Shout by Nancy L Draper

You've Got Mail 1998

Inspired by watching THE SHOP AROUND THE CORNER, I decided to revisit YOU'VE GOT MAIL (the third incarnation of the aforementioned movie). And, I was a little bit surprised to find, I enjoyed it as much, tonight, as I did when it was first released (I've been a little hard on romantic comedies, lately). Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks are charming. Nora and Delia Ephron's screenplay is a fitting tribute to the original as well as being fitting to the times (remember dial-up internet connections?). The still pulls on the heart strings as it layers on the romance and leads to the inevitable conclusion. And, Carole King singing "Anyone At All" as the credits roll, just pulls it all together >sigh< I guess I'm still a sucker for the big moments. In the moment. I'm going to give this film a 9 (sigh) out of 10. {RomCom]

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