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Fate: The Winx Saga 2021

This show was great with an excellent storyline. I highly recommend it. Additionally, I would start pushing for a renewal of this show by putting a petition out for more episodes.

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The show is good (not the best) but still good, it's a generic teenager show but a good one. Most of low rates are just nostalgic people who can't move you from the original cartoon
If you want the OG Winx Club, watch the OG Winx Club, this is an A D A P T A T I O N.

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To Bad this show was canceled as I really Enjoyed Binge watching it.

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How the f I liked Beatrix and pretty much hated or ignored all "good" characters?
And omg can Stella be more annoying?! And Sky stupid?

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everyone in this show is so incredibly hot :00 everyone makes fun cos it’s fairies and shit but I could not care less I love it and it’s not as childish and weird as it comes across at first

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I feel like this show was made for the CW with how much drama is in it. I like some of the characters and the special effects are great, but there isn't enough magic or action.

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First things first, any Netflix original that is put out always has impeccable cinematography above all else. I truly don't know how they do it.

Now, I did hear that going into this that it's based off something. I'm not quite sure whether it's a comic or an anime, I plan on looking into it because I think I'd really like the source material aswell. But I went into this with no prior knowledge of the plotline and I was semi-impressed

I think Fate started out really strong, had a dip in the middle and had an alright ending for its first season. I just feel as though in the latter part of these preliminary six episodes that the main cast of characters started to fall into stereotypes and didn't stand out as much as I would have liked. There were some ramances that I felt were crammed in and some that flowed more naturally, (ones like Musa and Sam). This is just my opinion.

Overall, this is a good first season. Definitely acted very well and it sets out a solid foundation for the second series which has the opportunity to take this show to new heights.

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"Harry Potter" + "Vampire Diaries", and practically nothing from the original "Winx Club"

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This is honestly a fantastic show.
The story is incredibly deep and fascinating, ignore the few bad reviews and try it for yourself (its not everyone's cup of tea)

I would 100% recommend.

Ignore everyone comparing it to the cartoon, I agree that they should rename the series but ITS AMAZING if you stop comparing it to a kids cartoon.

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More serious than I thought...feeling potential for the universe behind...but mostly loved it for its fast pace, good character built and storyline... Quite an improvement for Netflix

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This was a very well executed Fantasy show. Story was solid along with all the casting choices. Well done again Netflix. Keep them coming.

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What's with the phones ALL the time!? It's obnoxious

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Season 2 goes from Guatemala to Guatepeor

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Sign to get a proper ending! :pound_symbol:SaveFateTheWinxSaga

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Juste a horrible adaptation of the winx, this serie just ruined my childhood favorite cartoon. Nothing magical in it no wings or costumes. I don't even understand why they name it the winx when there's nothing that represent the original winx

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I get the feeling that this is just a bad copy of Mortal Instruments.

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First of all, as a hardcore fan of the original Winx Club I enjoyed the easter eggs so much. In my opinion, they didn’t mistreat the original show. Netflix’ changes - like making the characters more mature - were needed. However, I am deeply disappointed in the setting: 90% of the series takes place in Alfea (or the woods next to it), and that’s just too much. If they really wanted this one setting, they could’ve made it look less cheap. The trainings of the specialists were just… Sad. Putting them in Alfea, okay I guess, but they shouldn’t have removed the school for witches. Without it, Beatrix’s villain story, a “bad” fairy on her own, is just stupid. I felt threatened by the OG Trix, I wish I could say the same about Beatrix.

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Mostly a good show.

Kind of stupid that "gender-issues" come up though (and in a "don't put women down" fashion at that).
Fairies while being mythological are for the most part female and seem to be ruled by queens rather than kings.

Everyone in power we see is a woman. So why would they see "doing something like a girl" as a negative? Makes no sense, other than to spew some agenda.

Luckily there are only two instances in season 1 where it is painfully obvious and idiotic and the female characters are mostly actually fleshed out characters instead of feminist icons.

BUT: I despise cliffhangers - especially when the followup season isn't announced yet(If you want to know why, check other comments of mine...)! And Season 1 ends on a big one...

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Considering COVID and not many series able to come out this is decent and not as bad as some of the reviews. Interesting idea and worth a watch to make up your own mind. :)

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First off, I think the CW could easily sue Netflix here from stealing the recipe they use for literally every single young adult-targeted show they make. This has exactly the amount of young adults doing young adult things in between all the actual story that you'd see on there, for better and (mostly) worse.

That being said, I actually ended up liking it a lot. The story is complex enough and presented in an appealing enough bit-by-bit manner to keep you watching through the first season, at least if you're a few episodes in. I've also yet to find any planet-sized plot holes, which is rare for a series like this. The special effects and music teams on episode 6 might have been more than a bit drunk on a particular scene, but that's also the biggest complaint I have about the visual presentation of everything. A special kudos for not making all characters' morals and actions black and white, and leaving season 1 both wrapped up and needing continuation at the same time.

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this is anything but Winx... :(

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Why these fairies comes from all sort of magic reign but why do they all dress the same, use mobile phones and instagram?
Plus, why in a world so full of technology did they eliminate the technology fairy?
The only 10/10 part is about Musa

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I give 9/10 because winx girls should have wore glittery clothes as the real winx girls

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This feels like a CW show. Premise seems interesting, acting feels fine, choreography is horrible. Probably targeted towards the people who grew up with the Winx Club. Let's see if this gets renewed.

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Those who are saying the acting was bad.... its never the acting
Its the fault of the writing. If the script is bad nothing can save a show. I hope they improve next season. The show still has a potential in the action genre but that cliche riverdale teen drama needs to go. No one wants that in 2021.

And what are those pointless 'woke' one liners being made by every character for no reason at all.... they really need to go

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I like how a girl raised in California has British accent. Like WHAT THE ACTUAL F**K
Other than that for someone whose never watched original winx I think its okish show

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This is a fairly decent show. Not a whole lot of new original material here. It's a mix of The Magicians, a little Harry Potter,and Shadowhunters, and probably other shows I cant think of at the moment.

All-in-all though it's definitely watchable and I look forward to season 2.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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One of the worst adaptations I’ve ever watched :weary:

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I like it, not sure why all the hate. A little cheesy sometimes but overall a good storyline. Will continue to watch next season.

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Kind of a "Harry Potter" school system mixed with an "Avatar the last Air bender" magic system with a bit of "Vampire Diaries" relationship drama and a dash of "Game of Thrones" political intrigue at the end.

Beatrix was my favorite and Terra was annoying but I didn't hate any of the characters so all in all a great show.

ALSO... in true Netflix fashion, the one black guy HAD to be gay. It's as if Netflix is on a mission...

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5/10 show at best

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The storyline is ok but the acting is straight up bad.

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Again with the "mansplaining" bullshit modern feminisms. I'm not going to support this and i am a woman . 0/10

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I do not like any of them xD so i dont watch it.
And just heard is from an animated series xD

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Its bored. Not magical.


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Superb a whole new modern remake of Winx, must watch!!!

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