Review by DAVY X

The strongest no-nonsense installment of the hole franchise.
Great pacing, awesome action with good clean vfx.
Got rid of that stupid human involvement nonsense
(best decision).
and nearly got rid of the love Michael Garbage.
I love this entry it's my favourite one and it definitely is an ass kicker.
I love the main bad guy in this, and woman.
Love the white hair Vamps and Selene when she gets her white hair/upgrade.
David is as awesome as ever. The action is awesome and full on in this and with this being the final chapter it was a great way to bring it all to a close.
Yes the producer and director left it open ended for a possible 6th but Kate herself as stated she is done reprising her role.
She's 50 now with a kid and does not want to wear that pvc,leather corset anymore especially now she is a mother.
So with Kate being the Underworld franchise and with her walking away from it, this brings an end to the franchise and the never ending war, (well at least for us).

Was it a great saga no,
Was it a good one yes
Has it aged well no.

The Resident Evil franchise blows this franchise clean out of the water, and I can watch the RE franchise over and over and over again.

The UW hm not so much as they have aged terribly and are out-dated, but it was a good ride down memory lane with my
Blu Ray boxset
Extended unrated cuts
of them.

I will say Selene has been very kind on the eyes and she has definitely held my attention throughout the franchise, she rocked that outfit.
Hella Yeah.

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