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Elsbeth 2024

To watch another episode would be to commit to spending more time with her. She's too wacky and annoying.

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good show, i was going to treat it as homework bgm but i was fully drawn to it,
also i know im weird but now i want to see how elsbeth works in a darker setting of story

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Simply put. They tried to make a hero out of a side character. But they forgot to give her a hero's journey.

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A diversion that works well in the structure of weekly cases, although a twist has been developed in the character to actually make her a homicide investigator, despite the fact that Elsbeth conceptually is a lawyer. Driven by a captivating sympathy from Carrie Preston, the impression is that of a series well written, but it follows a formula. It improves when some changes are introduced, such as in an episode constructed as a "whodunit", and it's intelligent when it addresses the comedy genre more directly, but apart from being an exercise in escapism, its mark is too inconsequential.

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Oh all the episodes I think I liked the finale the best. Everyone knowing who did it from the start wasn't really holding my attention. Hopefully season 2 they will add a bit more mystery by keeping the killer hidden until the end. I like murder mystery.

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Cute show, but please, no season 2. No! No! No!

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Massive disappointment

This is full formula. Every episode a carbon copy of the last. Starts with showing you who the murderer is, then Elsbeth walks straight up to them and after a bit of messing about the police walk in and make the arrest. Exact same every time to the point where I know what's going to happen before I even start watching it

Elsbeth was a great character in The Good Wife / Fight, she deserved better than this

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It’s a decent show, it follows the same format give or take a few things as several shows that have been popular over the years. The acting is above average for a network T.V. Show. If real detectives were this incompetent, our jails would be empty or full of innocent people. I liked Carrie Preston in some other show I don’t want to admit I watched, so I decided to add this to my rotation. It’s a good show for me to look at my phone or get some work done around the house at the same time as watching, without getting lost.

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No popcorn needed to enhance this show, its plenty corny already

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I liked her character a lot in The Good Wife, but having a whole show with her is just too much. I found the episodes got very annoying quickly, so I gave up after 3 shows.

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The character of Elsbeth is fantastic but the legal maneuvering in the Good Wife was much more interesting and well written than this Monk wanna be. Carrie Preston is great but the show needs more sophisticated writers. I wish they would go back to the legal intrigue because the suspension of disbelief that Elsbeth would be the detective is too much. I hope it gets better because this character is wonderful.

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It's funny how shows like this don't get hounded for being incredibly political. If you include a trans character in a show you'll get death threats, but this level of copaganda gets you... slight approval? It's trying to occupy a kind of wholesome and innoffensive space, but this reeks of consultation with the huge PR department of the NYPD. And that makes it too political to look past.

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Was disappointed as it lacks the wit and intelligent humour from The Good Wife, The Good Fight and Evil.

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Shout by Nancy L Draper
BlockedParent2024-04-13T17:06:03Z— updated 2024-05-27T23:12:45Z

[Update below] This is a new cable series, although the character is spun from THE GOOD FIGHT. It is from the same creative team of both THE GOOD FIGHT and THE GOOD WIFE. Carrie Preston is wonderful in the titular role of Elsbeth and this series has humanize the character’s quirkiness with traits that the audience may see in themselves. It reminded me of the same outlandish but adorable vibe of MURDERS IN THE BUILDING. I’m giving this series a high 7 (quirky fun) out of 10.

[Update 26 May 2024].I followed this series here from THE GOOD FIGHT because I really enjoyed this spin off character and her quirky humour. However, she is better appreciated in small doses. Carrie Person is brilliant in the role but the writing of her series became tedious, for me. I will probably only watch it occasionally after these first 5 episodes and the season finale. I give the series a 5 (pass) out of 10.

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This is a modern take on the classic Columbo, with some minor changes. The criminals in Columbo was smarter, and watching Columbo finding the clues was interesting. In Elsbeth the criminals are not as smart, and the actual police is not only incompetent they are refusing to let Elsbeth help when she obviously does the job for them, that makes no sense.

The point where Elsbeth shines is in how happy and easy going the show is thanks to its main character, smiles are contagious and watching it makes me smile and there really are to few of those shows. That really is the brilliance of the show and what makes me wanna watch more of it. I hope it will get lots of episodes and lots of seasons, this is a format that can continue forever and I'll keep waiting for the next one.

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the episodes can come online faster..its really slow like a 80year old men trying to get a 20 year old woman ..nvm

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Maybe because I didn't know anything about this show, and because of that I had no expectations. But I loved it.

This is a spin off of the Good Fight, and that was a spin off of the Good Wife. I hope people like this and the show keeps getting good. The King couple did it again in my book, a great TV Show.

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