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Breaking Bad: Season 2

2x12 Phoenix

Maybe the worst thing Walt ever did.

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Shout by Tafim

Sensational! Wonder what's gonna happen now! Jane's father will definitely think it's Jesse's fault.

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I hate this. Even if she was a little despicable, she didn't deserve to die. And most importantly, this is obviously going to blow up in the future and ruin the relationship between Walt and Jesse, maybe even make them kill each other. Hate this. It can't be fixed.

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Really love that moment between Walter and Jane's father but it was so sad to see that Walter let Jane die.

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As dark as what Walter did was, she deserved it. She was completely full of herself and blackmailed Walter for the money. Not to mention she was basically making Jesse's decisions for him. While she may have truly loved him, she would've definitely used that money to continue being an addict. That's most likely the very reason she even wanted the money. I'm not going to feel sympathy now that she's dead.

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That ending, holy moly. Just.. wow. 10/10

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Walter considers Jesse family, awww

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That ending was everything! Walter actually felt remorse?!!

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Can't believe Walt killed Jessica Jones

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Powerful episode, Walter continues being more malefic each time and definitely what he did is going to blow up in the future.

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That last scene hits like a brick. Wow.

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Okay yeah this is the point where Walt is irredeemable

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Fuck you Walter. Killing gangsters is one thing; letting a defenseless girl die is something else.

Too bad Jane didn't know who she was messing with. Jesse should've warned her what Walter is like.

To people saying she deserved to die: Jane was an addict who never hurt anyone (aside from introducing Jesse to heroin, which tbh it's surprising he hadn't tried until now). Walter has killed multiple people and endangered his family, all because he's too proud to accept help. Get your priorities in order.

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Shout by PHug
BlockedParent2023-04-15T22:50:02Z— updated 2024-03-24T17:32:21Z

100% with him on letting Jane die... she's a loose cannon and a snitch.
What I don't get is why he still needs Jesse at all.

I would have handed Jesse & Jane the money and told him I'm out... I'm not cooking anymore.
Then just cook and distribute to Pollo on my own.

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Jesus Christ, imagine going out like that.

I'd known she'd die from random reddit comments & such, but I didn't think it'd happen like this.

And although I didn't like her character (even moreso after the blackmail), that's a pretty brutal way to go out.

And Walter even feels a bit guilty about it too!

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Shout by pinky

very curious to see what jesse will do next episode once he wakes up

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well that was a peaceful end

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89 | Jane is a bad influence for Jesse. Jesse should be smarter than that after go along with Walt but in matter of fact he learned nothing. In this episode there were many great moments one of them is when Walt in a bar talking to Donald, Jane's father about how to raise children. Beside Walt, Jane and her father is the most developed character in this episode. It's very great.

Rating: 88.7

25%: 2.3
50%: 2.3
75%: 2.9
100%: 3

Favorite Character

  1. Walter White: 3
  2. Donald Margolis: 2.8
  3. Jane Margolis: 2.7
  4. Jesse Pinkman: 2.5
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