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Thor: Love and Thunder 2022

This was terrible. why does it feel as if they're trying super hard to make this movie 2 hours long!? a lot of unnecessary looong scenes.
Also, Thor acts like a stupid child. the story is ridiculous. in comparison to the previous films this is pure garbage.

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It was a great and fun movie. Nice and funny comedy throughout the whole movie that won't get to serious.
I think that most of the low scores are given by young people who were raised on Marvel and think they are anything more than a silly and fun experience without any deeper meaning.

If you liked Ragnarok you will like this. If you preferred first, overly dark movies you won't like this.

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Loved it. There was some ‘wokeness’ in it, but in a decent, not laying it inches thick on it way. Glad to see they are learning. Good humour. Christian Bale delivered!

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When can I watch it

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Probably the weakest Thor movie, overdone comedy and boring storyline, but of course, still enjoyed it.

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I don't mind that this is a comedy. I do mind that it's not funny.

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I don't know why it's hated so much? Fun movie in almost every way. The acting was amazing, especially from Gorr.

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Shout by Iain

I'd hoped that a second viewing of this might have convinced me to rate it higher.
But . . . no.

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I pity the generation that finds this enjoyable, and that is coming from a person who lives for movies like these. Pathetic. Can not even be called a comedy. 1/10.

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Was this parody? I hoped this was parody. I hoped Thor would wake up from a dream or they’d say the whole first half was a play in New Asgard. Oh my word. The last third was probably the saving grace. What potential Gorr the God-Butcher had, what potential a movie featuring eternity had. Garbage. The MCU is done.

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As someone that hasn’t really enjoyed the Thor movies, this was a bloody good time. Hilarious, great soundtrack, great villain. It’s a great standalone film in the MCU that is extremely different from most others that Marvel has put out in recent memory. It most closely resembled the feeling I got from the first Guardians of the Galaxy (albeit this is funnier but a lesser plot). Not to mention Christian Bale absolutely steals the show. Might be the best MCU villain we’ve ever had. What was extra compelling with his character was how he was such a stark contrast to the color and humor of everything else. Every time he appeared on the screen the whole narrative did a full 180 which essentially balanced out the humor elsewhere. I had a wonderful time and I can’t wait to watch again!

Rating: 4.5/5 - 9/10 - Highly Recommend

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To say I'm disappointed is a massive understatement. A fan of the comic and characters that this storyline was based upon, but able to disassociate myself from the necessity that the storyline must be copied identically, Thor: Love and Thunder takes everything from Ragnarok and triples down on it. Where the humour in Ragnarok was palatable, this film hits you over the head with certain reoccurring themes - just to make sure you understand the joke that Taika Waititi is going for. There's a weird unexplainable adjustment in this film, it never feels like a Thor film, it also never feels like it gets going until Christian Bale is on screen. There's a weird throughline involving kids, that never feels relevant or important enough to move the film along. And often the film just bypasses the established rules for the sake of convenience.

While Bale (and Portman as well) are fantastic, they are hindered by an incomplete film that makes up rules as it goes along. Maybe I'm over the MCU format. The stories and the characters I've loved have started to feel meaningless.

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This just killed Thor. Each one drifts farther from the original and why need such stupid comedy. Marvel seems to ruin all with this.

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Wanna play a game? Drink every time a goat screams. This felt like and action film trying to be a comedy or a comedy trying to be an action film. It's hard to tell at times. You move from overplayed joke to tragic cancer story back to the same joke then some ass kicking... It is a bit too nutty at times. But... it is fun. Being less than 2 hours long, it probably could have been even shorter. The last 30 minutes is what saves it.

I've been re-watching the entire MCU in chronological order and aside from Guardians and Spider-Man, the MCU was done after Endgame. Everything after is just filler. Perhaps these films made during COVID suffered because of the pandemic. Thor: Love and Thunder doesn't fill any gaps from the previous films, but rather adds to a story that was already told.

With the next phases coming up, we shall see if the MCU dies a hero, or lives long enough to become yet another over-saturated collection of films.

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Gorr : the gods dont care about us.
also Gorr : lets kidnap a bunch of kids so this one god can come save them even tough i strongly believe the gods dont care about us.
lol what?

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5.5/10 - Oh dear, the MCU seems quite lost... :o This felt like a parody of the MCU but weirdly it's from Marvel! Normally, I don't like parodies as they tend to be too ridiculous, cheap, etc. and unfortunately this isn't an exception. It was entertaining at times and it wasn't a waste of time but it also just wasn't good. I'm missing a meaningful story and consistency!

I din't like the "villain", IMO those gods don't really fit the MCU (and this wasn't that funny/new anymore given that I already watched "The Magicians"), and I miss Gamora.

At least Jane was(/is?) back (would be nice to see her and Heimdall again in Valhalla), the Guardians of the Galaxy had some screen time, Korg is still funny, King Valkyrie is still decent, and Jane ("The Mighty Thor" :D) is still worthy.

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This movie was not even a hit and miss. It never hit.

The comedy is so excessive it doesn’t make any sense and it comes off as cringy as hell. Thor used to be self absorbed and detached but he “grew up” in the other movies. In this one, is not even comical how detached he is, because he doesn’t show care for all the children missing.

The screaming goats are annoying, the scene with the guardians is almost unnecessary, and when he finds Sif and just jokes with her while she bleeds. Is so out of character with the Thor in Ragnarok.

I just hated it and won’t keep venting.


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This is yet another movie you will forget a few months after watching it. Is it bad? No. Is it a masterpiece? No. Does it entertain you for 2 hours? Yes. And that's about it.

Christian Bale is amazing on this one. And I really liked the post-credits surprise.

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I mean, it had good moments and some fairly good acting in spots but overall it just felt like almost nothing mattered and every obstable could be overcome with a magic workaround. There was barely any permanence to any decision except finally putting an end the Jan Foster romance which FINALLY got a pay off here but was wasted because it had been left on the shelf for a decade and I guess that is not the fault of this film. More than anything this movie shows that the Marvel Universe that felt so meticulously planned out in Phase 1 no longer has that long range vision and thats too bad.

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Too much unnecessary juvenile comedy. The whole scene with Zeus and the other gods was cringeworthy and I almost turned it off then.

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This movie was a try not to laugh challenge with a 100% success rate.

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This movie is all over the place. Bunch of short snl skits featuring Thor edited together. Absolute and utter waste of a potential.

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Was just ok watched it and a month later can’t remember much about it may say more about me than the film

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The comedy on the thor mvies, are very physical and I LOVE IT. the end is a no taste one, but the actuall movie have a good rythm

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This movie was a disaster :sweat_smile:

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Thor: Ragnarok was one of my favorite MCU films. I was looking forward to watching Thor: Love and Thunder, but unfortunately, I ended up feeling disappointed. I was generally apathetic toward the characters, notably Thor, who I found hard to root for. The villain, Gorr, felt shallow, and his character arc was cliché. I did enjoy the drama, but it felt undermined by the film's attempt to be humorous: most of the jokes fell flat.

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might be one of the worst modern super hero movies I ever watched.

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The start with the Guardians was not funny. The Guardians havent been funny since the 2nd movie. This whole Thor movie is over-the-top in almost every scene. I smiled maybe twice. Tessa Thompson is extremely overrated actress, who only gets cast because of the color of her skin. Too bad they made this movie so completely bullshit.

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Utter rubbish from stay to finish, really thought this was the beginning of the end for Marvel

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Thor :sweat_smile::clap: the best one!

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Just too childish and silly.

The movie ended in a place where a thing could grant magical wishes, but... Jane Porter still had to die?

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Thoroughly inconsistent with good performances from Portman, Bale on one side and lame jokes on the other side. Korg was the only consistent thing in the movie, consistently irritating. Even the good jokes are overdone. And for god's sake stop making Thor movies. With every movie he is getting dumber.

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It's increasingly obvious just how fickle audiences are. Like what is the beef...? Every complaint I've seen about this movie can just be as easily applied to the previous entry, which was universally praised. It's really been ridiculous to see the gymnastics people do to convince why this is terrible over the other one. Has the Marvel fatigue just really set in THAT deeply? For me, Christian Bale isn't utilized as much as he should be able not all the jokes land, but I thought this was a super fun ride with tons of charm. Especially dug the wholesome wrap-up.

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Shout by Jennie
BlockedParent2023-03-03T12:49:28Z— updated 2023-08-06T04:54:43Z

What the fuck they tried to do in this movie?

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This movie needs to be de-canonized immediately for the love of all that was Marvel. I hated it so much that I’m not even willing to type out the details of why—it still makes me too irritable to think about it. Waste of a good character and good love story, gaudy, stupid, bad ending…. Just don’t waste your time.

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My only positive takeaway from this movie was the screaming goats.

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Shout by jmg999
BlockedParent2023-02-05T05:41:20Z— updated 2024-03-17T00:22:30Z

I really loved this film. It was everything I want in a superhero film. It was funny, irreverent, didn't take itself too seriously, touching and heartfelt, and it had strong character development throughout. It also setup the future of the franchise well. This was definitely one of my favorite Marvel films. Taika Waititi did a tremendous job w/ this screenplay.

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Shout by Deleted

I don't know where Taika's good sense of humor went but it is not here.

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The classic adventure of Thor.

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Shout by JC

I was expecting a calamitous experience from the word of month, but it's not even that, really. It's quieter and sadder. It's an expression of how any director in the MCU will inevitably become rote and tired, their creativity smothered, their light dulled. Every fight scene is just 'Thor leaping with lightning' again. The comedy is the worst fusion of generic MCU fare and Waititi's humor stamped of any inspiration or dexterity or character. It's a parody of his style. The tonal whiplash could snap your neck. Everything heavy is undercut by the winking jokes before and after, so nothing has weight. And the jokes aren't funny, they're desperate and lazy all at once. Bale and Portman are trying, some of the visuals are trying, and it all results in a loud technicolor mush, as grey as the dimension Gorr plays in despite the sensory overload.

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Shout by minche

A solidly gopod movie - not great not terrible. It is fun and funny, but the plot gets a little bit wild and there can be too much random stuff going on at once. It feels like it needed to be either logner to allow the jokes to breathe and set, or shorter so that some of the extra stuff is cut. Instead of Guardians we might have seen more Asgardians, or more Jane.
Bad guy is okay, I personally don't like the trope where bad guy succeeds in his mission but then has a change of heart because of 1 scene, but I thinkt he payoff with the ending and potential for the future is great.
Overal fun, could find myself rewatching it again, but not really Thor: Ragnarok level of fun.

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"I know your pain. Love is pain. I had a daughter once. I put my faith in a higher power, hoping it would save her... and she... died."

I am not with the masses that hate any type of humor in a comic book movie. It can add some much needed levity to movies that can take themselves too seriously. That being said, Taika way overdid it this time, and somewhere in this story it feels like there was more missing. I think Thor needs to rest a bit before going back to a more serious role.

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I was expecting an experience like Ragnarok, unfortunately I spent the entire movie trying to figure out what the heck it actually wants to accomplish. Taika Waititi's humor usually works for me, but here, it's unnecessary and takes away from the story's theme and impact. Add a plot that's disappointingly generic, and you get an experience that's partly tedious and mostly forgettable.

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The parody kind of humor really made Ragnarok enjoyable and funny but they went way over the top with this one and it's kinda killing the movie altogether.

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Christian Bale and Chris Hemsworth + the rest of the cast seem to have been directed in different films or simply understood the world in which the plot is set very differently.

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Perhaps the weakest of the Thor films, Thor: Love and Thunder is more of a comedy than an action film; and is not the better for it. When Thor learns of a mysterious god killer terrorizing the realms he returns to Earth and discovers that Mjoinir (his hammer) has reformed and turned Jane into a new Thor, and together they go to Omnipotence City to raise a god army to stop the god killer. Christian Bale joins the cast as Gorr the God Butcher and makes for a pretty good villain. However, Natalie Portman’s turn as an Asgardian warrior comes off as rather forced. Additionally, the tone is overly cartoonish and silly (even more so than Antman), and its anti-religious message is offensive. But all that aside, the action scenes are fun and exciting, and are enhanced with the use of a Guns N’ Roses soundtrack; giving them a heavy metal energy. Yet while it’s entertaining, Thor: Love and Thunder comes off as incredibly desperate and has lost touch with who the character is and his place in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

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THAT considered to be a bad superhero movie?
Oh, god... what was it this time? They turned "Thor into girl"? LGBT themes? Someone wasn't properly white? Monotheistic gods weren't real?

If by a slime chance it wasn't something stupid like reasons above.
Well, there is simply no way you gonna sell this story without heavy camp balancing out that type of drama. You know, the scary down to earth one like mortallity and sickness.

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What did I just watch and why?
Taika disappointed me unfathomably. The movie felt like a parody. And a bad one too. Good badass songs can't turn a bad movie with idiotic script into a good one. Even the performances felt forced, the jokes were very much a miss and the whole scenario felt like it was written by my underage cousin.
edit: the attempt at a greek accent was ridiculous, and I'm being generous.
Tessa is a bisexual icon.

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Seemed more like Beavis and Butthead. I'd never waste a minute watching another Thor Movie. What a waste of talent. Sad.

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One of the worst Marvel movies ever made. Snooze…..

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Hot, steaming, pile of crap... I don't even know where to begin, maybe I was not the target audience, I'm not the biggest marvel fan but I watched every marvel.

And this doesn't even come close to earlier ones, humor is bad, and some of the scenes were silly, all around the movie is bad. It had some good moments but not enough.. Big disappointment.

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3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Thor: Love and Thunder’:

  1. This was not as bad as everyone made it out to be. Many called it one big parody. And while there were some silly moments, I thought the film had some pretty sincere, deep themes. I enjoyed it.

  2. Christian Bale was fantastic. Efficiently creepy and a solid villain.

  3. I love that Korg is gay and in love!

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Had pretty low expectations but it still managed to underachieve. The weakest Marvel movie so far and a 100% kids movie. The soundtrack was the best part...

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I’m not the target audience for this movie … I’ve seen a total of 2 marvel movies containing Thor so really I’ve got no clue what a good marvel movie is and what a bad one is. I am struggling to understand who the target audience was though …. 14 year old girls maybe. Holy crap that was all sorts of cliche and bad acting. Why oh why would these stars attach themselves to such horrible story-telling and movie making. I suspect though have no proof that G’n’R have a reunion tour or album coming up and pulled in a marketing / publicity favour. This is definitely not inspiring me to see more marvel movies.

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This is a big, huge,massive pile of crap. This looks a parody of a proper movie. The crappy humor, the absurd scenes, a 5 yoers old-written script it just makes me want to shoot myself. Won't comment the movie itself because it's not worth the time.

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Shout by De-mon
BlockedParent2022-10-24T07:16:49Z— updated 2022-10-25T07:57:15Z

Bad as 95% Marvel/superhero movies, but not as bad as the worst.

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Definitely the worst thor movie. Disjointed. Didn't explain enough of various backgrounds of Jane becoming Thor, or the creepy bad guy doing his thing. Disney had to put in their couple of scenes with pointless 'bad for kids' stuff. Not worth the watch. Wasn't even really funny as it only had a laugh or two maybe.

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Just as fun as the first time around. Still easily my favorite Thor. Christian Bale is awesome and I very much look forward to whenever I get a chance to watch this again in the future!

Rating: 4.5/5 - 9/10 - Highly Recommend

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Not sure what to think of this. I enjoyed it more than Ragnarok when I first watched that movie but that doesn't mean much.

The story itself was weak, and I'm not sure they had to bring back Portman at all. At least, that story arc was brought to an end now on-screen as well. Though I'm not sure how they'll incorporate the girl into future films.

Otherwise, the whole visuals and directing felt, like Ragnarok, over the top, LSD-trip like. A movie that tries to be serious being a super-hero movie but it's way off the mark, too comic-like, 2-dimensional. And the whole star-fest... maybe they should finally concentrate on 1 or 2 characters instead of fitting in as many stars as possible. I love Bale, I love Crowe, but they were ill-used 2-dimensional villains. But I liked seeing Sif again, as well as Heimdall's son.

And yes, I'll say it: the Thor movies need Loki much more than they ever needed Foster.

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I love Thor and his counterparts, but this wasn't it. The plot was not well thought out or executed. More of another "filler" Marvel movie. If you're looking for a movie to fall asleep to, this is it.

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Love is Roses, Thunder is Guns, Love & Thunder = Guns & Roses. How about that? Haha

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So they really, REALLY leaned into making Thor an idiot now, eh? I guess they sort of had to in order to truly embrace Taika's style, and they make it work, but because everything was so silly some of the more grounded scenes didn't have the weight they should. All that being said, I had a heck of a fun time watching this. The action was fun, the jokes generally work, and everyone seems to be enjoying themselves. Just don't expect a plot that really matters or makes a ton of sense. Kick back and indulge in some cartoonish fun.

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What a disappointment. I went to this movie with low expectations because the poster itself made me have reservations regarding the story.

Thor seems to have several versions, fun, idiot, bro, hero, clueless and so on but the latest trend of bro Thor and this idiot one doesn't feel right to me. The story is weak and the ending... underwhelming. It all wraps up in an instance with lots to be explained.
The ending feels rushed.

If not for the great soundtrack this would've been harder still to watch. O enjoyed Ragnarok but this is just... off.

Thor will return it says in the end. If they keep going like this I hope not. I remember when Thor was fun to watch and not a pain.

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This.. is a comic book movie!

This is the imaginations of an 80's prepubescent schoolboy reading a handed-down pulp copy of Thor by the seaside on a sunny summers afternoon.

This is as pure 'comic movie' as I've ever seen, bar Spiderverse

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This was too, TOO catered to kids while still getting a butt shot of Thor. The storylines about the Eternal, the God killer, Zeus could've been better but was the best part of the movie. The Mighty Thor part was good also but could've been better. But the whole craziness trying to cater to kids was absurd. It might be Disney helping finance but even kids who read Marvel comic books don't want the "kiddie" garbage.

Disney may be the new owner/partner, but no one (and I mean no one) wants to see a Disney kids movie crossed with Marvel. I hope they learned their lesson. This isn't a "kids" franchise. Marvel made comic book heroes a staple for almost all adults, including those they picked up 20 years ago as elementary kids, by staying true to the adult ideas behind comics. No need to kid-ize just because it's Disney.

I'd say to most Marvel comic book geeks "don't waste your time" but you'll need the Zeus parts going forward, so...

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Really feel this was lazy writing banking on the goodwill of ragnarok. A waste of the talent and assets at their disposal. Yes you will watch it smile & sometimes snigger. You won’t be replaying it like you did Ragnarok.
Feel a little like TW has sold out and thinks he does not need to try! Will watch his next venture to see if I am right. MCU now on the back foot needing to produce some solid stories/plot

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Too bad they made Thor in some dumb character instead of the (sometimes) fun one of Ragnarok. Or the Ignorant one from the first movie.

This movie was switching too much between a really bad parody and a good have been good movie.

Some actors seemed to be having fun with the parody part.. But it was really ruining the movie. You would think someone would have read the script before accepting it :thinking:

(and that from a great Marvel Universe fan..)

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Love to see Marvel fans on copium mode :D

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Look, it's not terrible. It certainly isn't the worst in the MCU. But it is bottom 5. I'd say it's slightly below Guardians 2 and slightly above Captain Marvel.

It's a weird one. The last 20 mins seems to come around when some better action or story could have been told and took it along for another 15 minutes. It just seems like they were going for jokes over substance.

I think the massive backlash against the film is actually a demographic one and the MCU audience are growing out of their youth.

To those viewers, this underwhelming feeling is what we've been having for all bar 3 or 4 films in the series. They're lacklustre and undercooked! Very rarely do they knock one out of the park. Get used to mediocrity!


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Not sure what I just saw, but would have been Uber pissed had I paid to see this in the theater. Such a farce from beginning to end.

Didn’t know I was getting jerry Lewis does Thor schtick.

Poorly written and executed, waititi’s poorest outing so far.

I’m all for a little humor, but this pushed it too far.

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Shout by Ra' T

Who wrote this $hit? Is this a good time to quit watching marvel?

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Last two minutes were the best part of the movie, and i am not talking about post credit scene.

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Tttttt gujjfrt this was the best day

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The movie was blah! When comparing to other MCU movies. It was entertaining & not a bad way to waste 2 hours of your life. But there is nothing exciting or edge of your seat action here.

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What have I just watched? A comedy parody of Thor or what is this?

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I so wanted to enjoy this movie, but it broke all emerging into the movie with just enfo to drag the rest of the franchise with it. Maybe it just high expectations but I see the final slide of the Marvel Universe :sneezing_face:

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I’m not big into the superhero movies, but I’ve definitely seen better ones. This one was just OK for me. I think the soundtrack team are big GNR fans.

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Great acting from Matt Damon. Not sure what the other guy with the hammer was doing, but this movie was full of nonsense.

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Feels more a parody of Thor

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Biggest load of crap iv ever watched

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Is this a real Thor movie or just a parody? Because it feels like a parody. Humor is good and in every Thor movie one of the best Elements. But here ist is was to much. You cant take any one serious.

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end of an era. amazing story telling just flushed away with this turd of a movie and Zues's accent. Shame could have been much more.

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What the hell are you guys playing at over there in Tinsletown?

Like every Superhero franchise blasting its way on to our BIG SCREENS, we have very much come to expect the fanfare, spectacle and seamlessely stitched CGI. However it seems to me at least, that they first resurrect long forgotten or beloved comic-book heroes on the account of failing box office sales. Spend copious years on the development and noteworthy scripts to meet the legacy hype. This often results in the start of a juggaernaut franchise the they end up milking until the teet goes limp… à la 'Thor - Love and Thunder'.

What a pile of B*ll@cks… is this an action movie or a comedy cosplay sketch show? Christian Bale and Russell Crowe were my personal favs, although I believe they were drastically under utilised - watch this at your own peril… I will not be able to refund you back the time you've lost.

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Shout by J G

For some reason this reminded me of the last Indiana Jones movie…the part where the aliens came out. In the case of this movie, it was Zeus and Hercules. I’m done. :middle_finger_tone3:

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Enjoyable. Not as good as Ragnarok. I think they wasted Gorr’s potential. I could imagine another few “Thor’s Adventure” type of movies before Hemsworth gets tired of doing them. In a way, having a relatively stand alone movie that isn’t so heavily intertwined with the rest of the universe was nice.

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Nice movie overall, great chemistry between the cast and fun antics. Not too great on the plot though, i don't know if Thor (franchise)can survive without Loki whereas Loki seems to be doing fine with literally him(her)self.

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Lack of fluid story telling and too many bad jokes ruined the flow of this movie. I felt no connection between Thor and Jane. That should have had a more serious tone and been delved into more. There should have been more scenes with Gorr.

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The MCU continues to allow Taika Waititi to continue to perpetrate atrocities on a character as beloved and potentially so much of Norse mythology as Thor, relegating him to an unfunny comic character and destroying such incredible stories as Gorr and Eternity. And the numbers don't lie: Love and Thunder has been relegated to a pitiful 23rd place in worldwide box office figures, below such mediocre works as Venom and Captain Marvel.

The only things that save the film are the faithful portrayal of Jane Foster's rise as Thor (who could have done with a lot more screen time instead of just "I don't know what happened") and Christian Bale's role as the villain, who almost literally eats up the screen in every scene. A memorable villain with a shameful and undeserved ending.

A completely dispensable, boring and predictable film.

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Shout by Richard Ashmore
BlockedParent2022-09-12T12:51:47Z— updated 2023-03-26T18:22:18Z

By far the worst outing of thor, comedy was very weak, story was even weaker, Disney really needs to stop with the female takeover of the classic rolls and give rolls that are fitting for there female leads, I'm all for empowerment but they have gone to far off late and it's boring

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To keep it simple - I enjoyed this movie and would watch it again. I would have liked to see more of the guardians later in the movie but I had already read they wouldn’t be in it much so not too disappointed in that.

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Very boringly and I have seen the end of superhero save the people and defeat the evil before my watching. Shall Marvel make any change?

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Very boring and I have seen the ending of superhero save the people and defeat the evil before my watching

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A cliche cookie cutter woke formula of black washing, anti-male unless gay informercial. If it wasn’t for the CGI this would have been another dumpster fire Marxist Disney disaster.

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