Because how else could she tell people?

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The last scene gave me chills and felt like a punch into the stomach, because I didn't see that coming. I was crying inside after that.

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It's so easy for you... to love me when everything's good

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Princess Carolyn is probably the best developed character of the show and the episodes focused on her are always good.

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That answering-the-phone gag is perfect.

Oh god, no. Princess Carolyn, no! I knew it was going to happen, but the "how" made me really sad. And to top it all off, she lost someone else as well, goddamn it!

BoJack and Diane's subplot is fun and works well to give moments of levity.

The intro and narration are very clever, and I hate how it works so well.

Well, to end this on a more positive note, I'll say two things: Diane gaining recognition—score! And Todd is doing some illegal stuff—wow.


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There is something about Princess Carolyn that just keeps making me root for her.

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A day were absolutely everything goes wrong for Princess Carolyn, with a weird narration that makes it all so much worse in the end. Very sad episode, but fascinating. Well done. Hope Judah does not stay fired though.

Bonus points for the background jokes for Ralph's holidays on the whiteboard, including 'Halloween in January. Been done."

And I also hope Todd's clown thing won't stay as a long term storyline because that's the least interesting thing he's ever done.

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A very depressive episode. It ruined my mood for the rest of the day.
PS. In real life, the PC would jump under the car or to the dog's pen.

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