Shout by tvJackson

Elsbeth 2024

To watch another episode would be to commit to spending more time with her. She's too wacky and annoying.

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@tvjackson I looked at your comment history. You seem to rank popular things very low, and unpopular ones very high, to the point where it seems like intentional contrarianism? You keep watching violent shows, but hate violence in shows? Your reviews have a common thread of whenever a woman has a large role in a movie, even if you otherwise enjoyed it, you have to single them out for specific criticism.

There's also a significant right-wing-talking-point aspect to many of them, complaints of diversity whenever a black character is involved, weird stuff around a dislike of unattractive (according to you) and fat people appearing on screen. You can look past it in older shows, to the point where it seems like you have become politicised recently. You're willing to overlook complaints you have with modern shows when it comes to older shows that existed before you started to fall for political manipulators.

You have such a strange and interesting watch history from all over the place, that's laudable. But I think the only thing that pins together what you like and dislike - or at least what you're willing to admit to liking and disliking publicly - is that it is unchallenging to your pre-conceived beliefs. Terrible shows get a pass on everything if they're just a little bit Fox-Newsy. Excellent shows that require you to step outside of those bounds are instantly sub-3/10.

You're an interesting person and I'll be following you, but maybe you need to work a little bit on yourself before you can contribute here. You're not too far gone, but you seem like one new podcast away from your children never talking to you again.


I am not a republican nor making political statements. I say exactly why I don't like something in my reviews. There is no reason for anyone to make up other reasons.

...It's not weird to want to look at people you find attractive!

(If I knew that something was going to be pointless and violent, before I watched it.... I wouldn't have watched it. That is something I learn after watching.)

@tvjackson You certainly are an interesting person. You keep liking what you like and saying what you say, I'll keep finding it compelling and baffling at the same time.
