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Doctor Who: Season 8

8x04 Listen

Absolutely loved this episode. Might even be one of my favorites. Very tense and scary

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Shout by EleanorE

The idea of a creature behind you/beneath the bed so good at hiding that no one knows it exists is actually quite good. I was hooked by the NEXT TIME and the Doctor's first scene in the TARDIS. Up until the point before they went to the end of the universe and such, everything worked well. The atmosphere was right, and the tension was all set up. I was properly terrified by that creature under the bed sheet.
But then all the interesting sparks got wasted by the dull, pedantic ending. Either it is a foreshadowing for something bigger later in the series, or this is just another idea the writer failed to make complete.

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"Why do you have three mirrors? Why don't you just turn your head?"

"It's because her face is so wide - she needs three mirrors."

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This is one of the reasons I stopped watching doctor who when I was a kid

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That intro was incredibly awkward, and not in a good way.

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This was interesting but... I feel there has to be more to it than "it was Clara." I mean, who wrote that word on the board? Who said "Listen" outside the time ship? And, most importantly, who was that under the sheet??
Depending on what happens over the rest of the season this could either be Moffat at his best (e.g. A Good Man Goes To War, where all the tiny hints and pieces suddenly fit together perfectly to form an amazing whole) or at his worst (e.g. The Girl in the Fireplace, where the premise looks clever and everything is loaded with emotion, but once you think about it for more than one second there's gaping plot holes that totally undercut the emotional impact of the story). As a standalone, it's not as bad as the latter but certainly nowhere near as good as the former.

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