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Tomorrowland 2015

I think Disney did a decent job with Project T aka Tomorrowland. It's kinda a modern Cinderella story with a inventors touch to it. Which was very clever at times, how they did come up with new instruments or tools. The story begins with a back story of the 2 main characters. This happens in a interesting way, it grabs you attention and holds it. This adventure keeps on going until the last part, which was the least good part in mine opinion. All by all it's a pretty good movie with a interesting story and some environmental undertone. The visual effects are great and some goes for the acting.

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Great movie! I had no idea what to expect, and the movie kept me guessing. Very inspiring!

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Very good movie, i don't understand all the bad publicity. I found it fun and very entertaining. Robertson was superb

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I was going to give it a 7 has a Movie, but i will rate 8 for the "message" even though ; like the Nix so nicely said; people just don´t care about Tomorrow because it implies to be a "bother" in the Present.

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I didn't know what to expect, but that was amazing.

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This movie was pretty damn good. And up until the last 20 minutes it was about to be my new favorite movie. It kinda loses it at the end but boy was it fun and original. I could see watching this as a kid and it sticking with me.

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It sends a sadly real message: We are destroying our planet, we know it... and we don't do ANYTHING to fix it T_T

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Another Disney based on one of their rides, and I thoroughly enjoyed the ride. Not everything worked for this movie, but it was a simple story that I enjoyed watching.

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Double moral, the world is shit because we have an antena that puts bad thoughts on people's minds, we are OK on turning it off, but sharing knowledge? No, we don't do that here. Also, we are going to take the brightest minds for ourselves and keep moaning on how bad you are and how badly you behave. Even at the end there is no indication of none of this changing, they created more robo... sorry, AASs to recruit more people for their city. Reflecting on it, I thought we were watching the good guys, but not so sure after all. Also, society that claims not to have politics has fallen onto dictatorship regime? I think whoever wrote the script needs to spend some time with scientists/engineers, to see that everyone will be fighting to "be in charge" and make it's vision of the future true. I'm sorry, but I think as a brainless story it would have been fun, but when they introduced all the moralistic view onto it, they failed miserably, because their own morale cannot stand a very basic scrutiny.

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Awesome CGI, cool action scenes, keeps you hooked till the end! :grin:
Come on, don't focus on the technical shortcomings, it's a sci-fi movie, for god's sake! Just enjoy the ride! :sweat_smile:
If it wasn't for the simple and a bit disappointing ending (compared to the tone of the rest of the movie), it would've been an superb movie worthy of 9/10!

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Great VFX, the plot doesn't make sense

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Florida to Texas by bus? That's a 12-hour car trip, and at least a full day by Greyhound. Houston to "Pittsfield, New York" (not a real place)? It's a 21.5-hour drive from Houston to the New York state line, and presumably a few hours more to wherever Pittsfield is allegedly located. There's some serious time compression in this movie!

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Shout by Deleted

the last 12 minutes just cut out..would not seek to the place where the movie just stopped, wasn't all that great anyways, so not missing anything. #ShiftvW8

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A visually stunning movie that made me entertained until a certain point, but then I started to realize I didn't really care about the plot or some of the characters. Britt Robertson, however, does a great job as Casey Newton.

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A wonderful advertisement for globalism. It's about another world where humanity's most gifted dreamers, special people, and able people in general can go to a new world that only they can get into. The rest of humanity (the 99%) get to perish in floods, riots, nuclear warfare, etc.

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Shout by Deleted

OMG another crappy movie...
Whats up with these films latly.
Brainless effects that make no sence. And a child actor that can't act for shit.

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Fair movie. Great visuals, but that's about it. Way too much buildup and so many clichés like "let's start at the end and tell how everything started" and "zomg the world is dying we need to do something now". Nothing you should waste your money on.

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Shout by Damien

Eureka but in a different dimension.

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The most amazing movie you'll ever see!! Totally awesome!!!

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This was such a good movie with bunch of interesting ideas and real global problem solutions. The story, with bunch of emotional parts, the characters and original themes, just wow. We need more movies like this.

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The problem is somewhat cliché, the characters the same....
I liked the scenarios and the kind of technology that was shown when she touched the pin for the 1st time....
The villain, was a bit predictable....
It's good, it fulfills its function to entertain and the message they give of dreaming and more is good, it's Disney, I didn't expect something different...

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Really loved the message about optimism. Kids who have given up hope of getting into a good college or suffering from distractions should see this.

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A welcome mix of hope and despair with great visuals.

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The idea was right, but the script didn't live up to it. It was Captain Planet and the Planeteers who over 30 years ago better encouraged to fight for a better tomorrow. ;)

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Such a cool film showcasing Disney's look into the future of the famous Tomorrowland as it follows a teenage girl who gets chosen to come and save the future of the world via Tomorrowland as she is lured in and helped by 2 others to get in. The plot development is very good as throughout the film it shows glimpses of the past to make emotional and logical connections to the present. The characters are likable and relatable and make for an entertaining film all the way through.

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I rewatched this last night - I thoroughly enjoyed this movie and have no idea why it didn't do better in the theaters. It's very entertaining in a Disney-kind-of-way. It is also heavy-handed with the environmental preaching tho.
It is a good movie for the entire family.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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A nice movie that does run out of the some steam by end. However I always enjoyed it.

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Hugh Laurie has the standout role in this. David Nix was a great character. He tried help, but underestimated just how self-centered and lazy humans are.

I forgot how positively annoying A.F. Casey is. I don't think I have thought "dumbass" so many times in rapid succession on so many occasions throughout a movie. Not only is she exceptionally foolish and completely unreasonable, she is exceptionally annoying.

She is the worst type of brat. She doesn't get her way, so she commits crimes. Between sabotage and arson and locking someone out of their own house, she is a real piece of work. She is definitely "special".

We are treated to this gem after she arbitrarily does things throughout the movie:
"Arm it"

So now she doesn't "know how things work"? I hate plot devices of convenience. Such lazy writing.

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Excellent film about hope and gadgetry

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It's basically Disney's nonsensical version of Terminator 2, plus Brad Bird's obsession with exceptionalism and Damon Lindelof's plotholes.
To the "Cassies": The world's problems (climate change, financial and social inequality etc.) are imbalances of various complex systems; there are no quickfixes.

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Wish it was greater, but for what it is it's still enjoyable.

'Tomorrowland' is an intriguing futuristic film, it doesn't really delve as deep into its potential-filled premise as it should but it scratches the surface and it makes for - just about - solid viewing. The special effects are very nice, also.

As for the casting, I guess it could've been better. However, I did like the main quartet of Britt Robertson (Casey), George Clooney (Frank), Raffey Cassidy (Athena) and Hugh Laurie (David) - the latter has a good rant late on. I rate the way the story is told, mostly in retrospective by Robertson and Clooney - it keeps it interesting.

I just feel more should've been done with this, given it's fairly entertaining even in its current state and has a load of potential. Either way, I did narrowly like it.

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Disney money makes awesome FX but Disney plot makes unfulfilling story.

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I'm rating this a 6.5/10 only for the idea. Its implementation, I didn't quite like so much.

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It was a fun movie with a good story. CGI was good to.I loved it.

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Boring and a waste of money for producting a "save planet earth" banner. Totally forgetable.

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Até que é bonzinho, não passa disso.

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Got me hooked at the start, as the movie started as a curious investigation of Casey (Britt Robertson) to a whole new world. Casey's discovery and adventure with Athena (Raffey Cassidy) and Frank Walker (George Clooney) went fun and put me to wonder, but exactly when the mystery unveils, it reveals a rather hurried and uninteresting problem. The scene when Casey wonder how to solve the problem is presented less than 10 minutes--really fast compared to the 1,5 hours build up. The movie also doesn't spend much time for the audience to be informed as much as Casey when they hurriedly find the solution.

Putting that aside, Tomorrowland has an amazing visuals and marvelous acting. Especially for Cassidy (the girl Athena), whose convincing acting really led me to believe that she is really at the same age at George Clooney!

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Tommorowland was way better than I'd been led to believe. It was dazzling visually, and a charming adventure. Clooney, Hugh Laurie, the girl, and the little girl are all terrific. I don't think some of the plot points would stand up to close scrutiny, as things seemed to happen because the plot said so rather than through a cohesive internal logic. Still. The movie is a whole lot of fun, and absolutely breathtaking to look at.

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nicely done another movie by disney, family movie indeed. enjoyed it :)

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Shout by Deleted

Es difícil tener ideas... y es fácil rendirse.

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Shout by Deleted

...hasta los más insignificantes actos pueden cambiar el futuro.

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It is rare to go into a film like this with no idea as to what to expect and for over half the film, Bird manages to keep the audience on its toes with regards to the plot, whilst keeping us entertained and intrigued in where the story is going. Both Clooney and Robertson are likeable leads and the film is a lot of fun with inventive action beats. That said, while the film does provide answers to the mysteries it has set up, it is all a little underwhelming in the end and instead, the themes and message of the film are laid on a little too thickly, culminating in a speech that feels more like a lecture to the audience than an integral element to the plot. It is great to have a film like this that promotes an optimistic vision of the future in the face of so many dystopian cinematic efforts, but unfortunately the need to browbeat its audience with a "message" seems to override the desire to provide a finale that is as interesting as what has come before.

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I found this movie to be extremely entertaining, while at the same time rather sad. Entertaining because it open's up the audiences mind to what the future could possibly be like, and sad because poor Frank didn't get the girl.

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I caught a glimpse of the trailer and thought this could be nice. I had no idea what to expect when I started watching. Maybe that wasn´t a bad point to start from because I really liked this movie. It´s entertaining, visually great but it has a serious underlying message that isn´t thrown down your throat 10 times over. I liked that.

I would also like to give special praise to Raffey Cassidy who I think performed awesome.

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Shout by Deleted

great movie, very great on the eyes for effects and liked the over all story

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Boring, uninteresting, and is it just me or did it feel like the trailers lied to us on what to expect from this movie?

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Awesome and inspiring. I had seen that there are basically two reviews about this movie: Either people love it or they hate it. Knowing that going in, I found myself being pleasantly surprised. This kind of wide eyed optimism is exactly what the world needs. The succes of mad-max type dystopian future films and the very criticism on Tomorrowland itself points out the need for a more optimistic view of the future. Tomorrowland has inspired me to feel that yes, we can change the world for the better if only we act.

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Great movie! Disney did a good job.

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I liked it, especially the trio. Imaginative and "Dr House" as much pain in the ass as always

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