unwatchable and dead af, figuratively and literally smh

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Stick them with the pointy end

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Fantastic episode! Absolutely great! I was nervous through out the entire episode.

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Long live the Night King

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Shout by deanzel

"Everyone! Remain calm! The Crypts are perfectly SAFE!!!!! I repeat, the CRYPTS ARE SAFE!!"

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Shout by André Dias
BlockedParent2019-04-29T02:21:00Z— updated 2019-06-07T14:34:00Z

How badass can Lyanna Mormont be?

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Shout by Gotrek Felix
BlockedParentSpoilers2019-04-29T05:54:04Z— updated 2020-07-01T11:02:08Z

So in this big battle where "your favourite characters gonna die" they killed like 4-5 totally side characters nobody really cares about and defeated the night king in a lame ass way. Dissapointment is not even the best word to describe this episode.

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Shout by Deleted

This is an absolute failure on all fronts and the fact it is so highly rated disturbs me. Easily the worst episode of this show, and this has singlehandedly destroyed any remaining faith I had for the rest of this series. What a disgrace.

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What was this, Disney’s Game of Thrones? All these seasons of build-up... and we get this? How many characters of importance died?

I’m disappointed.

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This episode is a masterpiece, perfect combination of tension, action and drama. The final was epic.. I didn't even blink for most of the episode. Just an amazing battle.. now is time for Cersei to die hopefully by the kingslayer hand.

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Shout by Romy

fucked up ending. Fr they killed knight king so easily .

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This episode: The night so dark I can't see the terrors.

Knowing Game of Thrones, somehow I’m disappointed in how few main characters died that episode.

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The Best GoT episode thus far! Avengers end game can't even compare.... bwuahahha

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I enjoyed the episode and I was pretty engaged in it BUT it's been solved a little bit too easy. Too much plotting and not enough "smarts".
It's a bit rushed and a bit anti-climatic. They could have spent a bit more time fleshing it out.

And what are they going to do for three more episodes?

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OMG! This was amazing! I'm astonished!

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if this episode doesn't get rated 10 out of 10... then what would?

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Shout by lorenzoDG

From the beginning until the end this episode got me wink not once °_°

Petyr: "You're welcome..."


And now good luck with Cersei...

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GOT is the greatest thing to happen to humanity. So much hype was going around this ep, so many emotions... and it delivered. Nobody expected that. And i love so much about this ep that not a lot of people died as i was expecting. And as if i didint have enough reasons to love her, now im just obsessed with Arya,she is 100% my favorite. If she dies, im going to hate GOT.
one thing tho that im confused about is whats next, theres 3 episodes left, so all of them gon be about the battle with cersei??!! if they survived this night king shit they are supposed to die because of cersei dumnass.

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Shout by Deleted

Almost everything from cinematography, sound design, actors to set design ist world class! This episode had some of the best shots I have ever seen in a TV show, period. BUT the writing was complete and utter shit. Following the trend of season 7, D&D decided to wrap up the story as quickly as possible without spending any thought in writing a script that is worth being called a "Game of Thrones" episode.

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I stan only one (1) badass and that's Arya freaking Stark. SHE DID THAT.

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well I have to say this is one of the best episodes I have ever seen. it's one of the few shows that has me clinging to my emotions. action packed, eventful and a joy to watch. best episode so far.

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Shout by AJ

What a great episode!!! If only we could have seen a damn thing, with all the darkness and the cold mist and the blurry action scenes... :unamused:

Also... fighting an army of undead? Shelter the women and children in a cemetery!! Brilliant idea :thumbsup:

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I cried when Jorah died.

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Assuming there's no twist (still hopeful there is), episode 8x03 The Long Night has ruined the whole series for me.
The episode was action pact from start to finish and well done if one uses their imagination since visually one couldn't actually see a great deal!
For the bulk of the key players to be on the front line/thick of it and survive what was an onslaught/annihilation and the night king felled so easily by arya stark smells of typical american BS!

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overall impression: bullshit hollywood movie (i.e same crap like marvel, DC).

but hands down, beautifully done BS.

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What do we say to the god of death?

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Mostly I just question the general trend in cinematography where there is an insistence on shooting nighttime like you are stuck halfway down a coal mine. You're trading a bearable viewing experience for hyperrealism. I remember when this came out and thinking, "lol they've spent so much time and money on all this action for hardly any of it to be seen and enjoyed". I think my favourite scene would have to be Arya in the library, reminded me of the Jurassic Park lab moment.

a charitable 7 cause idk, i do like set pieces. everyone's 4's are justified.

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The episode could be summed up by a great quote from someone somewhere

“The night is dark and full of errors”

This episode is was actually a lot better visually wise when the lighting is fixed.

Still kind of cringy/obnoxious watching Jamie die like 7 times…

My brain would hurt trying to write down every logical thing that doesn’t make sense O_o

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Shout by Muhammad Salman
BlockedParent2024-03-25T02:29:56Z— updated 2024-04-01T01:12:41Z

Good on a technical level (apart from the terrible lighting) but some of the worst written stuff in the show.

So the battle of the bastards is still the best fight in this show so far. (Edit: still is)

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I don't see why everyone is so upset w/ this episode. I really don't see their complaints as valid, as this was the culmination of everything everyone had fought for. It was an incredibly epic episode, albeit a big long.

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Shout by Francisco J. Viba
BlockedParent2023-02-22T01:32:02Z— updated 2023-05-19T15:41:52Z

I rate episodes according to the number of tears and shivers. Right, time to drink five glasses of water!

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the most stressful episode in tv ever.

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The cinematography was amazing in this episode. The yellow light from the fire in the dark was beautiful. I really liked the ending as well. They know how to build suspense haha

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The episode doesn't make sense! What a bunch of absurdities I just watched! Oh, Jupiter! The only good thing I can tell is the special effects and the cinematography. Fascinating! But the argument doesn't make much sense, and the fact that Arya appears from nothing to do what she did at the end is just dumb and stupid. Also, what's the point of putting female warriors? Like, come on, right? Brienne can be accepted, but Lyanna Mormont, and then Arya Stark? Well, the episode wasn't too bad after all because of some scenes that were worth it to watch, like the love between Sansa and Tyron, and the part where Clegane gets rid of his pessimism. But, who knows, maybe in the next episode these absurdities are explained. But for now, they don't make sense at all. Seemed like an episode of the Walking Dead (laughs). The only reason this episode was not a 2 is because of the special effects, the cinematography, the soundtrack, and a couple of scenes. If Arya behaved normal and remained in the crypt, like her sister, this episode could have been an 8. That's why it's a 5 instead.

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Putting aside the problem with the cinematography, this was as good, if not better, as any previous action-packed penultimate episode. You could feel the despair.

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Definitely the absolute worst episode of game of thrones. One massively long, boring and stupidly illogical battle scene designed for teenage boys. Pointless waffle heavy in manipulation of the viewer... 1/10. Watch the last 5 minutes, you'll miss nothing. Yawn.

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My favourite episode out of all the seasons! The Night King score is next level!

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let's pretend like i didn't break my no got rules but


say hello to the best episode of game of thrones

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They made Jon looks so useless

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Shout by mg_grey

I'm still hoping that THAT battle with the white walkers didn't just end up in one episode. The build up was so long, like seasons long, and I wished the battle was maybe 2 episodes max. Ugh. Idk.

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Epic! I will never forget that!

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The strategy they chose was perhaps not the best but it seems to me that on the emotional level the episode worked, showing the chaos of battle in an appropriate way. It is a great pity that Lyanna and Jorah Mormont were killed, there were too few scenes with Lyanna, and from what I know from spoilers, Jorah's death contributed to Dany's madness.

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So... am I the only person who gets bored to tears of these fighting episodes?

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When Jon is rounded by all those new resurrected enemies they're at a few steps from him and the scene changes. When it comes back to Jon and the deaths, the enemies are far from him and he can face them 1vs1 (more or less). Also their number looks lower. Then comes the dragon... same old script.
Also: when someone is in danger you already know that a friend will come at the very last for a save.

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Really a masterpeace!!! I can't think this season is the last one…

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What the fuck is with this episode. I cant see shit!! Very dark

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Shout by Allebales
BlockedParentSpoilers2019-05-20T18:33:59Z— updated 2019-05-27T13:12:10Z

Cool spectacle, but... So. Much. Plot. Armor. And they handled the NK in the worst way possible.

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Last good episode of GoT, I'm calling it right now.

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Just watched it for the second time now and I really must say that I don't think I've seen anything like it on TV yet. Pure masterpiece!

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This was the most EPIC battle in the GOT series. The best episode EVER!!!!

I couldn't breathe properly for the whole episode.

And yes ARYA had to be the one to kill the Night King. It was so satisfactory!
That move was so COOL!

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Best TV Episode EVER! My heart rate spiked the entire show

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An acheivement in cinematography, effects, music and MOTHER****ING TENSION. You can literally feel chills everywhere while watching this new masterpiece of television. A huge production, long hours and a lot of rehearsal made this episode a cinematic (yet unnecesarily too dark in terms of photography) experience like no other.

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Dark! I mean literally. I'm like 30cm away from the screen just to make sense of what's behind the darkness.

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I don't understand why is everybody complaining about the light. I saw everything. Buy some glasses.

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Shout by Jim G.

So there was this skirmish in very bad lighting at night. Some people died in the very bad lighting. Then they all got better in the very bad lighting. Then they died again once Arya proved just how kickass a small package can be...as long as that package has good night vision.

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The whole army being slaughtered while Bran is playing video games with ravens... but oh well.. 10/10

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This has been epic and inimitable

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Theon got balls stepping up like that! No pun intended....

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I think this one of the longest and best battle in TV/Movie history. Arya is really bad ass!!! She needs to be king of the 7 kingdoms :)

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Arya Fucking Stark!!! Amazing episode!

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And the fight came, epic, spectacular, anguished, the best battle of the series, for now

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Damn,this episode was fucking brutal.

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Well, it was awesome. But was it awesome enough? More or less everything that you expected beforehand did happen and I was hoping for a plot twist that didn't happen.

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