Dragon Ball Z Kai: Deutsche Staffel sortierung

Staffel 04 - Cyborg-Saga 2010

  • 2010-05-02T03:00:00Z on Fuji TV
  • 26m
  • 5 hours, 38 mins (13 episodes)
  • Japan
  • Japanese
  • Action, Adventure, Anime, Comedy, Fantasy, Science Fiction
Rejoin Goku and his friends in a series of cosmic battles! Toei has redubbed, recut, and cleaned up the animation of the original 1989 animated series. The show's story arc has been refined to better follow the comic book series on which it is based. The show also features a new opening and ending. In the series, martial artist Goku, and his various friends, battle increasingly powerful enemies to defend the world against evil. Can Earth's defender defeat demons, aliens, and other villains?

13 episodes

A year has passed and still Goku has not returned to Earth. However, it is revealed that Frieza managed to survive his battle with the Super Saiyan, has been rebuilt into a cyborg by his father King Cold, and is heading towards Earth, intending to exact revenge on Goku. The rest of the Z Fighters gather to defend the Earth from Frieza, despite knowing the odds are against them. However, as soon as Frieza, King Cold, and their army of soldiers arrive on Earth, they are met by a mysterious teenager wielding a sword, who claims that he's come to kill them.

The mysterious teenager easily takes out Frieza's soldiers, then surprises Frieza by transforming into a Super Saiyan. The evil tyrant attempts to destroy this second Super Saiyan, but has no success. Eventually, the teenager slices Frieza into pieces with his sword, before blasting him away. King Cold tries to defeat the Super Saiyan himself, but is also easily destroyed. After reverting to his normal state, the teenager spots the Z Fighters and claims that Goku will be arriving nearby soon. Despite their skepticism, the Z Fighters agree to join him in awaiting Goku's arrival.

After three hours of waiting, a space pod crash lands on Earth and Goku emerges from it. There is no time for celebration, however, as the mysterious teenager pulls Goku aside to talk with him in private. After testing Goku's Super Saiyan powers, the teenager reveals that his name is Trunks and that he comes from an apocalyptic future 20 years from the present, as well as that he is the future son of Bulma and Vegeta. He further informs Goku that in three years from now, a pair of deadly androids, built by Doctor Gero of the former Red Ribbon Army, will begin a rampage on Earth and kill all of the Z Fighters, except for Goku, who will have died from a heart virus six months before their assault. Trunks then supplies Goku with a heart antidote made in his future timeline, instructing him to take it when the virus attacks him. Piccolo hears the whole conversation using his special hearing. Goku promises that he and the other Z Fighters will train hard for the next three years to prepare for the androids' assault, and Trunks then returns to the future in his time machine.

At Vegeta's request, Goku explains to the others that he managed to survive Planet Namek's destruction by escaping in one of the Ginyu Force's space pods just seconds before Namek exploded. He further explains that he eventually landed on a planet called Yardrat and was nursed back to health by the friendly inhabitants of the planet. He also reveals that he learned from them a special teleportation technique called Instant Transmission. The Z Fighters then go their separate ways to each begin preparing themselves for the androids' assault. After three years of intense training, they all head off to meet on the island on which Trunks had indicated that the androids would begin their attack.

The Z Fighters gather at the island in anticipation of the androids' attack. However, as the time approaches, the androids are nowhere to be seen. Yajirobe arrives to deliver Korin's new batch of Senzu beans to the others, but as soon as he departs, the androids shoot down his ship and immediately descend into the nearby city before the Z Fighters can get a glimpse of them. Gohan goes to rescue Yajirobe, while the rest of the Z Fighters fly down to the city as well to search out their enemies. After a period of searching, Yamcha becomes the first victim of the androids, after having his energy absorbed by Android #20, and then being impaled. The others arrive just in time to save him, and Goku eventually persuades the androids to move to a new location to fight after a large portion of the city is destroyed.

As Goku, Piccolo, and Tien take the androids to a new location to battle, Krillin revives Yamcha with a Senzu bean. However, once Yamcha reveals the androids' ability to absorb energy, he, Krillin, and Gohan head off to warn the others. Meanwhile, it is revealed to Goku that the androids are a result of years of research conducted by Dr. Gero, in which miniature spy robots were used to analyze Goku's fighting techniques and developments in strength, all in an attempt to exact revenge on Goku for destroying the Red Ribbon Army. However, Gero did not analyze Goku during his time on Planet Namek, and thus the androids are unaware of his ability to transform into a Super Saiyan, which Goku gladly demonstrates in front of them. A battle then ensues between Goku and Android #19, and though Goku clearly has the upper hand, he soon appears to be losing energy. Eventually, Goku is seen clutching the left side of his chest, which Gohan immediately recognizes as a symptom of the heart virus that Trunks had warned Goku of. However, the virus is attacking Goku's heart much later than Trunks had predicted. As Goku struggles to stay conscious, #19 prepares to finish the battle by absorbing Goku's remaining energy. Piccolo tries to intervene, however, Android #20 blasts Piccolo with his eye beams, which sends him crashing to the ground.

Before Android #19 can finish draining Goku's energy, Vegeta finally arrives, saving Goku by kicking the android in the face. Yamcha then escorts Goku back home in order to administer the heart antidote to him. Vegeta then squares up to the androids, and much to everyone's surprise, transforms into a Super Saiyan. It is revealed that, whereas Goku's first transformation was triggered by his rage over Frieza's murder of Krillin, Vegeta's was triggered by his rage at simply being unable to surpass Goku. The battle then begins, and it's clear that Vegeta has the edge over #19. Even the android's energy absorption attack proves futile, as Vegeta tears off the android's hands, making it impossible for it to absorb anymore energy from its opponents. As the android runs away in fear, Vegeta launches his Big Bang Attack and finishes the battle, leaving nothing but the android's head intact. Android #20 then escapes into the nearby cliffs, planning to use the terrain to launch a surprise attack on the Z Fighters.

The Z Fighters split up to search the area for Android #20. Frustrated at his enemy's deceptiveness, Vegeta fires a large ki blast at the cliffs, planning to level the area. Seeing this opportunity, #20 emerges from his hiding place, only to absorb Vegeta's blast and run away before Vegeta can catch up. The android then attacks Piccolo from behind and begins to drain his energy, although this is thwarted by Gohan, who senses Piccolo's fading ki and attacks the android. After receiving a Senzu bean, Piccolo then faces off against his attacker, and proves to be more than a match for the android. Meanwhile, Trunks finally returns from the future, and is disturbed to find that the remains of Android #19 are different from the androids that he faced in his own timeline. He then arrives at the current battlefield, and also seems not to recognize #20.

As the dust settles, Android #20 is nowhere to be seen, and it is assumed that he plans to return to the laboratory to awaken Androids #17 and #18 - the androids causing havoc in Trunk's timeline. Meanwhile, Trunks rescues his mother and young self, and berates Vegeta for failing to protect his family. Bulma then reveals that #20 may actually be the androids' creator, Dr. Gero, who has seemingly converted himself into one as well. The group then plan to find the lab and destroy the androids before Gero can activate them. Vegeta also sets off to find the lab, but with the intentions of fighting the androids as a demonstration of his power. Trunks leaves to stop his father, while Piccolo finally unveils the truth of Trunks' origin to the rest of the group. He knew this because he overheard the conversation between Trunks and Goku. Meanwhile, Piccolo, Krillin and Tien split up and search the mountains where Gero's lab is rumoured to be located, while Gohan takes Bulma, baby Trunks, and Yajirobe home. Meanwhile, Krillin is attacked by the doctor, but is spared when Gero senses Piccolo nearby and escapes.

Dr. Gero finally makes it to his laboratory, with Krillin in hot pursuit. Tien, Piccolo, Vegeta and Trunks soon locate him and break into the lab, although Doctor Gero has already awakened Androids #17 and #18. Although initially appearing loyal, the duo demonstrate their independence when Android #17 destroys Gero's remote, ensuring that he cannot deactivate them should they disobey him, and Android #18 attempts to activate Android #16. In an act of desperation, Trunks launches a large ki blast at the androids, hoping to destroy Android #16 before he is activated. Although the entire lab is decimated, both Androids and #16's pod remain intact, and he is awakened anyway. The trio then decide to carry out their initial orders, and set out to kill Goku. However, their plans are disrupted when Vegeta intervenes, challenging the three androids to a battle. After Android #16 refuses to fight, Android #18 steps up to face Vegeta.

Android #18 fights with Super Saiyan Vegeta and wins easily. Super Saiyan Trunks tries to help his father, but is also easily defeated and gets his sword broken in the process. Piccolo and Tien then get beaten down effortlessly by Android #17, while Krillin stays behind and watches the horror, and Android #16 simply observes the nearby birds. After the fight, the androids leave, but before they do #18 kisses Krillin on the cheek.

Krillin feeds the remaining Senzu beans to each of his fallen comrades. Vegeta flies off in anger, having been beaten, while Trunks explains to the others how the androids of the future are different from the ones they just fought. The androids of the present are apparently more powerful, but they seem to be less cruel. There also was not an Android #16 in Trunks' time period. Piccolo then flies off to try to convince Kami to merge with him once again, believing that it is the only way to stop the androids. However, Kami believes that the androids are not entirely evil and that the only reason they fought against the Z Fighters was because the Z Fighters attacked first. Kami then decides to wait and see what happens as Piccolo sits down waiting until Kami agrees to merge with him.

Bulma receives a phone call about one of her company's products from Capsule Corporation. She is sent a photograph of what appears to be Trunks' time machine that he travelled in. Trunks investigates this with the others only to discover that it is the exact time machine that he came in but three years later in his world. He recognizes it because of the word 'Hope' that Bulma wrote on the time machine. Kami realizes that the evil he felt four years ago wasn't the androids but it was the monster that travelled back in the time machine.
