First of all, this movie ripped off a lot of movies specially Star Wars. Hollywood, sort yourself out! I’m not a fan of cara deleving, she doesn’t entertain me. I liked all the creatures, the CGI wasnt bad.. over all alright..

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‪If someone is watched this film, please tell me if this is a ‬"Biggest Shit Made Movie" or not?
thanks. :)

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stop vote 1 year before the film's release, it's pathetic...

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Watch as though a child and don't let the more annoying performances, lackluster script, and none-too-subtle social justice statements laced throughout get to you and you'll be fine. I'm not going to lie - this movie has some serious issues, but if you can reign in your expectations and just enjoy it for the visual majesty it is (and on the big screen in 3D), then you got a shot enjoying yourself.

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French trying to copy Hollywood. That means is both pretentious and stupid.
Also, if you want your MC to be a womanizer, shouldn't he be at least a bit attractive?

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Stumbled upon this movie randomly. Didn't know it was a comic before. If it wasn't for the way the main lead actor was written I could see me re-watching it but as of right now I don't know if I want to re-watch that. The main bad guy was predictable but visually this movie is pleasing.

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One of the worst movies I have ever watched. The protagonists are unbearable and the story is absolutely dumb

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How did I missed out on this show!

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That was a very weird and beautiful movie to watch, I am surprised... Cara is so God damn pretty, she is my favorite!

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Shout by 020202

stunning visuals, and i loved the concept of the "million market in another dimension"

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Shout by Bergjaeger
BlockedParent2023-02-25T08:53:18Z— updated 2023-03-02T07:58:07Z

A very enjoyable deep sci-fi with a million races, spaceships, space wars, planets, weird new technologies and whatnot. Put the plotholes aside and just enjoy the ride - if your are a true sci-fi fan then you will definitely not be disappointed. The highlights were the beginning sequence and Rihanna's dance routine. Strong Avateresque overtones - what I could not understand though is how could the spear weilding primitive lifeforms infiltrate and threaten the super evolved space station and its inhabitants. That part just never gets explanied.

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I saw this movie when it first came out and forgot all about it but saw it on Amazon Prime and remembered how great it is. Glad to have rewatch it

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By no means an award-winner but a good movie. Some people complained about the acting not being perfect, but it is not that bad at all. It is definitely much better than B-movies. It all adds to the feeling of space-fun. The special effects are great and the story is original for the most part. It is a visual masterpiece in a 5th-element sort of way. It is also incredibly entertaining.

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Visually stunning! Also has some of the best alien characterizations I've ever seen in motion picture. These qualities make up for shortcomings in unnatural dialogue and major leaps in logic. Was a goodtime nonetheless.

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Loved the taken reference “…good luck”

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ethan hawke is jolly the pimp made my day haha. okay movie weird alien sci-fi stuff. Rihanna suprised me, you are a good actor.

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I haven't seen many films with this much visual imagination on display. The detail of the worlds is amazing. The story wasn't great, in fact, I can barely remember it. Valerian and Laureline weren't as bad as rumored. They seemed a little young, maybe. Pretty, but pretty forgettable, too.

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Such a promising film..! Delightful alien characters, absolutely adored the Converter - but honestly, the human main characters wasn't very well performed. Ethan Hawke was rather lovely pimping Rihanna's Bubble character though.

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Nice fairy tale about the space and the bad man defeated by a knight and ... a female knight. ;)

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The people living on a sand planet definitely wouldn't be white. Thanks fr coming to my ted talk.

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How do you sum this film up? Sci-fi done right? Best movie I’ve seen in all of 2020 so far for sure.
Also the best dance performance I’ve seen 2020.

Then again, to be entirely fair, no one can wardrobe change this smoothly if not a glamopod. And it being 2020 not much happened when it comes to dancing, film releases, or other :upside_down:

Bubble is such an amazing character though. I’m sad her performance only lasted so long, kind of wished for them to go on as a trio.
In fact there are a ton of amazing characters in this film. Neza is pretty great too.

Also loving how this is a film with a war general for once not actually being an asshole and trusting his guts.

The one thing I was "meh" about was how there's supposed to be 30 million inhabitants and 9 million of them human? What a waste of space. And I'm a bit unsure of having around 3000 species and only 5000 languages, it’s like saying humans only have “human language”+1.

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I relate so much with Rutger Hauer in this film. I wanted to peace the fuck out of this overbloated Star Wars ripoff shitshow too after the first five minutes.

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I just watched this again last night - it is still a great movie. Visually exciting and DeHaan and Delevigne have great chemistry. I wish the movie had originally been received better so that we could get a 2nd and even 3rd movie.

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This movie leaves me a bit helpless.

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Really loved this, had no idea what is was about but really enjoyed it so much and Cara is utterly lovely to watch in this movie.

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This is as close to a sequel (in spirit and anesthetic) to The Fifth Element as we will get. And it was just as quirky and goofy and visually intriguing as said film. The biggest difference is that Dane DeHaan is not meant for this role. He feels like an understudy filling in at the last moment for the actual lead and the film suffers for it. I would have rather has Cara Delevigne be the focus as she played her character wonderfully. All that being said, the visuals were phenomenal, the creatures fun, the space battles engaging, and the general world building quite solid. If this were a Netflix series instead of a film, I'd watch season upon season set it this quirky universe. As it is, I mostly enjoyed this odd, sometimes ridiculous, space romp.

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Awful casting, boring script, a weird & pointless introduction of Rihanna, and absolutely TERRIBLE romantic subplot. I've never read the source material but how anyone could like Valerian in a romantic sense, or even at all, is absolutely beyond me. He was annoying and repulsive. The only thing I appreciate is how the movie showed that humans are garbage across space and time. Other than that, the movie was a waste of time.

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Shout by Deleted

Great Besson! I just enjoy this Movie for the second Time. First was in theatre and now with my 65“

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Surprisingly exciting movie after the really bad review I heard and read before I watched it. However, Dane DeHaan was a poor choice for the main role because he was not as charismatic and a heartthrob as his character should have been according to the comic book.

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This movie might have been good if the thing wasn't so miscast

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This movie has some gorgeous visuals. And the design of the various alien species was great.

The action was pretty good, but nothing particularly special.

The storyline was derivative and unimaginative. If you've seen Avatar or Dances with Wolves, you already know the story. Story-wise, it was pretty boring.

And none of the characters were likable, especially the main characters. I spent most of the movie waiting for someone to punch Valerian in the face. The Na'vi Pearls were sympathetic, but incredibly boring.

All in all, not really worth the time.

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Shout by Eliott Robson
BlockedParent2018-06-30T23:25:26Z— updated 2018-07-02T09:58:39Z

Plenty of action, some spectacular visuals and an insanely attractive Cara. Throw in some decent soundtrack, subtract a mediocre plot and overall you have a decent film that's worth a watch.

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The first ten minutes were really promising, and the whole movie looks absolutely amazing with an incredible eye for detail. Unfortunately the acting and dialogue is flat and unbelievable; the chemistry between the two leads non-existent. The story is an incoherent mess of scenes that look cool but otherwise don't really seem to serve any true purpose or even make sense. In the end I was just waiting for it to be over. The Fifth Element is my all-time favorite movie and this came nowhere close. What happened, Luc?

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A very international international space station and a race too similar to Avatar.

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film with very few pretensions whose objective is the adolescent public and without any depth in the characters or in the development of the plot

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I don't think I've ever seen a more glaring miscast than Dane DeHaan for Valerian. This was a truly terrible choice.

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I am not familiar with the source material, but I thought it was very fun. The plot is not very original, but well executed, and entertaining nonetheless. I actually thought the cast was nice - I think Dane DeHaan and Cara Delevigne worked well together, and their characters were just very likable. The supporting cast also did a great job, and I was happy to see Kris Wu, even in such a small role. I enjoyed how the story allowed the exploration of very different settings, and I do hope there is a sequel, so that I will get to see more of Alpha.

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The visuals are fucking amazing

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Love this film....beautiful visual effects, good story and had me on edge....hopefully we get sequels, do like we used to do in 80s put out films and not about the money

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Beautiful eye candy. Solid world-building. Paper-thin plot and story, of which over half is told in an expositional info dump about 90 minutes into things. One-dimensional characters, starting with two very weak leads. And that last bit is almost a killer.

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Shout by FinFan
BlockedParent2018-01-23T21:58:46Z— updated 2018-01-25T00:41:28Z

137 min of eye candy with about 20 min worth of story. Honestly, beside the visuals there is nothing remarkable to this movie. It´s enjoyable but in the end meaningless.

loading replies I'm a sucker for space operas...and this one fit the bill rather splendidly.

Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets have faults. Enough for me to actually notice despite my love for the genre. Some weird acting and a script that has too much social justice like commentary for my liking, but when the visuals and the action work as good as in this, that matters little. Besson knows, however, how to do this properly, but in these times even the masters have to cater to the crowd that makes a mockery out of public opinion. Anyway...the movie is highly watchable despite these facts.

I suspect most fans of the genre will find this movie fun and entertaining...

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This could have been so much better without the horribly miscast lead man. But you don't watch this film for the acting (or the story, which is pure sci-fi cliche). No, you watch it for the visuals which are excellent and make this a film that you should see even with its severe shortcomings in other areas.

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Oof. What a clunker. For the first hour there was always a new world and new characters to see, it was hard to get bored. Thennnnn it settles in, and I found my myself skipping forward 10 seconds more than once because we were going to hear something we already knew. The Avatar people, ughhhhh, such a snooze. Also....Dane DeHaan seems like a nice guy. And the internet tells me he's 31, married and has a child. But in this movie he seems like a 19 year old doing a Keanu impression. It's distracting. Not good.

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I love it. Hope there's another sequel from this.

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i enjoyed it, there was some funny parts in it which helped .

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What can I say? I really enjoyed this movie. It's unique, the visuals and performance is pretty cool. If you really want to enjoy it just don't take it seriously. It's sci-fi after all, don't look for things to be realistic just sit down and enjoy.

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I don't understand why this movie gets bad reviews. By some elements like certain angles, dialogues, humororus moments and some actiom scenes, it is a typical Luc Besson movie. It's easily recognizable to anyone who ever watched any of his movies before. It's not some deeply philosophical, metaphysically enlightening movie, sure, but it's nice - the storyline flows nicely, acting is good and the efects are amazing. A nice movie for a Saturday evening.

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When Bruce WIllis & Milla Jovovich made Fifth Element a forever classics with their charisma and charm the two main protagonists of this movie kinda ruined it for me. And a deal breaker is not his "drunk style" eyes or her eyebrows, it's just they are such a huge miscast in this movie you can't even begin to care about them or like them no matter how hard you try. Unlike Bruce & Milla they have absolutely zero charisma, charm or anything else for that matter.
They're such a big miscast cause' their look don't even fit with what's going on with the movie or the script itself. It's all in the details. For example, when they say he has served 9 years with impeccable record you're like - wait, what? When, in the kindergarten? Or her beating up Clive Owen like she's so tough, pff..
So even though the visuals are awesome and the story is good as well, I personally didn't feel like it's a great movie because main characters are just blah.

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Big, bold, beautiful and bonkers! Very Besson! Not a perfect film by any means, but it's rare we see something with this much imagination on display. Keep your cynicism at the door and go in with an open mind.

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Shout by Deleted

The acting by the 2 main stars was less than noteworthy. However the concept, imagery, special effects, wonderful creation of alien characters is what I felt saved this movie.

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I gave it a 5!! and that may be generous.... It is way to long for such an "Avatar" mediocre film and cast.

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The magic of Fifth Element is teased at but never recaptured, and that's entirely down to the unconvincing cast. Looks beautiful though, and still good fun.

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Good special effects. Wasn't as good as I was expecting, but definately worth watching. Glad I didn't pay to see it in the theatre though.

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Would have been 2pts higher were it not for the main casting. These two are so incredibly milquetoast that they drain all color and flavor from every scene they are in. And there's a lot of color and flavor.

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nice VFX demo but you can watch many of them for free on youtube without the +110min boring shit inbetween. I recommend the ones from blur studios.

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Beautiful movie with potential ruined by a horrendous script.

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I guess you can kind of say the plot is a bit thin, but I don't see it, no idea where the complaints are coming from. This had a rich mythology and great design and visuals, with some fun adventure. Solid sci-fi flick. It's too bad they probably won't get to make more.

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A simple, yet well-crafted story, a feast for the eyes and a pure spectacle. + some ugly CGI and an ending that fails to sell the story. Overall, 8/10.
Special praise for Cara Delevingne for giving an amazing performance.

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Shout by Deleted

I totally loved this film! It's so energetic and powerful

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Usually I never comment movies online, but since I’m watching it alone I need to vent my disappointment: worst acting ever. It was hard to watch it without being annoyed by it.

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2 / 2 directing & technical aspect
0 / 1 story
1 / 1 act I
0 / 1 act II
1 / 1 act III
1 / 1 acting
1 / 1 writing
1 / 1 originality
0 / 1 lasting ability to make you think
+0 misc

7 out of 10

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Incredible visuals, I wish I could say the same for story and acting.

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I really didn't know what to expect about this movie, but i really enjoyed. Cara's performance has improved so much since that awful Enchantress in Suicide Squad and the same happened to Rihanna since her previous movies. Dane's acting was also good, he and Cara Delevigne work well together. Really liked it more than i thought i would. I'll definitely watch it again later.

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Shout by Deleted

So much bullshit long explanations from everyone. The film isn't american WE KNOW but it's good enough to be seen, entertaining, as simple as that... and much much better than many other Hollywood huge horseshits which are permanently being produced and get so praised by the reviews...

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Shout by Deleted

Puede ser que no sea la mejor película que haya visto en mi vida pero no se merece la dura crítica recibida. Que el público americano no la aprecie no me extraña porque simplemente la competencia no se la ha dejado vender lo suficiente. Ver críticos de medios ponerla a parir me da que pensar que igual están comprados... He visto recientemente muchos mayores bodrios con críticas que decían que eran maravillosas...

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This movies is just bad.
1. The script/story: chaotic, you go from one unique graphic scene to another. There are new sci-fi elements introduced, that are never used again (tools, suit abilities etc etc). After few minutes this gets boring because if there is something cool it will be over in the next few seconds. Also there are sections that could be just deleted as they add nothing to the plot (in over 20 minutes worth)
2. Acting: oh please, why why, who chose these "actors". Cara should stick to modeling and photos as she has only one facial expression (gets boring in 10 minutes) and has completely unappealing emotions. Dane DeHaan (Valerian) does not represent character that should be skilled and competent. Why the F*** was there Rhianna? Clive Owen performance also sad.
3. Visuals: Might have boon cool, but the fast scenes and everything diminished it for me, but there still are some good elements.

I might have forgotten some other stuff that were bad with this movie. Just waste of time and money

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Story was good and visually it looked great, but I did not like the performance of the actor playing Valerian, Dane DeHaan. If the movie is named after that character, you should cast someone more like-able. I did like Cara Delevinge's character. The main 2 characters seemed more like brother and sister than lovers. Did not buy it at all. They did a good job as actors, but the relationship seemed forced and they had no real chemistry, in my opinion.

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The kid who looks like the offspring of Leo DiCaprio and Keanu Reeves, teams up with his crush to save the galaxy from space herpes

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So, Valerian.

Nothing can be said about how visually stimulating it is, anyone who says otherwise is objectively wrong.

The movie has a fairly speedy pace, that is kept throughout the entire movie. It's evident that the lore is 100x more expanded in the original piece, but I personally didn't suffer much from it because the movie doesn't stop too much over it, like random scenes that aren't explained anywhere in the movie that you need to go look for in order to understand, it's explained quickly and fairly well, also there was a bit of annoyance with the romantic parts of the two protagonists that in my opinion were held up by Cara's character and her performance that didn't make it cheesy at all. It was generally funny, beautiful to watch and entertaining. But I'll give it a 6/10 because 1. They should've made it a trilogy to express it better (but Luc Besson doesn't do that shit) and 2. Fuck Rihanna

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Nice movie but the "bad guy" is not bad enought for my taste.

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I am French and this movie makes me really proud. It is on par with any big American blockbuster production wise. I am not really familiar with the source material but the story is simple enough to be enjoyed by everyone. The visuals are fantastic. The story is Star Wars meets Avatar.

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The visual aspect of the movie was fantastic it's the other parts that were lacking. It's a mix of Fifth Element, Gaurdians of the Galaxy, and Star Wars. It tries to do everything but it couldn't, there are a few lacking points but go in without any expectations and you will enjoy the movie.

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Shout by Damien

Was a really neat idea for the intro, including the song played. Top Sci-Fi movie overall.

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I liked it, the story is simple, but the beauty of the worlds and creatures captivates me

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I just cannot believe the negative reviews this movie has been receiving. I came out of the cinema very happy indeed, having been superbly entertained. This was nothing short of a science fiction masterpiece, with stunning visuals, great story, solid acting and a good helping of humour.... all in all a perfect balance. What more do you want?! I could not fail to be astonished by the creative imagination of the film makers, the ideas just kept coming but the movie flowed in the right direction with never a dull moment or scene out of place. My hat goes off to Luc Besson for his courage and commitment. If you imagine a mix of Avatar, The Fifth Element and Men in Black you have Valarian... please ignore the bad reviews, go see this for yourself and be transported to an amazing place. 8.5/10

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Dreadful dialogue, wooden acting, and zero chemistry between the lead actors.
Pretty to look at though.

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Enjoyable for the visuals and setting (which is thanks to the comics I guess) but loaded with tons of issues; bad chemestry from the leads, story gets worse by the minute, needless exposition dumps, plot holes, predictable, shilling social commentary (6 million... like really wow?) and a side story for Rihanna that adds nothing to the movie except runtime.

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Watched it opening night. It is thoroughly enjoyable. At first I wasn't feeling DeHaan's assuredness, but by the end I was on board with his Valerian and his relationship with Delevingne's Laureline. The plot is rather predictable but the visuals carry you through it without you really caring. Some of the side characters might as well have been called by their stereotypes but others are very well realised. All in all, it's good way to spend 2 and a bit hours.

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I had no idea what to expect from this film and I actually really enjoyed it. Highly unique plot, loved all the alien creatures, spectacularly aesthetically pleasing visuals! Overall an enjoyable choice.

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Shout by Jordy
BlockedParent2017-08-01T12:33:51Z— updated 2023-05-29T18:30:20Z

Hear that? That's the sound of 209 million being flushed through the toilet.

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Technically sometimes impressive and, from an visual point of view only, well done. However the storyline is very thin and rather boring. Wouldn't watch it again!

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This was quite the disappointment. It was a weak story, unsympathetic main characters and a completely weird and unnecessary romantic storyline. Looks fantastic, but that's literally it.

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I don't know why this movie is getting low reviews. The visuals are stunning. I love how "futuristic" it looked. Both visually and the technology used within. Some stuff i could see being possible in real life. that virtual market was an amazing concept.

Additionally, i thought the story kept a good steady pace with very few boring parts. Overall I'm pleased, will watch again.

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Visually stunning with great eye candy and about as good as Fifth Element. The performances were decent. Surprisingly Cara Delevingne fairs better than Dane DeHaan though.
The film definitely deserved more at the Box Office. Especially since it makes for a great IMAX experience. Even if the plot is some-what underwhelming. There's still plenty of cool moments.

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Amazing Sets and fight scenes with a strong story and a fun romantic back and forth between Cara Delevingne (Sergeant Laureline) and Dane DeHaan (Major Valerian). I have to watch it again, as I got lost in the story often.

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Visually stunning with a lot of cool sci-fi elements. I really liked Laureline, I think Cara Delevingne did a great job. This is as much Laureline's story as it is Valerian's. Decent movie overall. A little too long but worth checking out of you like science fiction movies.

I think its funny they brought Rihanna in to basically only do a strip dance.

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I really love the trailer so i am excited to give it a go. A saw someone make a comment about how this is as close as we will get to a Mass Effect film and i agree.

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