Britta's knock knock joke is classic Community.

"Knock knock."

"Who's there?"


"Oh, good, come on in, I thought it was Britta!"

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Nice frame job, Britta-dict Arnold.

Ooooooh, Colonial burn!

I love that Jeff willingly got up early in the morning for Troy & Abed in the Morning, not realizing what it was likely to be.

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[6.5/10] Another S1 Community episode that tops out at “fine” for most of its run. The A-story, with Britta trying to be less of a buzzkill on April Fools Day, and ending up causing disaster before she blames it on Jeff is pretty meh for most of the time. In the same way, Annie and Shirley each trying to be the “badass” member of their cop duo doesn’t bring the laughs. And Pierce being tricked into ever more ridiculous costumes and accessories related to his cult didn’t do much for me either.

But two things boost this one. For one, it’s an outstanding Abed episode, with his cable going out resulting in him treating real life like T.V. (or, at least, moreso) and spurring on events the hit traditional tropes. The second is the ending, which is a little pat, but also very funny, when everyone admits their insecurities in an overblown but lightly touching fashion and gets in a big, weepy, group hug. Plus it’s the first “Troy & Abed in the Morning!” in the tag!

Overall, most of the material here is just okay, but the ending really cinches it.

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It's crazy how much Pierce kills scenes. Him getting tricked by the robe and wand was somewhat amusing, but him pretending to read Jeff's mind was supremely unfunny. It's not even that I think it's offensive or whatever - it was just completely stupid. Saying gay over and over again is not a joke, it's childish and lazy.

Abed was great in this episode. The scene where he parodied a police chief was hysterical. The Troy and Abed in the Morrrrrrrning outro scene was good, too.

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