How do you sum this film up? Sci-fi done right? Best movie I’ve seen in all of 2020 so far for sure.
Also the best dance performance I’ve seen 2020.

Then again, to be entirely fair, no one can wardrobe change this smoothly if not a glamopod. And it being 2020 not much happened when it comes to dancing, film releases, or other :upside_down:

Bubble is such an amazing character though. I’m sad her performance only lasted so long, kind of wished for them to go on as a trio.
In fact there are a ton of amazing characters in this film. Neza is pretty great too.

Also loving how this is a film with a war general for once not actually being an asshole and trusting his guts.

The one thing I was "meh" about was how there's supposed to be 30 million inhabitants and 9 million of them human? What a waste of space. And I'm a bit unsure of having around 3000 species and only 5000 languages, it’s like saying humans only have “human language”+1.

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