A Halloween episode from 2009, meaning it was solidly in the middle of the time period where practically every Halloween-themed episode was parodying The Dark Knight in some way.

If Chang and Jeff rode to the faculty party on a moped, then how did the rest of the group arrive mere moments later?

Pierce tripping out on... Viagra? ... was definitely not great. I wouldn't even say it's a case of not aging well - I just think it's not good in general.

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Annie: It's sometimes referred to as Mexican Halloween.

Chang: Which is actually quite offensive to people familiar with Mexican Halloween as a sexual position.

Jeff and Troy's nodding in agreement while Abed looks to see if that's true is the cherry on top of this joke.

Also, the insane chemistry between McHale and Lauren Stamile is off the charts.

Jeff: I'm barely a student. I'm older than you, I drive a Lexus, I saw Ghostbusters in the theater, and look, my gums are receding.

Slater: It's uncanny how many of my buttons you're finding, but I have a personal rule about this and I stick to it.

Jeff: Let me buy you a cup of coffee, and see if I can change your mind.

Slater: Oh, I know you can, that's why you're not getting the chance.

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I live for abed and Troy at the end of the episodes

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"I was so unpopular in high school, the crossing guard used to lure me into traffic." — Annie
That is psychotic

  • Oh no, Pierce is doing drugs
  • OMG, Abed and Troy
  • Wtf is wrong with Pierce
  • Wtf, Jeff?
  • Wtf, Chang?
  • Omg, Batman!

SCORE: 7/10

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Hilarious episode; Abed as Batman was awesome! XD and as much as Pierce usually annoys me, he was exceptionally funny in this episode

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