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Dark 2017

So the ending was definitely rushed, likely because they didn't get renewed for a season 4..... that said, I think it ended beautifully. This is the level of satisfaction I was hoping for with something like Lost... but on Dark, I actually got it.

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DARK S02 (2019) REVIEW ⏱
:scroll: Plot : A family saga with a supernatural twist, set in a German town Winden, where the disappearance of two young children exposes the relationships among four families and leads to unconventional happenings.
:man:‍⚖ Review : After S01, S02 is still bizzare but most addictive at the same time. The characters evolve, drama and tension and Mysteries unravel like none you have seen in S01. Science Fiction at its exhilarating best. This seasons draws more towards the inevitable apocalypse which all wants to avoid. It's Still creepy and confusing but engaging as always. . Characters do not typically have conflicts or goals beyond trying to figure out what’s going on. But that search for answers is all the dramatic impetus a show like Dark needs.
:thumbsup:Goods : The Narrative on how everything is linked keeps you on edge of your seats throughout.
:thumbsdown: Bads : It's Addictive.
:fire: Final Rating : 9/10
:white_check_mark: Recommendation : S03 Out on June 27, 2020. You won't want to miss this one.
- Follow Instagram for More : @RiteshReviews

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The show stands out to describe as a fusion between Stranger Things and True Detective. Great show, great music, great actors performances.

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The show is a bit of a brain teaser and it can be hard to remember the characters and their relationships. It's a great show to watch if you like to analyze a story and its characters. It's probably not a good show to watch if you're looking for mind numbing content that's easy to watch while half asleep.

The production quality and acting are great. The writing is phenomenal considering the complexity involved, and how many other shows screw up similar themes. The end of season 2 opens up season 3 to even increased complexity, which runs the risk of the writers making a mess of things. Still, they've done a great job so far so if anyone is going to do it right, it's probably them.

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One of the best shows on Netflix.

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anxiously waiting for season 3 :see_no_evil:

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Shout by Orphan
BlockedParent2019-09-22T05:06:12Z— updated 2019-09-25T15:05:10Z

Finished season one. Great show, really well put with heavy atmosphere all along with music that keeps you on your toes. The series focus a great deal on visual and audio. Best to watch it on big screen with good speakers or headset.
The dialogues aren't that fast so the subtitles were easy to follow.
I think it would have been best to have a couple less episodes in the season. At some point, with so much clues you can already guess some twists. Some scenes were a tad too long for my taste.
The cast is phenomenal, the characters and their different versions are so akin, it's almost disturbing, the best I have seen. Great production overall.

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Almost finished with season two. Really fantastic show. Like so many others have said, best if you watch it in German work English subtitles. Be prepared to be a bit confused!!

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Shout by InvioLing

Each episode was raw, riveting, emotional. The actors and actresses were cast perfectly against their past and future selves. The plot starts slow and dials up by the mid of season one, heating up to a feverish pace at the end of Season two. It is one of tv's finest/smartest/deepest shows/foreign shows ever. The writers and director/s really knoecked it out of this world! Litterally! I pray Season 3 comes soon and beyond!!

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Magnificent ! I did a binge watching. The only negative point of this series is that you have to stay focused all the time. A moment of distraction and we quickly lose the thread between the different versions of the characters. Despite certain temporal paradoxes, this series is devoured. Highly season 3

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just started watching this amazing series here in Australia
..I've only watched three episodes so far, superb quality acting,great visuals(very stunning Germany), definitely a series to watch,thanks Netflix

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daaamn season two has so much into it that i can't think of anymore things that they can do for this show

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An absolute masterpiece. Two as good if not better than one. My only regret is that I can only give it 10.

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Brilliant. Lies, cheating, murder, mystery, time travel, unexpected plot twists. Watch it!

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This is the best show on television! Great story and interesting characters leaving me wanting more.

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I have a complaint. This series keeps your eyes glued to the screen, and won't let go! I just loved it. I keep searching for good quality sci-fi, and most times when there's nothing to watch, Netflix delivers! There was Russian Doll, and now, the second season of this wonderful series. This season feels a lot more polished, a lot better edited, and a much tighter leash on the overall storytelling adds that much more of a zing. Now need to go get some shut-eye before Stranger things drops next month ;)

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Waiting for the new season.

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Great show. Very gloomy (man did it rain a lot, and I’m surprised at how many people we’re willing to pick up dead birds). I was surprised how quickly it got me hooked. Can’t wait for season 2!

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An incredible series. Every episode leaves you wanting more. It is the kind of show that needs to be watched in silence and 100% focused. Can't wait for season 2, and I still have to more episodes to watch from the first season. Great job. The music choice is excellent.

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Don`t be put off by this being a foreign language tv show. Its really worth the time. A really good show about time travel.

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I need the second season like right now! :D

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Loved it! Well made! Looking forward to season 2!

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Be a 10 if the words matched the mouths lol the voices they chose kiiiiiilllll me sometimes wtf

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Just give me the season 2 dammit

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When I first started it, my expectation was low. But man, did I love it? Recommended

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Shout by meluui
BlockedParent2018-02-13T07:03:52Z— updated 2020-07-03T03:11:15Z

this is precisely the type of mindfuck i like

EDIT: AFTER SEASON 3 (Final Season)
Wow. Just wow. When I started the series I thought it was beautiful and wonderfully written, but I didn't think it'd be this absolute masterpiece by the end of it all. You can tell the whole series was well-thought out since the beginning--everything from the cast to the dialogue, plot, music, etc was spot-on. One of my top 3 shows for sure hands down. This show is so agonizingly underrated. If you haven't watched it yet, please do. You will not regret it.

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Basically, Dark is the Futurama episode Roswell That Ends Well...

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A German Lost, but way less interesting.
A writing so poor that they have to explain everything three times. To hold up this nonsense plot they had to make characters so dumb it takes them 5 episodes to get anything.
One more in a long list of Netflix' garbage

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Very well done visuals in combination with good music choice . The series shows a very complicated plot. You have to listen carefully and follow throughout every second to fully understand what is happening. The end leaves options. The choice of actors was very well! Especially Noah.

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I really love this show. Hope there will be a 2nd season!

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I love this series... thank goodness it has been renewed for season 2, although with netflix we most likely will have to wait another year before it's released. Germany does pump out some very good film and television, the next I'm looking forward too is Deutschland '86.

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Basically it's a huge paradox and Noah's story doesn't make any sense. The show has its moments, but I had higher expectations to be honest.

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Extremely good show, just finished re-watching season 1 and I will probably re-watch again soon.
Highly recommended to watch it in original German audio with subtitles. The English-dubbed version is just terrible.

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If you thought Stranger Things was great... this is even better!

What a mindfvck series. I hope season 2 will be available before 2019.

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Overly convoluted with characters that are difficult to keep track of and very little by way of payoff at the end of the season.

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Fantastic series! It's a little hard to keep track of all the characters, but that's part of the fun. It makes you think and pay attention.
The photography is beautiful and the soundtrack matches the mysterious and creepy vibe of the show.
I'd recommend watching it in German with subtitles because then the performances are much more believable. 10/10

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Well...just finished the first episode and do have to say that you shouldn’t let the language matter close your mind! Very impressive series actually! ;)

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