Euron is deliciously evil! I didn't think much of Ramsay Bolton, but Euron Greyjoy is just the right kind of mad for me – the fun kind. To take on the Sand Snakes like that as well as besting Yara so easily – that is one badass right there!

Theon fleeing like that made perfect sense, and I'm glad they respected what he went through enough to be consistent with it. Definitely the kind of thing such a character would do. Man card revoked bruh.

And lastly, we come to Sansa, staying true to her poor form from the last episode. Once again opening her mouth when it wasn't needed at all. Jon shutting her up by giving her leadership was exactly the kind of thing I expected him to do – Go Jon!

I am more hoping Samwell finds out something about the greyscale that is related to dragons or the WW and so breaks him out / takes Mormont with him when he leaves in the late hours of the night.

Some thing like dragon fire cures/dragon spit causes him to go hybrid/dragon's accept him as a rider (better than Daenerys) or he is a walking bane to WW (and/or undead) (touch can kill etc).

There will not be a clean "cure", it will be something bad, but good for everyone else.

Seems like Olenna Tyrell is getting in Dany's ear which might get her to become the mad queen.

"That's not you".

If I recall correctly, going back to Season 1, there was a scene between Arya and Ned when they discuss about Bran not being able to walk anymore so he can't be a Kingsguard knight anymore but he can be a lord or a builder like the legendary Bran the Builder ( some say they are the same person but that's another story ). Anyways, Ned says to Arya that she will one day be a lady and she'll have her own castle and give birth to baby princes and princesses. Arya responds: "No. That's not me." which basically foreshadows her storyline.

I believe the "That's not you" line is the way the show tells the viewer Arya realizes that Nymeria has changed and she's not the "house wolf" anymore.

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