I would say the best part of this two parter is Donna's character moments. I loved seeing her learn to be brave. Catherine Tate really sells her fear and hesitancy making the moments she takes a risk to save people really gratifying. I will say as much as I appreciate the arc it is slightly discordant from her arc in the previous episodes of the series. But when i ignore that I still vibe with her story here. Plus I just adore her relationship with Wilf. The way he champions her to live her life to the fullest in every regard was just amazing. Its definitely my favourite companion-family member dynamic in the series by far.

The story itself is kinda interesting kinda not. Ratigan is not a compelling secondary antagonist. I get what they were going for with this shill boy genius thing but I found the story unengaging. His shifts into mania and then sudden sacrificial redemption were some of the weakest story beats in the two parter.

overall it was a fine episode. Solid character womens, okay plot but nothing remarkable.

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