Great conclusion to a great
Two parter,
Donna's Gramps is just
Legendary and needs
Protecting at all costs.
I died when
The Doctor said
"Are You My Mummy"
Reference back to the
Other two parter
S1 the empty child
And The Doctor dancers.
2 fan favourite episodes
Of the entire show.

The absolute Highlight of
This episode was seeing
Rose again pop up on
The monitor.
She is
And always
Will Be
The Greatest Of
All Time.
I miss her so much
And there is clearly
Something going on
That's 2 episodes this
Season she's appeared
She's clearly trying to
Reach her Doctor.
Just when I thought
This is it Martha can
Go about her life and
Save me from boredom
The chuffing Tardis
Had other ideas and
Brought her along for
The ride, I knew this
Episode was to good
To be true.
Oh well at least I got
To see Rose again.

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OMG when he said “Are you my mommy?” I considered myself lucky I wasn’t drinking anything at the time :joy::joy::joy:

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Girl in orange jumpers was shazia from citizen khan.

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I would say the best part of this two parter is Donna's character moments. I loved seeing her learn to be brave. Catherine Tate really sells her fear and hesitancy making the moments she takes a risk to save people really gratifying. I will say as much as I appreciate the arc it is slightly discordant from her arc in the previous episodes of the series. But when i ignore that I still vibe with her story here. Plus I just adore her relationship with Wilf. The way he champions her to live her life to the fullest in every regard was just amazing. Its definitely my favourite companion-family member dynamic in the series by far.

The story itself is kinda interesting kinda not. Ratigan is not a compelling secondary antagonist. I get what they were going for with this shill boy genius thing but I found the story unengaging. His shifts into mania and then sudden sacrificial redemption were some of the weakest story beats in the two parter.

overall it was a fine episode. Solid character womens, okay plot but nothing remarkable.

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