander during this. And also, so frustrating to be Gusman. Especially when you think you’re in a community where people will believe you, and yet they don’t.

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There was no context to the rat, completely unexplained. This was not the best story that's come out of the anthology.

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This one started strong and then kinda went off the rails. And the Outlander theme kept throwing me off lol.

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Given up on the series. Not for me.

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Like the previous one, this is a very extended Lovecraft story. For instance the main central subject, the sister, does not exist in the original story in which he is just investigating the witch house.

Again, this makes it a bit longer than it should, it's not that interesting, but it's passable. The witch's design is one of the good points. The way she's taken care of is a bit stupid, it was that simple ?

OK twist ending, nicely set up by the intro.

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This really did a disservice to the source material. It took a few characters and a couple of concepts but none of the good plot elements.

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the episode seemed much too long....seemingly introducing too many characters out of the blue.

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I understand that this series needs a certain degree of campiness, but this episode was a pure cheesefest. The witch looked pretty cool though.

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it hurts me to rate it so low, especially because of Rupert Grint (he did a great job)! i just wasn't captured at all by the story. i thought that the message of addiction was well told, but that's about it

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The witch creature was a cool creation that was pretty scary, but everything else was dull.

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Interesting to watch this one just a couple of days after seeing Dreams in the Witch House on a Masters of Horror episode on TubiTV. The story in Masters of Horror almost seemed like a sequel to THIS particular tale as the old man (in the MoH episode) kept asking, "You saw the rat with the man's face, didn't ya?" Apart from the "rat with the man's face", the two stories were world's apart, having absolutely nothing in common. This particular episode on Netflix just didn't do much for me; the story seemed disjointed and the ending, especially, didn't make a lot of sense. Not sure what Lovecraft was going for but if this is any indication, I probably can't call myself a real fan of his work. Again, not the worst story of the series, but definitely didn't hold my interest.

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Shout by hannah

i mean, when i think about it, it actually makes a lot of sense as a story told by a ghost witch's rat familiar who inexplicably had a human skull.

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My God, it keeps getting worse, this one managed to be worst than the previous

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[Netflix] As in the previous adaptation, there is a concept problem in the visualization of H.P. Lovecraft, which in the end is a decaffeinated and boring version, here with dreams and witches. Perhaps it is a target problem, although other stories in the series are more focused from this point of view, or perhaps it is that the director of "Twilight" (2008) is not the most appropriate for this type of adaptation.

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That sent me to sleep,by far the worst episode yet.

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Another weak episode. Fantasy, not horror. A terrible lovecraft story. Getting worse as it goes on. 1/10.

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best episode so far ! love it !

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