Shout by dgw


Season 1

Average episode rating for this season: 7.2

I'm both surprised and not that the average is so low. Like many comedies (or TV series in general), Community takes a while to really hit its stride. Even by the end of this first season, there are still more missteps (in my opinion) than genius moves—and the season finale is perhaps one of the worst offenders for falling back on the tired love-triangle trope to deliver a pretty standard cliffhanger intended to bring the audience back next season.

Most of the characters are fun, more or less. Pierce (Chevy Chase) is the true oddball of the group, despite all the "weirdo" wisecracks thrown Abed's way. Señor Chang still feels far too exaggerated and "unbelievable" compared to the other secondary characters, but even he gets more development than anyone else outside the core ensemble.

It's a good start. I enjoy the show, even when it's not that great, so this is just the beginning of my journey with these goofballs.

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