As dark as what Walter did was, she deserved it. She was completely full of herself and blackmailed Walter for the money. Not to mention she was basically making Jesse's decisions for him. While she may have truly loved him, she would've definitely used that money to continue being an addict. That's most likely the very reason she even wanted the money. I'm not going to feel sympathy now that she's dead.

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@legendaryfang56 Agreed. But I do feel bad for her father, as he really tried to turn it around. Also, makes me dislike Jesse - he was essentially the one who got her back into it - if she hadn't met him, things would have likely turned out better for her.

@legendaryfang56 I'm hoping it is for the best, and Jesse won't do it ever again.

@legendaryfang56 wtf?? Even if she was going to use the money for drugs she deserves to live. She was the one to propose to get clean and it was Jesse's idea to get the last hit. The only reason she fell back is because she met him in the first place.

The only decision she made for him was calling Walter since he wouldn't give the money that was rightfully Jesse's after he asked. And even then it was clear she wasn't going to follow up since she wasn't scared of him saying he's just a teacher. At that point it's not blackmail at all.

If anything, Walter is full of himself because he couldn't see she was more than just a junkie and broke in there in the middle of the night just to give Jesse probably the same talking to he gave in his class, but instead only caused her to fall on her back and let her die.

@problematisierer I completely agree. The only thing Jane (and Jesse) deserves is a successful rehab.
