Shout by Simon Massey

Tomorrowland 2015

It is rare to go into a film like this with no idea as to what to expect and for over half the film, Bird manages to keep the audience on its toes with regards to the plot, whilst keeping us entertained and intrigued in where the story is going. Both Clooney and Robertson are likeable leads and the film is a lot of fun with inventive action beats. That said, while the film does provide answers to the mysteries it has set up, it is all a little underwhelming in the end and instead, the themes and message of the film are laid on a little too thickly, culminating in a speech that feels more like a lecture to the audience than an integral element to the plot. It is great to have a film like this that promotes an optimistic vision of the future in the face of so many dystopian cinematic efforts, but unfortunately the need to browbeat its audience with a "message" seems to override the desire to provide a finale that is as interesting as what has come before.

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