Dragon Ball Z Kai: Deutsche Staffel sortierung

Staffel 05 - Cell-Saga 2010 - 2011

  • 2010-08-15T03:00:00Z on Fuji TV
  • 26m
  • 13 hours, 26 mins (31 episodes)
  • Japan
  • Japanese
  • Action, Adventure, Anime, Comedy, Fantasy, Science Fiction
Rejoin Goku and his friends in a series of cosmic battles! Toei has redubbed, recut, and cleaned up the animation of the original 1989 animated series. The show's story arc has been refined to better follow the comic book series on which it is based. The show also features a new opening and ending. In the series, martial artist Goku, and his various friends, battle increasingly powerful enemies to defend the world against evil. Can Earth's defender defeat demons, aliens, and other villains?

31 episodes

Trunks, Gohan, and Bulma are investigating the other time machine when Gohan notices a strange shell that has been cast off by an unknown creature. On the way back to her house, Bulma watches a news broadcast about thousands of people in nearby Gingertown who have inexplicably disappeared, as if they simply melted away in their clothes. Kami also watches in horror as the people are killed, and finally decides to merge with Piccolo. After the merging, Piccolo states that he is neither Piccolo nor Kami anymore, but a Namekien "who has long since forgotten his name." He departs from the lookout and arrives at an empty, ghostly-quiet Gingertown, where the monster steps out of the shadows to confront him.

While staring down Piccolo, the monster pierces the man he'd been dragging and appears to absorb him, leaving only his clothing. The others are confused, claiming that the android is emanating multiple ki readings characteristic of Frieza, Vegeta, and Goku. Krillin and Trunks head toward Gingertown, where Piccolo and the monster begin fighting. Piccolo has the advantage, but is surprised when the monster uses Piccolo's own Makankosappo technique on him. The two exchange blows, and then the monster states that Piccolo only has the upper hand because he [the monster] has not yet reached his "perfect form." He then surprises everyone by powering up a Kamehameha and launching it point-blank. Piccolo's dodge leaves him open to the monster's follow-up attack, which he uses to trap Piccolo in a hold and pierce his arm. Piccolo manages to escape, but his left arm has been completely incapacitated. Sensing he has won, the monster states that his name is Cell and reveals that he is an android.

Sensing that he has defeated Piccolo, Cell explains that he was created from the cells of the greatest warriors--including Goku's, Piccolo's, Vegeta's, King Cold's, and Frieza's--as a project started by Dr. Gero and continued for 24 years by his computer. Cell furthermore reveals that by absorbing Androids #17 and #18, he will achieve his "Perfect Form," making him "invincible." With the androids destroyed in his own timeline, he was forced to travel to the present one in Trunks' time machine, after killing him. Having learned Cell's identity and intentions, Piccolo regenerates his arm and prepares to attack. At this point, Trunks and Krillin arrive, and Cell realizes he has no chance of winning. He surprises everyone by using Tien's Solar Flare technique to blind them, and then flees. Vegeta and Tien arrive, and Piccolo explains everything he's learned. Meanwhile, Cell heads toward Nickytown to absorb more people, until his power exceeds that of the androids'.

After Piccolo debriefs everyone on Cell's objective, Vegeta states that he intends to develop a power that surpasses even that of a Super Saiyan. Trunks and Krillin go to Dr. Gero's laboratory, where they discover a set of blueprints for Android #17. In hopes that the prints will allow Bulma and Dr. Briefs to uncover a weakness in the androids, they take the prints before destroying the developing Cell and the rest of the laboratory. Trunks goes to find Vegeta while Krillin delivers the prints to Bulma. Several days go by, during which Piccolo and the others are unable to locate Cell. However, back at the Kame House, Chi-Chi and Master Roshi start hearing thunderous booms on the island and rush to the window to find a fully recovered Goku launching Kamehameha waves into the horizon. The three share a joyous moment before Goku turns serious and states that he'd fare no better against the androids than Vegeta did. Also like Vegeta, he states his goal of surpassing the level of Super Saiyan.

Goku uses his Instant Transmission ability to take Gohan, Vegeta, and Trunks with him to the Hyperbolic Time Chamber inside Kami's Lookout. The chamber only has a capacity of two so Goku allows Vegeta and Trunks to go in first. Goku explains a years worth of training in the chamber is actually only one day in the outside world. When Trunks and Vegeta step inside the chamber, all they see is a vast amount of nothingness. While this is going on, the androids arrive at the Kame House and ask for Goku's whereabouts. Piccolo refuses to tell them, which results in a fight between Piccolo and Android #17. Piccolo overpowers #17 and tries to finish him off, but #17 manages to dodge the attack. Back at Kami's Lookout, Vegeta and Trunks are due to be coming out of the time chamber any second now, which will reveal if it is possible to go beyond the level of a Super Saiyan.

Bulma is hard at work trying to figure out Dr. Gero's prints. Meanwhile, Piccolo and Android #17 are fighting each other. After #17 gets serious, it turns out that he and Piccolo are evenly matched. Cell senses the two fighting and starts making his way towards them, stating that his power level is now higher than theirs. Krillin, and the others on a nearby island, receive a call from Bulma saying that she has completed the switch to shut down the androids and prepares to deliver it to the others. #17 states that since his stamina and power level will never drop, he will be the victor of the battle. However, Cell arrives at the scene of the battle, leaving Piccolo shocked. Meanwhile, Goku and Gohan are still waiting for Vegeta and Trunks to come out of the Hyperbolic Time Chamber.

At Chi-Chi's suggestion, Krillin leaves the Kame House to intercept Bulma so he can obtain her shut-down device before Cell absorbs Androids #17 and #18. Unwilling to wait helplessly, Tien leaves the Kame House, as well, to help Piccolo on the battlefield. Meanwhile, #17 refuses to heed Piccolo's warnings about Cell, and is quickly defeated. Piccolo tries to ward off Cell, but Cell has become too powerful for him to handle. Cell quickly breaks Piccolo's neck, before blasting him through the chest at point-blank range, and then Cell tosses Piccolo's body into the sea. Then, Cell turns his attention to Android #17.

Android #16 decides to enter the fight in order to prevent Cell from reaching his Perfect Form, because Cell's goal is not to kill Goku, but to destroy life. The two fight at an even level, with #16 landing a massive blast on Cell. However, Cell survives and uses the opportunity to absorb Android #17. Cell transforms into his Semi-Perfect Form and gains incredible power, after which #16's attacks prove utterly ineffective. Just when all hope is lost, Tien appears and uses his Tri-Beam technique to hold off Cell so Android #18 can escape.

To Goku and Gohan's great concern, Tien repeatedly fires his Tri-Beam, drastically draining his ki in order to hold Cell down while Androids #16 and #18 escape. Tien eventually runs out of ki and collapses, at the mercy of a furious Cell. Unwillingly to wait idly at Kami's Lookout anymore, Goku uses Instant Transmission to come to Tien's aid. While confronting Cell, Goku also notices that Piccolo is still alive, and teleports back to the Lookout with the two fallen warriors. Shortly afterward, Trunks and Vegeta emerge from the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, stating that they have successfully surpassed the level of Super Saiyan. They leave to confront Cell, while Goku and Gohan prepare to enter the time chamber for their own training. Meanwhile, Cell begins destroying islands in a bid to make #18 show herself.

Cell continues to destroy islands until only one remains, the one on which Androids #16 and #18 are hiding. Before he can launch his attack, Vegeta and Trunks arrive as Super Saiyans. After some taunting, Vegeta initiates a transformation that produces a form beyond that of Super Saiyan - evidenced by increased muscle size and an intense golden aura. As an Ascended Super Saiyan, Vegeta makes easy work of Cell while Trunks watches from the sidelines. Meanwhile, Goku and Gohan begin their training in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, where Goku states that he will not only make Gohan a Super Saiyan, but that he will make Gohan stronger than even himself.

Goku continues to train Gohan so he can become a Super Saiyan. Kuririn has found the Artificial Humans. Vegeta effortlessly overpowers Cell with the results of his training from the Room of Spirit and Time. Cell is furious that he hasn't achieved his perfect form and gives Vegeta an offer to fully test his strength.

Cell successfully persuades Vegeta to let him find and absorb Android #18, but Trunks is determined to prevent this.

With Cell having gained his perfect form, not even Vegeta stands a chance against him.

Vegeta, still willing to fight on, tries his best in his latest powered up form to take on Cell. But with the villain literally at the peak of perfection, can anyone stand a chance against him?

With Vegeta out for the count, Trunks finally sees it fit to reveal his own new transformation to finish off Cell once and for all.

Willing to allow his enemies time to regroup and train, Cell interrupts a television broadcast to announce to the entire world his idea for a tournament: The Cell Games.

Goku and Gohan finally emerge from the Room of Spirit and Time. However, sensing Cell's current strength, he is still unsure as to whether he is able to defeat him in his current state.

The Cell Game is only a few days away, with Cell keeping his promise with Goku about not killing anyone before then. However, with the army taking matters into their own hands, Cell is forced to act accordingly.

With Kami and Piccolo having fused together, the Earth's dragon balls no longer exist. Knowing this, Goku travels to New Namek in search of someone to create new dragon balls.

The Cell Games finally begins. But as Goku and the others reach the fighting area, they realize another warrior is willing to join the fray going by the name of "Hercule."


4x11 Showdown! Cell vs. Goku!

Following the humiliating match of Hercule vs. Cell, the much anticipated battle has finally arrived: Goku vs. Cell.

Goku shows the fruits of his training, giving everything he has to fight Cell who wants nothing more than a good tournament between him and every willing fighter.

The match between Goku and Cell nears a close, Goku finishing it off with a surprising decision that may cost him dearly.

Goku makes the decision to forfeit his match, leaving the fate of the entire Earth to his reluctant son - Gohan, confident that he has surpassed everyone in strength, Cell included.

With some unexpected help from Mr. Satan, Artificial Human 16 is able to give Gohan the necessary push to transcend the Super Saiyan level that others before him failed to reach.

Having reached a new form of Super Saiyan, any hesitation to fight back has been removed, as Gohan holds nothing back to destroy the Cell Juniors.

Gohan, having absolutely no qualms over killing the Cell Juniors has moved on to Cell itself, willing to drag on the fight as long as possible if only to make Cell suffer that much more.

Cell has been driven to his breaking point, willing to detonate himself to destroy the rest of the planet. Gohan is at odds with himself as to what to do until his father steps in one last time to help.

Gohan can't help but feel helpless in front of the newly revitalized Cell. However, some words of encouragement from the heavens give Gohan the strength to fire one last kamehameha.

With Cell finally defeated, the fighters all part ways, closing this chapter in their lives.

After returning to the Earth of the future, Trunks reunites with Bulma, and talks about what happened in the past. Trunks prepares to head back into the past to tell everyone of his victory. However, there is still one more android to stop: Cell.
