Such a great and fun episode featuring one of the greatest minds in history - Nikola Tesla. Goran did a wonderful job portraying him.

And I'm glad someone finally said that Edison was a fraud and thief who only cared about profit.


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I blasted last weeks episode pretty badly. This week was a complete 180. Probably one of the best episodes of Dr. Who. I have seen in ages. I love Tesla. I've been to the falls. So many great things about this episode. The "bad guy" threat was a bit weird. I suppose they needed some kind of protagonist tho. Best joke was when he called them AC/DC, and told them to stop arguing. So good. If you haven't watched it yet. I highly recommend you do. If your at all like me, and love to tinker with electronics and read the history of inventors, you will love this episode.

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A very enjoyable episode. The story is good, the pace is well judged (some previous episodes dragged too long and then suddenly everything happened at the last five minutes).

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I am a fan of Nikola Tesla's work since I was a kid. SInce I discovered Doctor Who, I always wanted a Tesla-themed episode...I finally got one, and it's great. Classic Who material: History (this particular time, extremely accurate), weird Aliens and a lot of running! Probably one of the best 13th episodes! Finally!!

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It’s them aliens again! It’s a classic Doctor Who trope. In this episode we find out that the Skithra species and their Queen are causing trouble in 19th Century New York. The Doctor & Fam follow an alien trail that gets them to Nikola Tesla’s power plant by the Niagara Falls. We also get to see Telsa’s rivalry with Edison and how he developed many of the scientific concepts that helped us create most of the technology that we use everyday. A genius, a man out of place, a visionary… dreaming about the future and most certainly, not a business man. Wonderful take on this particular historical event. Tesla vs Edison. AC vs DC. It was solid, fun, thrilling and educational; that’s how Doctor Who’s always been. Also… the Skithra kind of looked like the Racnoss from the Runaway Bride story. The Universe is a big place, I guess.

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Finally, something more consistent with the world of Doctor Who. History. Aliens. More action, less exposition. Best of the season, maybe best of the 13th Doctor. I give this episode an 8 (great) out of 10.

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Finally an episode that’s quite good.

Interesting story, good facts, believable characters.

Please bring more of this kind!

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A little better than the previous ones, but not great yet. I feel like this season has not kicked off properly.
Good to see Goran as Tesla

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Finally, an alright episode of Doctor Who!

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Wild that his episode acts like Nikola Telsa and his coils aren't famous
Also still no idea why the Doctor calls Telsa a liar at the beginning

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I give up. Everyone here is raving about this episode, but that's more a statement on how terrible the previous episode was. Honestly, though, this episode had all the flaws that made the previous one so bad.

I could go on and on about why this is terrible, but it all boils down to the fact that the creators seem to care less about this show than the fans. Take, for instance, the moment when the Doctor and Tesla bond over being inventors. It was the most generic, uninspired tripe you could imagine, and fifteen minutes of googling about the psychology of inventors by the scripwriter would have have made this moment pop. But no such luck because the writer obviously didn't care.

It's even worse when you compare this episode with Vincent and the Doctor, with which it shares a lot of themes, albeit in science rather than art. All they had to do was follow the blueprint, but no. This episode could have been extraordinary; instead it's just extraordinarily bad.

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Let's face it - it's just not the same without BENNI :disappointed:

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The Best Episode so far of Jodie's doctor

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