[6.1/10] This is another one that just didn’t do much for me. The real good stuff here is all on the edges. Abed’s Batman routine is mainly comic relief, but damn if Danny Pudi doesn’t just commit and wring every ounce of humor out of it. And I especially like the Shirley C-story, where she realizes she’s projecting her own hurt over her estranged husband onto Britta and taking it out on Prof. Slater. Yvette Nicole Brown really gives a great dramatic performance there, full of hurt and realization. It’s subtle but strong acting that sells it

But man, am I not interested in a cliché pull between Jeff being a suave man on the prowl and Jeff being a good friend to the group. His exchanges with Slater have some good energy, but the whole shtick with Britta as his Jiminy Cricket is lame, and the whole conflict is too. At the same time, Pierce feeling insecure about his age could be interesting, but it’s played so cartoony and coupled with a drug trip that saps it of any force. (Though you can see Justin Lin trying out some fancy director moves here and there, so there’s that.)

Overall, this one is a non-starter and weak entry in the show’s early going.

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Reply by dgw

@andrewbloom Looks like I enjoyed Danny Pudi's Batman schtick just a bit more than you, which pulled my rating high enough to round up instead of down. :grin: (Britta in a squirrel costume helped, too. That was funny, her walking around with at least one nut at all times, if you can guess the pun :wink:.)

@dgw The Batman shtick is great! It's just a small part of the episode overall. (And I love the show's running bit of Britta deliberately choosing non-sexy, semi-mundane Halloween costumes.)
