Shout by Jack Cornish

Fate: The Winx Saga 2021

First things first, any Netflix original that is put out always has impeccable cinematography above all else. I truly don't know how they do it.

Now, I did hear that going into this that it's based off something. I'm not quite sure whether it's a comic or an anime, I plan on looking into it because I think I'd really like the source material aswell. But I went into this with no prior knowledge of the plotline and I was semi-impressed

I think Fate started out really strong, had a dip in the middle and had an alright ending for its first season. I just feel as though in the latter part of these preliminary six episodes that the main cast of characters started to fall into stereotypes and didn't stand out as much as I would have liked. There were some ramances that I felt were crammed in and some that flowed more naturally, (ones like Musa and Sam). This is just my opinion.

Overall, this is a good first season. Definitely acted very well and it sets out a solid foundation for the second series which has the opportunity to take this show to new heights.

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