Two separate movies were required here, and I don't think Waititi was the right person to helm either of them.

Gorr and the critique of God/Hero worship is a fitting subject matter to throw into the mix of the MCU, even if it is a little on the nose with the foundations of everything the MCU stands on. It could have opened up the doors to discussion of holding those more powerful to account for their actions, the question of why some are deemed more worthy than others, and what we should do when those people lose sight of their morals and get out of line. So much could have been done with a villain as effective and contrary to the current MCU stance as Gorr, and Waititi reduced him to a stand-in on the butt end of dentistry and sun tan jokes. A total waste of insane potential.

Further to that, the Jane Foster cancer story is far too heavy and delicate a subject matter to be thrown into Waititi's unrelenting comedy blender. It needed time to flesh out, add weight and then pay off for someone as pivotal to Thor as Jane. Instead we got this tacked on story that is never given the time it deserves, and feels almost out of place in the overcrowded script of one-note jokes.

But hey, screaming goats huh? They were funny, right?

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