Shout by Deleted

Doctor Who

Season 11


Shout by Deleted

Like every season of Doctor Who this is a mixture of good and not so good episodes. But I felt the bad episodes of this season were my least favourite of all new Who, and there were more bad than good ones. The episodes written by the showrunner were really dull, boring, uninspired and messily written. All the fun and creativity is gone, at least in those five. And 'Kerblam!' had such a horrible message, coming on the side of evil corporations.
The four episodes I liked were lovely though. The endings of 'Rosa' and 'Demons of the Punjab' were powerful, 'It Takes You Away' was wonderfully weird and 'The Witchfinders' had a great performance from Alan Cumming. The cast is great, it's really good that Doctor Who has a female Doctor. Jodie is a perfect choice for the role, my main problem is the writing quality.

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