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You've Got Mail 1998


Shout by Diego Rodriguez
BlockedParentSpoilers2014-11-10T12:08:40Z— updated 2024-05-03T22:35:33Z

"The thing about this form of communication is you're likely to talk about nothing. But I just want to say... all this nothing has meant more to me than so many somethings."

I love Meg Ryan's character, the setting, the development of the story and of course the chemistry between them. But every time I watch it I end up disappointed with the ending. Instead of proving herself to be a woman with integrity (and slapping him for the way he manipulated her), she just falls into his arms unquestionably. Unlike her heroin Lizzie Bennet would have done.
It's one of the few Nora Ephron romantic films I really complain about the ending

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Shout by Céline
BlockedParent2020-02-19T19:41:22Z— updated 2020-11-30T00:21:01Z

Believe me, I love the enemies-to-lovers trope.
Ergo, I would have been totally on board with this movie if they had found out about each other more or less at the same time so that BOTH could process their feelings about the whole "sworn enemies in real life but pen-pals on AOL" relationship. Why do you have to turn one of them into a manipulating creep and the woman into a fool? There are at least half a dozen better plots based on the same premise!

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Underneath the unfair power distance and manipulation by Tom Hanks’ character and overly pathetic Meg Ryan character, is a pretty good movie that’s fun to revisit every once in a while.

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"Don't you just love New York in the fall?"

There is something comforting about You've Got Mail. My mother and I would watch this during the holidays when I was a kid and we would imagine what it would be like to be in NYC in the fall. Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan are cute together and while this movie has some issues (no spoilers), I enjoy it.

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Not going to lie, it's not my favorite genre. But it's not the worst movie to watch if you're looking for some light-hearted entertainment. And another confession. I had a huge crush on Meg Ryan way back. There is also a lot of nostalgia involved. If you're old enough to remember how it was to sit in front of your computer and wait for a connection you know what I mean. Those sounds are burned into your brain. But it's also a bit funny how people back then were eager to get mail. How it still was something special. Today smartphones are giving notifications about everything almost every minutes depending on your status of connectivity. And a lot of people are annoyed by it but we still take them with us everywhere. And I'm not excluding myself from that equation.
Anyway, a nice little movie that, despite being two hours long, didn't feel boring. Tom and Meg have great chemistry and the humor is still good and not forced. Yeah, it's generic and clichéd but many movies today still are.
I don't think it's something I would watch over and over, but once every 10-15 years ? Why not.

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i don’t know why i like this movie he manipulates her the entirety of the last act after treating her terribly. she’s a very annoying person. yet still i keep coming back :weary:

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Doesn't stand up compared to watching it when I was much younger. Now as a grown adult it's hard to see any of it as romantic at all. They were both in relationships when they were talking to someone online and the meeting was clearly planned to be romantic one. That's just brushed over as they have convenient break ups later. Joe's behaviour towards the end whilst in the midst of his character 'growth' is manipulative and disgusting. Might have been forgivable if it wasn't still continuing to talk to her online and playing off that in person to garner favour with her.
Best part is Meg Ryan being her adorable self. Oh and the dial up sounds :hearts:. The rest is meh

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the Harry Nilsson soundtrack made this movie top tier.

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It was a charming and positive movie. Very pleasant watch, I really enjoyed it. Would definitely recommend, also because it's a classic one.

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This would've been perfect if not for the ending. Joe Fox started to get uncomfortably underhanded as he manipulated Kathleen through both his online and real life personas.

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Inspired by watching THE SHOP AROUND THE CORNER, I decided to revisit YOU'VE GOT MAIL (the third incarnation of the aforementioned movie). And, I was a little bit surprised to find, I enjoyed it as much, tonight, as I did when it was first released (I've been a little hard on romantic comedies, lately). Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks are charming. Nora and Delia Ephron's screenplay is a fitting tribute to the original as well as being fitting to the times (remember dial-up internet connections?). The still pulls on the heart strings as it layers on the romance and leads to the inevitable conclusion. And, Carole King singing "Anyone At All" as the credits roll, just pulls it all together >sigh< I guess I'm still a sucker for the big moments. In the moment. I'm going to give this film a 9 (sigh) out of 10. {RomCom]

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@sammy1405 I kinda wish it had ended with her realizing who he was when he came to visit her when she was sick, the next 10 minutes or so of gameplaying feels like padding and kinda works against both characters.

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Love this movie! Ideal for the holidays!

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This was clearly the 90s. Nowadays there's no way a girl would fall into yours arms after you been playing with her and lying for so long.

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One perfect movie to watch during the holiday season. It's a true comfort movie for me.

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This is one of those movies that I tend to watch at minimum once a year - especially in the fall.

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A movie from 1998 with Tom Hanks in it. I guess that's enough.
Beautiful story with perfect soundtrack.

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Perhaps the most popular pop-culture movie about a female stalker.

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Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan prove three's far from a charm in this limp, flat, by-the-numbers romantic comedy, their third (and last) such collaboration. Ryan plays the owner of a small children's bookstore who, when her shop comes under fire from a big-box retailer around the corner, finds solace in the advice of an anonymous e-mail buddy. Spoiler alert, said buddy turns out to be the billionaire owner of said retailer (Hanks), and the two dance around like marionettes with a sliced string or two for the next two hours, narrowly avoiding each other's identities while gnashing teeth and slinging mud in the press.

It's an irritating story, filled with irritating people doing irritating things. Hanks and Ryan are locked in on cruise control, looking down their noses at the material (and, perhaps, at the doofs who actually make such online connections), and enjoy none of the easy chemistry and warm charm they enjoyed in Joe Versus the Volcano or, to a lesser extent, Sleepless in Seattle. The '90s mascara is caked on thick, too, with eye-rolling mainstream rock soundtrack choices, cookie cutter casting stereotypes and an era-typical Hollywood take on all things cyber. It's bad, empty, corporate-friendly trash.

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My biggest complaint is that this movie is nowhere near as good as the original. The movie it's based off is The shop around the corner with Jimmy Stewart. Jimmy Stewart is amazing and the movie itself is so well done. It was remade by Judy Garland in the movie In The Good Old Summertime. And then came this movie. It's the worst of the three versions. It's boring, there's no real chemistry between the characters, and the acting itself was rather bland.

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I wanted it to be you, I wanted it to be you so badly. I can't get enough of this film. This film has a place in my heart and always on the right pages. Crushing Meg Ryan!

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Shout by Deleted

@sammy1405 Honestly I kinda wish she just realized who he was when he went to her apartment, and they got together there the 10 minutes or so of game playing past that point seem like padding, and kinda work against both characters.

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Re watching. Love this movie. Golden memories...

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Shout by Deleted

The movie really bored me...I always had to do something else while watching it. The ending was what really ruined it for me was a.) really predictable b.) completely unrealistic.

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My brother loves this movie, it's one of his guilty pleasures apparently, but unfortunately I don't share the feeling. It was boring and in the end I was hoping she would slap him for lying to her and so obviously manipulate her, not say "I wanted it to be you. I wanted it to be you so badly." rolls eyes

But then, it could be me and my dislike for the actors. I don't really get all the fuss about them. :/

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Shout by Deleted

Barry family ironing classic

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Shout by Deleted

Boring as hell. Oh Tom...

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