It’s them aliens again! It’s a classic Doctor Who trope. In this episode we find out that the Skithra species and their Queen are causing trouble in 19th Century New York. The Doctor & Fam follow an alien trail that gets them to Nikola Tesla’s power plant by the Niagara Falls. We also get to see Telsa’s rivalry with Edison and how he developed many of the scientific concepts that helped us create most of the technology that we use everyday. A genius, a man out of place, a visionary… dreaming about the future and most certainly, not a business man. Wonderful take on this particular historical event. Tesla vs Edison. AC vs DC. It was solid, fun, thrilling and educational; that’s how Doctor Who’s always been. Also… the Skithra kind of looked like the Racnoss from the Runaway Bride story. The Universe is a big place, I guess.

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@chuchitzu OK, let's do some aliens with scorpion bodies instead of spider bodies and call them noch Racnoss. Nobody will know the difference!
