Shame is all I can think of for this season. They ruined every character and meanwhile Bran is still playing raven simulator:sweat_smile:

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Give me back all the hours I spent watching this... this thing. All of it. All the seasons. It can't end like this.

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It was all so... unnecessary.
And I'm pretty sure in the final episode #AryaKillsDany

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Guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree after all.

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Shout by DipperDolphin

I never really liked Daenerys, but I completely lost sympathy with her in this episode. Worse than all the tyrants before her, including Cerci, but still thinks she's some amazing ruler that the people love.

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An excellent episode of television that, for better or worse, is a return to the kind of emotionally harrowing storytelling that made this show's name.

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I wouldn't say that it was the worst GoT episode ever as there is still one (corrected!) to come, but sorry it was really horrible. The message seems to be mankind are the biggest monsters and your blood controls all your doing, reasons have no place in the world and so it is better that it will end. If that is the narration that GoT want to bring to us after such a long time - mission accomplished. So we have to hope there is still a really good turn in the story or I have to say watching over all these years was a waste of time.
The current emotional payoff is the exact opposite of what Avengers: Endgame just gave us a few weeks ago.

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Shout by Louise

Prediction for the final episode: No one sits on the iron throne because everyone (except Arya probably) in all of Westeros are dead.

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Merciful death to Cersei...she should've been burned like Varys....didn't like Cleagane -dog- to die...missandei's lover went mad like Dany, Cersei's soldiers surrendered but he started the killing? Where did the white horse came from? Out of nowhere...we'll have to wait til next Sun

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Cersei deserved so much worse than it got. That thing wasn't even human, and after everything it did, the sick, demented writers played its death as a sad moment deserving of sympathy. That thing deserved to have its sadistic smirk carved off its face w/ a sharp, jagged piece of steel. The entire Lannister bloodline deserved to be burned off the face of the planet.

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Well, at least this episode looks good. And if you forget where the fire is coming from there are some good moments.

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Watched on HBO Max. No idea what the writers really wanted to portray here. Daenerys is badass? The unsullied are invincible? Like what the hell did I just watch? If what they wanted to show is the level of violence and destruction a Targaryean represents, then they did a good job! Jon Snow ended up making a fool of himself. Arya Stark is another badass character, isn't she? Several characters die, many of them, and the death of Lord V... That was kind of sad. Anyways, it is predictable what will happen in the last episode of the show. So, in conclusion, this episode showed what a woman like Daenerys can make with power. She was advised to not use, say, "the ring", but she couldn't break up that temptation. So, in the end, it wasn't a terrible episode. It is just something that doesn't follow a logical consequence with respect to previous episodes. But if we isolated this episode, we can say it is not that bad. Supernatural power can be dangerous.

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Shout by Ro

Daenerys: "Far more people in Westeros love you than love me; I don't have love here. I only have fear."
Jon Snow: "I love you. And you will always be my Queen."
Daenerys: "Is that all I am to you? Your Queen? Alright then: let it be fear

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Bitch Dany deserves to die. I wish Night king had killed that dragon too.

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The creator being killed by the creature. Qyburn spent so much time “modifying” the Mountain for him to transform like that and was killed by him in a matter of milliseconds. He didn't even feel it. And I think Cersei's face is funny in this scene. She just passes by Sandor and leaves the two there to kill themselves. I don't know why, but it's hilarious.

Like the previous one, this episode is more magnificent if seen in blu-ray, technically speaking. Flawless in open plans, in special effects. Great images. For me the problem of this season is still the duration, it was the greatest enemy of the narrative. In my view, they should have kept 10 episodes at all times. Perhaps things would go better.

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First re-watch and I really enjoyed this episode. It's like the opening of Saving Private Ryan extended for an hour. Marvelous on a technical level.
Yeah, Cersei didn't got the ending she deserved but at least she didn't get what she wanted shrugs

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Can somebody tell me why they were rushing to end GoT? I honestly have no idea. Would love to get some responses.

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She's mad.. in all sense of the word.

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Shout by AJ
BlockedParentSpoilers2019-07-28T21:50:07Z— updated 2023-08-24T17:05:35Z

Sure. Conquer the whole Westeros without a bloodshed, even if it's the harder way. Take King's Landing focusing your attacks only on the enemy troops and not the civilians. Have them surrender the city. And just when you have won... then burn it all, kill them all, obliterate the city! That makes a lot of sense.

I guess now we know why he didn't finish the book series yet - he has no clue on how to do it properly.

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I'm confused. The previous episode ended with Varys saying that maybe he will betray Daenerys; this episode started with him being the traitor. How he betrayed her? He helped Euron tellinf him about their moving or what? I didn't get it.

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It might be the worst season of the show but this was the best episode, so far, of this season.

Everything whining about character slaughter, how they die and whatnot, this episode puts things into perspective. This episode shows that, even with character development, they are all human and sometimes it’s difficult to let go of the things you’ve grown up with, positive (Jaime) or negative (Arya), and sometimes you realise you’ve been trying to become someone you’re not (namely Jaime, Arya, Jon, and Tyrion). The only ones who actually grew up are Sandor and Sansa; let’s just wait how the show ends with Sansa.

All in all, this episode was beautiful and absolutely visceral in its visuals.

I loved the ending shots of Arya and the horse, which seem to mean something but I just don’t understand what at the moment.

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The bloodiest battle. There were clues to what was going to happen, but we did not want to see them. Some expected endings, others not so much. Now I do not see how it ends

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Lol, the episode description is so spoilery.

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Good episode... Queen targerian always is crazy

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loved it cause it did challenge me with the plot narrative which did take an uncanny route setting the stage a dramatic season finale .People getting their feelings hurt cause the narrative didn't go their way , it's not about how you want it to end ,that's meant for the authors lol

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Remember when the show wasn't an insult to the audience's intelligence...

Jon Snow in Season 8 'My Queen', 'I don't want it' and brooding.

2017 - 2018: [Interviews] Oh they're trying to be funny
2019: Oh they were warning us

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The quality of this episode can be measured by how many WTFs you said while watching...

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i need a xanax after that.

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What the f*ck just happened? The good became the bad?

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Shout by AC1476

Daenerys is just as crazy as the Mad King now.

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Shout by k p

This is what happened when a dumb chick headbutted with a crazy chick. HOLY FREAKING COW!

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