That greyscale transition was fucking diabolical lmao, the ketchup and blood transition from breaking bad but worse.

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Stannis told Jon that they had a buttload of Dragonglas on Dragonstone. But it takes a letter from Sam to bring this to Jon's attention. :person_facepalming:

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Shout by Ro

Olenna Tyrell: "The lords of Westeros are sheep. Are you a sheep? No. You're a dragon. Be a dragon."

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Arya's reunion with Hot Pie, I loved it. Mainly because he was the one to tell about Jon being King of the North and taking Winterfell back. This scene always leaves me fulfilled, Arya's expression when she realizes that she can go home, that she will be able to find her family again... EVERYTHING to me.

Euron Greyjoy is crazy as hell. I really like this final sequence, the special effects were incredible. And I am sorry for Theon, I can no longer judge him or blame him for running away.

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The scenes with Arya were quite moving, both when she reconnects with Hot Pie and then when she comes across Nymeria and her pack. The direwolf seems to recognise her as it doesn't allow other wolves in the pack to attack Arya but it is sad to see Nymeria go without joining Arya, they would have make a great team. But it is Game of thrones so what can one expect ;)

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Going to top this year, the final part surprised me

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I tried my best during all the episode just to NOT shit myself and cry and shout to the tv.

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Shit!!! The battle was awesome.
Arya got me to emotional. I want to see her with Jon so badly.
Daenerys you are the fucking Queen. But she needs to take some actions real soon.
I hate Littlefinger, he's to creepy.
OMG!!! The scene between Grey Worm and Missandei was hot and adorable.
Samuel is gonna be a huge part in this season. I can feel it.

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Nós it's pretty clear that Arya is dead and that's actually the Waif using her face. Even Nymeria recognized that.

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Shout by Deleted

Arya and Nymeria scene was so emotional, i cried like a baby..And that scene with Euron at the end.. wow!! He is insane! i love it.. poor yara tho! Theon sees him as Ramsay 2.0.., i really loved this episode and i cant wait to see Jon and Daenerys finally having a scene together for the first time!

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Things are starting to play out the way that they were expected to play out, but that doesn't make it any less amazing to watch it happen onscreen. Great acting and another great battle scene, even if someone's next family reunion is going to be a bit awkward on a couple of fronts. It's hard not to root for a Dany and Jon alliance, and who would want to? And who would want to root against Littlefinger dying slowly and painfully in a fire at this point? And finally, Grey Worm has good taste. Very, very, very good taste.

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Shout by Deleted

Rip 2 sand snakes...someone kill Euron soon...he wants to be on Cercei's side well that puts him on my kill list haha...but dang what an epic fight! But that transition from greyscale to the pie ahhh GOT stop freaking us out like that lol first was the Crap/"Soup" scenes like geez lol...also no one else I like better die or I swear lol

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Dammit Reek, I mean Theon, or is he? I don't even know anymore! haha!
Good episode overall, I loved it when Jon Snow shoved Littlefinger against the wall and choked him, just like how Ned Stark did it in season 1, if anybody noticed. :)
Prediction: Littlefinger is kinda trapped now, he can't fool Jon Snow nor Sansa, I think he's going to die soon.

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Shout by Deleted

I would have loved Arya turning up to Winterfell with Nymeria and the wolf gang! :(

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Nice episode, 8 of of 10. Daenarys vs Varys, Jon vs Littlefinger, Euron vs the Sand Snakes, Yara and Theon, Arya vs Nymeria, greyscale vs pot pie.

The best part for me was when I finally recognised the new towering actor playing Dickon Tarly in the dialogue with Jamie. It's the infamous Billy Bones (Tom Hopper) from "Black Sails"! The pirates are here!

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Great episode, but I'm really disappointed with what they've done with the Dire Wolves. Dani has her dragons; the Starks need their wolves. I get what they did this episode, but I really wish Nymeria would have joined Arya. It was a reunion I've been waiting for, but they went the "artsy" way. I would have really liked seeing Arya with her wolf as she gets her revenge. Oh well.

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I get diarrhea every time Littlefinger speaks and/or is on screen. Someone just kill him already. Please.

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The synopsis here is a bit misleading. There was no sign of revolt whatsoever lol. Disagreement yes but no revolts. This season is very awesome. They did not lie when they said the final 14 episode of the series will be epic. Cannot wait for Jon Snow to arrive at dragonstone and have Daenerys' dragons acknowledge him as a targaryen. Will be an awesome sight :-)

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Shout by lilycollins

Just when I thought it couldn't get any better it does. I hope that Daenerys destroys Euron after what he did at the end of the episode.

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Shout by Deleted

It seems like they are tying to make Euron the next Joffrey/Ramsay antagonist.

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SHIT. That scene transition from removal of greyscale to some guy eating pot pie :s

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Another great episode as this season goes by i want more because i belueve that this season will be one of many great changes and the scale will shift greatly for one side. I am looking forward to the moment Danny will meet with Jon and also for the moment Jon learns the truth for who he really is.

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That sex scene or lack thereof was HOT with Greyworm and Missandei. And jeezus that skin removal made me grit my teeth so hard. So painful to watch. That switch to the pot pie was so tasteless LOL. I don't think I can ever look at pot pie the same ever again. =( Honestly the factions unity is so fragile it makes the episode even more intense. That verbal foreplay on the ship was hot but was super sad to see the sisters killed. Honestly that acting by Theon was amazing...seing those eyes take that familiar look of being broken was brilliant. Sad to see him like that again to be honest and leave his sister.

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Ew Baelish, just leave Sansa alone already ;_; dude, you're creepy af

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Shout by mg_grey

what I didn't like on this episode is the overly CGI'd blood spurts.. and I sort of predicted the Dornish girls and Yara (I still think of her as "Asha", cause that's her name in the books) would fail. They can't take on King's Landing that easily. and just kill Little Finger already!!! He's scheming face irritates me! haha!

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I'm gonna be completely honest: the battle scene, the last one, was one of the main reasons for me rating this a 9. The whole episode saw some pretty interesting advancements, but that end scene... Goddamn.

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Shout by Lee Emery

Gotta love an epic battle scene to close out a second episode of seven. Well freaking done. It was kind of predictable but that's all good. Looking forward to seeing how the rest of this season unfolds. So far so good.

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Shout by Deleted

Totally Ninja! Episode... I feel sad at the nymeria scene though.... I'm sure she'll return and save arya

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Shout by Deleted

Seems that all things happen so fast, maybe they needed one more season before serie ends.

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This episode was great even before those final 5 minutes, can really see stories moving forward at a quicker pace. With the end in sight, it's nice to see they're not even considering having 'pacing issues'.

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Shout by konvar

Hitler split his Army to fight on two fronts! FOOLS!

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Shout by Mark Linton

Really hope Arya meets up with Jon Snow. Can't help but think she's going to miss the king o' the norf and have to settle for her miserable sister.

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Shout by Deleted


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It was good. Everything is getting setup for the battle but it let us waiting for some more.

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What a fucking great episode!

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They should just rename this season, "No one is taking Littlefinger's shit anymore." Also, I'm pretty sure Game of Thrones just ruined chicken pot pie for me forever...

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Sensory overload. Happened almost too much, for just one viewing.....

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