Duncan: Listen, I wanted to ask you about that young lady in your Spanish class. You know, the blonde with the pouty, strident Cate Blanchett sexuality and the ridiculous name?

Jeff: Britta.

Duncan: That's it! Imagine living with that. Can you imagine? Unbelievable. Anyway, um, are you two an item? And if so, would that item be impervious to sabotage?

Jeff: You know, you have the savoir faire of a hyena. How is it possible that you and James Bond come from the same island?

Duncan: Message received. I'll just wait for you to finish striking out first.

Jeff: Cheers.

Abed: MASH.

Duncan: Fawlty Towers, game over. Have a nice day.

God, these early episodes always started off so strong with moments like these.


Troy: From now on, Abed, friends don't mess with each other.

I love the callback to this moment in a later season when Abed mentions the date of this episode as when he and Troy promised to never lie to each other again.

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“Well I may be a genius but I’m not a lesbian”

:asterisk_symbol:looks at britta:asterisk_symbol:

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The Luis Guzman statue can actually already be seen in the previous episode. Maybe the episodes were originally intended to be in a different order?

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Ian: "Cheers."
Abed: "M*A*S*H."
Ian: "Fawlty Towers, game over. Have a nice day."

  • Troy's trying so hard
  • I'm glad I got that "Karate Kid" reference
  • Wow, they firing off all cylinders
  • No, Abed. Dogs being blue doesn't work ;-;
  • Nah, Abed's an alien (or he's messing with Troy)
  • Britta, do you want to get expelled or not?
  • They just burned Billy Joel
  • What are Troy and Abed doing???

What a weird episode.

SCORE: 7/10

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The Dean is finally introduced, aside from the small intro in the premiere. "Dean ya later!" -- The puns have begun

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