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Underworld: Blood Wars 2016

No, it wasn't that good; but, it wasn't that bad either. Honestly, it's kinda what I remember 2016 being like anyway. I do want to see the rest of the story, because I'm one of those people who like to see it to the end, even if it kinda sucks along the way. I'm seen series' start off awesome, go through a bad middle, and still manage to redeem itself in the end (with all things considered, of course). So, yes, I want to see if Sony's Underworld can redeem itself in the end.

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There's no way to explay what a cluster fuck is this movie. It's hard to see such inconsistent lore and unclear rules.
Underworld world building is lika that fish with short memory in finding Nemo. Every 20 minutes they come with a new way to make things crazy.
Logic is thrown out of the window here.

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At 1 point they were just growling at each other and that just cracked me up, then I realised I was looking at it all wrong this is a comedy film and it was quite entertaining after

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And it keeps getting worse. I actually enjoyed the first movie and it's kinda sad that this series as ended up here. But hey, at least with each movie the run-time gets shorter.

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Could have been better. Feels like they tried to fit too much history into a short movie. No development but Selene's timeline

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Hopefully this is the last one as this series never really did anything that well or interesting.

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The fifth installment of the franchise, Underworld: Blood Wars is a contrived and pointless film. When the vampire clans face a relentless new enemy they offer renegade death dealer Selene clemency in exchange for training a new group of vampires to be death dealers. The plot is rather thin and doesn’t make a lot of sense. And Kate Beckinsale phones in her performance, letting her stunt double to all the real work. Still, the fight scenes are well-choreographed and exciting (at times). Incredibly disappointing, Underworld: Blood Wars is a shallow and vapid action film that fails to revive the series.

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i realize my English is not good enough to describe how bad this movie is. It's.... it's Just REALLY REALLY BAD.

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Excellent fifth installment of this saga

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Mercifully short, this blunt toothed potboiler adds nothing new to an already diminished series. Should have been laid to rest several entries ago, preferably with a stake to ensure it has no chance of rising again.

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The film mixes senseless stories. The last half hour of the movie is terribly bad.

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Absolutely disastrous movie. I really have no idea what they were thinking with this. One of the worst movies ever, and I generally like Underworld.

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The writers probably found an ending and decided to make the movie around it and while doing that, they tried to make it as boring as possible.

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Can't say i like this edition.. Honestly i feel as the story grew it seem to have gotten lost.. Everything is based on "the hybrid form". The lycans aren't even like the original lycans.. I mean when did they prefer to use guns over they lycan form.. Smh

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Yes, it is a somewhat unnecessary movie but so are tons of others. And beside that I liked seeing Kate as Selene once again.

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Okay, so what exactly was supposed to be terrible about that? Unless you already hate these movies, what is there to crucify? It's just more of the same. And if you like Underworld, you should enjoy this next chapter. At least to some degree. I mean, I guess some of the effects could have been better, and the open ending is always annoying for a film that may not get a follow up, but what is warranting all the hyperbolic hate...?

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I didn't remember much from the previous ones so it made it a bit incoherent but nevertheless it was boring and very poorly plotted. Not enough action scenes and very pointless.

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Even blond Selene doesn't change much ;)

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Shout by Deleted

I think it is a very good movie. I have seen all in the Underworld Collection and I love them. The fights are kick ass, Saline is HOT and is now a Day Walker...which was from one of the last (now dead) Corvinus. If you have not seen the earlier movies, then this is not the movie for you. If you are looking for action, good story line because majority of the vampires and few Lycans are all the same. Victor was killed by Salene in the first, Amelia in the second who happens to be the mother of the the vamp fighting with Salene. Point: good movie, series, and action

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The negative comments forced me to write my own.

It appears that they have either not watched the movie entirely or have no idea what they are talking about.

I watched all 4 movies preceding this, before watching it, because I couldn't remember what happened in the end of the 4th movie. This movie continues with the same storyline and far more action. I am disappointed that Michael Corvin is not in the movie but nonetheless, I loved the movie. After watching this I am pleased to know that they have plans for a 6th movie and I am excited to see what they have in store.

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They should have stopped making sequels to the original Underworld long ago… Maybe it was because the last movie was so long ago but I just did not understand most of the storyline – why things happen, what happened in the past, who's this guy, …
In general a really boring movie making no sense at all anymore to continue with the whole saga

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J’ai quand même réussi à tenir 24 minutes. Je ne sais pas comment j’ai fait tellement c’est Mauvais.

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I hate this franchise, but I hate this episode the least. This installment was nice enough to include a generous amount of action and absolutely no romance, which is what this series needs. Besides, if you're watching Underworld for the story, you're definitely watching the wrong films.

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Shout by NealZ
BlockedParent2017-02-15T13:22:21Z— updated 2017-02-20T10:12:50Z

how did this get to 72%? i didnt thought it could be worse than the one before, i was wrong... sad to see this franchise going down so terrible

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I'm fairly disappointed with this. I've been an Underworld fan and I really think it should've ended with Awakening (though that really is not as good as well). Yes, lots of action but the storyline is ?? like whatever was that super fast almost superpower like thing?? And since Rise of the Lycans I've been waiting for Michael's story to continue only to have him dead by Marius?! Hopefully they end it at the next one because no doubt, they can't even hide Kate Beckinsale's age in some scenes.

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I think the story could've been better instead of rushed, but it was good to know a little more of story, the backstory from the visions that is. I can say that I enjoyed this film not because of the story plot, but because of the fast paced action that kept me entertained, so if you are all for the action then you might like it. This film for me didn't live up to the first two that I think should've ended there. The CGI wasn't that bad that I always think they over do when they over do a franchise. Do i want to see another one? I'm happy with it leaving it there.

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At this point I only watched because of Kate.

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It's only January but this could be the worst movie of 2017. If you suffer from insomnia go see it, it's a cure.

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Is the weakest of all, the plot is taken out of the sleeve, and prepare the way for a part 6

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Uninspired, pointless, boring...

I always found the expression "beating a dead horse" difficult to apply to anything.
But this instance of a movie is a great example for that expression.
The franchise died with Awakening, yet another movie "needed" to happen because money and a sixth movie is supposed to happen already as well. Nope, simply bad. It feels like this movie has no story on its own, it's not making a lot of sense.
There's nothing of merit it adds to the Underworld universe and with that it feels just like "more of the same" but sadly without any substance to it. The only thing that I felt this movie is about is action. "Cool", almost non-stop fighting scenes but even that is shallow. Bleh.

Probably only for die-hard Underworld fans.

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It is oftenly an emotionless, poorly-writed and directed piece of video, which might be the worst thing you've watched in years.

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