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Dark 2017

netflix peaked

i need five words but theres nothing else to say just watch the show

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i fell asleep most of the times

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This series was great until the last season. If last season didn't count this was a 9 for me for sure.

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This is a great show. it may get confusing to some, especially with the back and forth in later episodes. The show is very well done & the actors are all amazing. Recommend especially for those that like sci-fi thrillers.

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wannabe good but is stupid and boring

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Dark is the single best show ever created and I will die on that hill.

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Such a fucking great show

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Season 1 and 2 - 31 March, 2020
Season 3 - 30 June , 2020

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"Everything is connected, past, future, present and every single family tree in Winden" lol. It's an overrated PSA on why incest is bad. And not a single character is slightly likeable. Cool actors, though.

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Fantastic epic time travel tv show.
Splendid actors throw 3 generations.

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without a damned doubt one of the greatest "Web Shows" in a foreign language (the very first one for me) that I watched and since I don't have "Netflix", then luckily for me about 3 and a half years ago I found a website called "" where it had the whole series to binge; but unfortunately "Season 2" isn't dubbed.

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I rate it "In fourth season, Jonas becomes a transvestite from Transylvania, goes back, and has triplets with teenage Jonas" out of ten

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Absolutely phenomenal show. The only problems I had with it were the migraines I got trying to wrap my mind around the insane plot twists.

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IMHO one of the best and most perfectly wrapped up shows in existence. Well worth multiple views to pick up on the nuances you missed the first go round. Honestly the more I've watched it the more I realize just how perfect it is.

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MY favorite time travel fiction

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This is one of the best shows I've ever seen. Very thought provoking. I highly recommend it. Also I recommend watching in German with subtitles. It is much better than the English dub in my opinion.

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I am not sure about this. I completely loved the first two seasons, but the third one just messed a lot with my mind. I think I only understood half of it. Nonetheless it is one of the best ideas I have seen on television.

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A very well-thought-out story that can get quite complicated very quickly, but will eventually make sense if you stick it out long enough. There is a lot that the writers had to juggle in this show without losing sight of the end, and I believe they did an amazing job.

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Most Recommended, #1 on my list.
A really worth watching with almost every emotion perfectly gathered with a really awesome story.
Drama, Thrill, Love, Suspense, Science Fiction and what not. :heart:

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Its strange. Really strange. Intricate. Convoluted. Difficult to keep track of initially but later you have that moment of clarity and things start connecting. I only have one lingering question. Who killed Laura Palmer?

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You need to watch 7 episodes at least before appreciating the show,AND learn all the names of the characters from the beginning or you will be lost

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Shout by drbi
BlockedParent2022-08-12T11:50:50Z— updated 2022-08-13T18:56:11Z

Brilliant Television Series.

I avoided this series like a plague, because I thought this was about missing children and dark magic. The thought of sitting through another cliche about western religious stereotypes and superstitions did't sit well with me. Oh boy! was I wrong?

This series is about time travel. Paradoxes and human connections that revolves around time travel. I like that it doesn't pull punches in story telling. It is complex story telling. You have to pay attention to understand the intricacies of relationships, characters and time.

It is totally worth it.

Best in class casting. The crew is amazing in acting and resemblance.

The characters portray desolation well. You can see the perpetuating sadness in the main characters. Time is taking it's toll.

Watch it in German. English is okay, But German is Amazing.

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First of all. this show is not all sci fi

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1 1/2 episodes was more than enough. Plenty of shock noise/music every so often to make sure you're awake or to 'scare' you.

None of the characters are interesting and the story is just meh.
Have no idea why so many people on Trakt love this, but then lots love CSI, the Kardashians and Big Brother so there's no accounting for bad taste.


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This is simply the perfect show for me. From the complex characters and plot to the mind-bending twists and thought-provoking philosophical ideologies that clash into one completed show allowing this show to be the masterpiece it is. I can now safely say this show is truly amazing without having to exaggerate. Every episode of this masterpiece shocks you in ways you never thought was possible. The constant gripping revelations were so unexpected but because of the foreshadowing, anyone paying attention could see what's to come. With all the plot threads arching throughout a century of a town's history it managed to tie the story so well together. Exceptional and convincing acting skills by the entire cast and tons of heartfelt scenes between different character dynamics. This show is the perfect epitome of a well thought out show, meticulously crafted and executed so well and overall knows where it's trying to advance its story. This show has revolutionized time travel storytelling and is definitely one of the most throughout and consistently written shows of our time.

Season 1 - 9.9

Season 2 - 10.0

Season 3 - 9.8

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Go with the subtitles in the original German, you lose a lot with dubbing. It's probably one of the best shows I've watched this year. It grips you from the start and is excellent in many ways. It's dark and gritty. I loved it. It's also complicated. I had a good time watching it.
It is complicated but I loved it just the same.

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Do yourself a favour and stop watching at the end of Season 2. Season 3 is pretty much trash and the ending is awful.

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One of the best ever made!

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Complex and stylish. Suspenseful and chilling. First two seasons are great and third season was expectedly far too convoluted. At its core, though, this show is great. You gotta commit to the mind-fuckery and bang out the whole thing in one setting. It really is a masterpiece. Go!

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I gave it a 10 rate before S3 dropped, But tbh i still don't know why many series fails to keep the same level the story became more complicated to degree you can't like it anymore, They could end it better than that, But anyway we can't denying that they made a real masterpiece

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Watched season 1. Excellent acting, music and cinematography but unfortunately there were way too many characters, together with 3 different timelines, which just made it very confusing. I found myself reading an explainer after finishing, which itself was effortful to wrap my head around. I can see why people love this show but it's not for me. It takes too much effort to understand and is somewhat dissatisfying in that sense.

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Amazing show. Tons of characters, great cast, super complex story with a perfect ending. Everything gets explained... eventually, not in the beginning. You can pick up so many things you missed the first time when rewatching. I'm currently on my third watch and I'm hooked again.

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My favorite, it's special and may not please everyone.
Full of physics references (if you like general relativity theories like me)

I've waited a long time to see something like this. I'm not disappointed and sad it's over.
Awesome actors too. What a blast.
Thank you for making this

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I have no words for this show. The cast is mesmerising, the story intriguing and the end unpredictable. I loved every single minute and it hurts to realise that I can never watch this series again for the first time.

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This show started off super strong for me, and then I lost interest half way through season 2. But I recommend because the first part is SO good, and it is probably just me and my poor attention span that lost the interest.

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In the story of Dark, everything is connected.

The premise is extremely simple, a boy goes missing in a small town shrouded in secrets, and as its secrets are uncovered you begin to see the bigger picture. It sounds similar to Stranger Things but unlike that show, Dark is so much more complex and engaging to a point where I had to set aside special time to watch uninterrupted because it commanded my full attention. Alongside a hauntingly beautiful soundtrack and incredible German voice acting (and acting in general), Dark is a show that I would recommend to people with a curiosity for the unknown.

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Very confusing if you have problems remembering faces.

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It's a nope for me after chapter 2 of S2. Sorry, I was digging the concept, right before the encounter with "the thing".

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  • Story 4/5
    • Science 2/5
  • Characters 3/5
  • Depth 3/5
  • Cast 4/5

  • Artistry 3/5

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Bit of a letdown and too slow for my liking, but I'm gonna (low-key) miss this show. I know I am.

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An interesting idea and a promising start, but, unfortunately, the story becomes too confusing by the second season, and too boring by the third season (the great final episode is a good exception). For me it was hard to keep tracking which actor plays which character in which time because of the number of characters and the excessive number of time-jumps in the storyline. Perhaps, either reducing the number of characters, or making the storyline more linear could help there. Anyway, the series worth a watch.

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I haven’t (maybe never) watched a serie as brilliant as Dark. It was hard to understand, i’m not even sure if i understood it but still it’s an excellent serie.

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Brilliant series with superb character development, great screenplay, awesome audio and an excellent take on the subject of reality and time travel. It's story arc completion in three seasons is exactly right, doing the story justice without dragging it out. A series that makes you think.

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The Best Netflix series ever :heart: the cinematography with soundtrack s is on another level just insane... well written with great great acting..

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Falls dangerously short of being excellent through and through. As it stands Dark is still one of the best things Netflix has ever produced, but runs into some plotting issues along the way. The first season sets you up nicely and the second season is a banger through and through, but the third season (although planned from the get-go, it seems) jumps the shark ever so slightly that it feels like we lose a bit of what made the first two seasons ever so compelling in favor of complexity. If you are not okay with the idea of narrative confusion, I would avoid this series entirely. Because it is far more intricate than most things, and although I think it still handles everything well, be ready to watch all three seasons back to back because getting yourself reacquainted as the seasons dropped was a doozy.

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I think season 1 started pretty decent. Nice interesting story, cool characters, grimm atmosphere and overall pretty look and feel. But this show got worse and worse to a point it was just lazy writing. 'Oh just add another timeline and a handful of new characters' seems to be the tactics of season 3. This doesn't lead to any 'omg there is another timeline?!' reaction if that's what they expected.. It's just too easy to be interesting. There are no eureka moments at all, the stuff that a mysterical thriller desperately needs. I want to be involved in the plot as a viewer, in Dark there's no room for that. Before you figure things out the writer decides to add a whole new alternative universum and expects you to go with it. It's almost like Lost, but that had a way better start. The last season felt like a chore.

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First season masterpiece
Second season very very good
Trird season what's this shit

Too bad, a great idea in fist and second season developed poorly in the last season.

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To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand the dark..

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I expected a lot more disappointment for me. The story is good, but the processing, directing, etc. It's very weak or rather very bad and I don't understand how this series can have such a high rating. with closed eyes I rate 6 out of 10 and only for the story otherwise I would give 5 out of 10 It's a pity that such a good looking series spoiled like this, but what to expect from Netflix I have not seen anything good from them, not even in terms of movies 90% is bad mainly because they want such money for it. Sorry my English is bad.

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As dense and convoluted as a Higher Physics textbook, or like studying the Ptolemaic dynasty while being forced to read Finnegan's Wake. At some points even the most attentive person will get lost in who, where, when, and what world!? but the sheer detail and commitment of the storytelling take you to all these uncomfortable, out of sync places, with uneasy situations, with the unravelling identities and fluctuating motivations, with a grandeur that is breathtaking in scope. At first just a missing person case, but then unfolding out into a temporal anomaly, then intersecting temporal worlds, and then finally anomalous temporal worlds in each season. Some of the repetition others have noticed is actually mirroring as part of the plot, some of it foreshadowing. it was truly a maze, and amazing. Worth the investment of a curious and undaunted mind and the outlay of a DVD or even bluray (gasp) box-set, hence I give it a 10.

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Pfff, at first I had it booked as "not overwhelming but at least it's got time travel and a neat soundtrack" but after dragging along with weird dialogues and painfully awkward acting up to season 3 I've reached the point where I don't know if I can go on. "Stranger Things - but cheaper and less awesome" much?? I'm absolutely not convinced. Maybe I just can't bear german acting and storytelling, idk…

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Absolute masterpiece. I don't usually watch foreign-language shows but Dark hits it out of the park with an amazingly intricate story, terrific cinematography, and beautiful music. Overall an extraordinary television experience, and one that respects its viewers' intelligence.

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My girfriend walked in when I watched this show, I immediately switched to porn, because it easier to explain :)

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I give up trying to understand this messy sh!tshow and licking the writers boots for making something very out of the ordinary

no one should spend an extra time of their lives on YouTube and on Dark's official website trying to understand this messy timeline and the characters idiotic decisions, I did that until the end of season 2 but I'm not doing that anymore.

I don't care if I'm not understanding jack sh!t of this 3rd season, call me dumb or whatever you want, I'm sick of playing games, I'll be just watching this for kicks and giggles.

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Holy fuck-knuckles!! This is the best show I’ve ever watched.

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Great show, I didn't feel much on the third season, but it felt super rewarding for the last 3 episodes. And the "Dark" title isn't that fitting, IMO. It should be called "The Knot" instead, or something like that, it'd make even more sense and more tone, I guess! I'm placing it under spoilers out of respect for those who may think it is a spoiler, but I honestly think it would be a better title for this one!

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Until season 2 it was ok, but season 3 was way too repetitive and boring.

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It overwhelms the complicities of the mutual connections between the events and the characters. However, as a sf series about time travel, I think it will be the new classic of the genre. :)

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This show was a mind bending experience! Definitely recommend it, but be warned, it's a complicated, confusing and intriguing ride.

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Phenomenal. Will go down in history as one of the best series of all time. Many of the show's flaws can even be seamlessly corrected through a remastering. This is a series not only worth a-list voiceovers but, ironically, one most will probably still need the subtitles for, in order to keep track of the puzzles.

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so glad i decided to give this ago when it popped up on Netflix. I'm not a huge fan of English dubs but I don't mind subtitles, so I figured i'd watch it in the native german with English subtitles. man am I glad I did! this show was a huge shock, I didn't expect to become so engrossed in the lives of all these many people. I laughed, I cried, and I cried some more. What an emotional rollercoaster of a show an absolute masterpiece.

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A glitch in the matrix.

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One of the greatest Sci - Fi stories ever told, Straight up. They pulled off such an intricate web of characters, timelines, worlds, and relationships in only three seasons. It's a travesty that this show isn't more popular than it is, but they've already cemented its greatness with this final season so that's all that matters .

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3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Dark’:

  1. This show is one of THE most complex and intricate stories I have ever watched in my life. It’s often mind-numbing and frustrating because of it. But, I promise you, the ending makes up for everything... no matter how confused you are.

  2. This series has some of the absolute best casting EVER, with different actors playing younger or older versions of a single character. The resemblances are incredibly impressive.

  3. As I currently process the finale, I’m realizing more and more that this show is probably smarter than I ever gave it credit for. (but there’s gotta be actual plot holes in there somewhere! lol) Kudos!

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Couldve done without the endless repeating shots. Think it would’ve been a better, more concise story in a movie format. Good acting.

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I liked it so much. I think the plot is so ground breaking and well studied but I found it too much slow ... too many silences made me annoying sometimes ... I would prefer a little more speed

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Wow! Absolutely phenomenal show!

Season 3 is incredible and the pace is fast and such a complex plot with so many twists.

Well done to Netflix for bringing this to our screens. So many foreign shows we’d normally never see without them. It’s dubbed, but well done.

I watched season 1 & 2 together and then waited a longtime for season 3, and unfortunately I found it difficult to remember who was who in season 3. If you can, watch all seasons one after the other.

I never expected after season one it would turn out to be one of my favourite shows. I suppose I didn’t really know what I was watching to begin with, I thought it was a crime show, but instead it’s sci-fi and I suppose fantasy and supernatural too in some aspects.

Regardless, the plot is incredibly intricate and mind boggling.

Well done to everyone involved in this show, especially to those who wrote it.

This is one show not to miss!

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The first season is excellent. The second one is just fine. On the other hand, the third is a pure waste of time, we're going in circles. Anyway, my advice is to only look at the first season.

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If you like mysteries, you'll like this show.
If you like time-travel, you'll like this show.
This show is very well done. Writing, acting, visuals. The first season only has minimal time-travel in it. Season 2 ramps it up a bit. But season 3 ... hold on to your hats!! Time-travel is fast and furious. Sometimes it is a bit hard to keep track of who is who in which era. I will definitely have to rewatch this show a couple more times to get really comfortable/understand with all the time-traveling elements and the complicated relationships. But it's definitely worth it.

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One of the greatest shows ever! Watch only if you are interested in time travel, wormhole and stuffs like that

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What a wonderful tv series.

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Not only the best Netflix show, but one of the best shows ever. A masterpiece.

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My daughter is also her mother, and there is no paradox, full score

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Easily one of the best TV shows I've seen in my life and I don't say this lightly. What an amazing, thrilling, complicated, and moving ride from beginning to end. THIS is how you make a show, THIS is how you engage your audience, THIS is how you get us to think about so many things, THIS is how you tell a story about love, loss, choices, time travel, life. Amazing! Truly amazing, worth every single minute and I can't wait to watch it again.

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Greatest Sci-Fi show of all time!!

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Dark Season 1 & 2: “Things can’t get any more complicated than this”

Dark Season 3: “Hold my beer”

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Just masterpiece fucking happens. Probably the best Netflix production until now.

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What an absolute masterpiece! Probably the best time travel story ever told.

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Such a bittersweet ending, both Jonas and Eva could have kept on feeding into the loop and keep the knot tight, but when they discovered the truth they sacrificed themselves to save the origin world, its really sad, but great things may require great sacrifice. This show will go done as one of the greatest stories and one of the best shows I have experienced, such a phenomenal show. The ending with Hannah was a really nice touch, ending with my favourite character. In the end paradise was reached for a lot of characters. A great end to the Dark trilogy

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I thoroughly enjoyed this series. I mean damn, a time travel drama wrapped in multi world theory ..even without the satisfaction of knowing what happen to the guy and his eye. This is a must watch if you like time travel stories. You are in for a great story. Just watch it. Bravo. Well worth the hype. I'm not going to deprive you of experience dark firsthand. Go in completely blind that my recommendation and choose your language of preference. Then come back here and give me a like for not telling you what happens.

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This show brought me through a brain hurting ride and it was an incredible journey. Amazing show with a great conclusion. Easily one of the best shows I have watched! 9/10

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So the ending was definitely rushed, likely because they didn't get renewed for a season 4..... that said, I think it ended beautifully. This is the level of satisfaction I was hoping for with something like Lost... but on Dark, I actually got it.

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DARK S02 (2019) REVIEW ⏱
:scroll: Plot : A family saga with a supernatural twist, set in a German town Winden, where the disappearance of two young children exposes the relationships among four families and leads to unconventional happenings.
:man:‍⚖ Review : After S01, S02 is still bizzare but most addictive at the same time. The characters evolve, drama and tension and Mysteries unravel like none you have seen in S01. Science Fiction at its exhilarating best. This seasons draws more towards the inevitable apocalypse which all wants to avoid. It's Still creepy and confusing but engaging as always. . Characters do not typically have conflicts or goals beyond trying to figure out what’s going on. But that search for answers is all the dramatic impetus a show like Dark needs.
:thumbsup:Goods : The Narrative on how everything is linked keeps you on edge of your seats throughout.
:thumbsdown: Bads : It's Addictive.
:fire: Final Rating : 9/10
:white_check_mark: Recommendation : S03 Out on June 27, 2020. You won't want to miss this one.
- Follow Instagram for More : @RiteshReviews

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awesome but I don't get it why everyone predicted 2020 to be the end of the world well
end is coming xdxd

27 June 2020

will update if nothing happens :)

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The show stands out to describe as a fusion between Stranger Things and True Detective. Great show, great music, great actors performances.

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