Shouts about...

Doctor Who

Season 11

After the long wait for the new series what we got wasn't worth the long wait.

Jodie is good as doctor, but the writing. The "new" doctor tries too much historic lessoning (Rosa, Punjab) and too much political correctness (female doctor, the companions) - not that that's bad for itself, but it seems the season had it's heart not enough in the "right doctor-ness" (fantastic stories, great-to-strange solutions for the problems, ..).

I usually needed some time to bond with a new doctor; so far the bonding with Jodie was quite fast, but the bonding with the stories and the writing will need some more time/seasons for me.

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I really like Jodie Whittaker as the new Doctor. I adore her energy and her eccentricity and her spunk and her randomness. I can't wait to see more of her!

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So far:
Love the writing, not as Good as Smiths Episodes, but definitely worlds better than what Capaldi had to Endure (It never felt like it fit).

Jodie is great - She makes funny faces without looking stupid or repulsive (Actually I think Capaldi looked very repulsive when making faces in comparison - I'm glad he rarely did).

I'll edit, should I feel this has changed througout the season.

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Shout by André L
BlockedParent2018-12-13T17:24:39Z— updated 2019-12-28T18:19:58Z

This season is far away from what I was expecting. Love but previous seasons are far better.
My favorite show from all times. I can't wait to see Chris Chibnall out of this, really bad season, the show does not glue me to the screen since Moffat. I can't even remember the episodes, to comment about....

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Looks like I'm in the minority, I wasn't too keen on Jodies take as the Doc, perhaps she will grow on me as the eps go on.

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We are off to a GREAT start. :D

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I'm usually a big Doctor Who fan, have been for decades, but this season is a terrible mess of modern political propaganda, so much so I could not watch all episodes in this season. I'm sure there will be a handful of viewers that will like this new 'Doctor' but personally speaking, the Doctor's character does not change in any major way through the regeneration process.
I will continue to visit the Doctor again in season 12 but if it's the same I will not be watching all the episodes again as I didn't in 11.
The writing needs major improvement!

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The stories are terrible. Summary: all identity politics, NPC/SJW drivel. All plots can be boiled down to "white men bad" "White civilization people are all invaders/polluters/enslavers/ fill in the negative "Women are infinitely BETTER than men. Americans are crass, hateful people. The Doctor is a MAN plain and simple. There is a 50+ year history of strong female roles (Romanna, The Rani, Ace, Sarah Jane, Leela, Amy Pond, Martha, Donna, Liz Shaw, etc.) There could have been a spin off with a woman.

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I think the first 2 episodes were the weakest. Once you get through that, it's smooth sailing. I really like the new doctor. A bit ashamed to admit that I didn't like Peter Capaldi, but what do I know as a culture barbarian. Just give it a chance and stop shitting on everything that's different from your measly unimportant lives.

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It's basically Space NCIS but with flatter characters.

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the absolutely shitty, unwatchable capaldi seasons that forgot about everything that made doctor who great being in the 70 percent range meanwhile jodie's run which feels like a true doctor who renaissance being in the 50 percent range

and the justifications are a bunch of embarrassing posts about imaginary "SJW" messaging.

trakt gonna trakt.

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Seriously! WTF?! What did I watch? A shitty soap opera?

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Why do people hate on Jodie? She’s a gem! I love her and she finds herself more smoothly than some of the other doctors.

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Shout by Deleted

Like every season of Doctor Who this is a mixture of good and not so good episodes. But I felt the bad episodes of this season were my least favourite of all new Who, and there were more bad than good ones. The episodes written by the showrunner were really dull, boring, uninspired and messily written. All the fun and creativity is gone, at least in those five. And 'Kerblam!' had such a horrible message, coming on the side of evil corporations.
The four episodes I liked were lovely though. The endings of 'Rosa' and 'Demons of the Punjab' were powerful, 'It Takes You Away' was wonderfully weird and 'The Witchfinders' had a great performance from Alan Cumming. The cast is great, it's really good that Doctor Who has a female Doctor. Jodie is a perfect choice for the role, my main problem is the writing quality.

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Shout by Deleted

Though S11 has a wonderful cast and fun premises for many episodes—including interesting novel challenges for the doctor as a woman—its mere acknowledgement of (yet lack of reflection on) the Doctor's prerogative to meddle with the universe's affairs, return to a purely whimsical personality for the Doctor, and total lack of larger, cross-episode themes and plot arcs make it an enjoyable but non-thought-provoking season.

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The Christmas special/ New Years special for this season is called resolution. It is also worth a watch.

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This is my first season of Doctor Who, and my first time watching if you don't count that one Christmas special I muddled through years ago. It's overwhelming to know where to start, with completionist tendencies, and so many things these days to compete for your attention. New Doctor felt like the right time for a new show to check out and so far I am really into it. I watch the (12th Doctor?) Christmas ep just before starting this because it's called ep 00 for this season. Glad I did because there is a bit of a crossover. Looking forward to see where this goes!

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