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Season 1

I forgot to rate and review this, lol.

While "Community" Season 1 was consistently good, the formula gets a little tiring and really noticeable. The good thing is that when they do something different, it's really noticeable and great.


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I was so rooting for Jeff to end up with Annie, but the show seemed like it wasn't gonna go the way I want it to go, but they ended up kissing! Prolly over the course of 5 seasons their relationship will fail but I don't care.

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YouTubers giving this a quarantine re-watch (binge) arranged Zoom interviews with all the cast members and show creator Dan Harmon. I like Rick & Morty, so I watched the interview with Dan Harmon. He says (paraphrasing, hope I got this right)...he says the show doesn't start to get really good until episode ten...haha...he said that's about when he decided it wasn't really working to try to compete with, "The Office," and he thought it's gonna be cancelled, they're never gonna ask him back, so fuck it -- just kick out all the stops -- and he was more himself after that instead of trying so hard he was getting in his own way...! (He also said some very nice things about how certain actors and actresses really started to inhabit their characters at around the same time.)

So, that's what the other reviewers here are probably alluding to when they say it takes a while to get hooked.

I've only seen one episode and a couple of YouTube videos, but I can't wait (to get to episode ten, which may take me a week or two, hehe).

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Average episode rating for this season: 7.2

I'm both surprised and not that the average is so low. Like many comedies (or TV series in general), Community takes a while to really hit its stride. Even by the end of this first season, there are still more missteps (in my opinion) than genius moves—and the season finale is perhaps one of the worst offenders for falling back on the tired love-triangle trope to deliver a pretty standard cliffhanger intended to bring the audience back next season.

Most of the characters are fun, more or less. Pierce (Chevy Chase) is the true oddball of the group, despite all the "weirdo" wisecracks thrown Abed's way. Señor Chang still feels far too exaggerated and "unbelievable" compared to the other secondary characters, but even he gets more development than anyone else outside the core ensemble.

It's a good start. I enjoy the show, even when it's not that great, so this is just the beginning of my journey with these goofballs.

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The end-of-the-episode scenes with Troy and Abed are everything.

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Fun first season, you'll need a bit to get to know it but then you can't stop watching, promise!

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Give it some episodes to grow on you, this first season of Community is really worth it. Maybe not a new "Friends", "Big Bang Theory" or "Scrubs" but still a great watch.

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