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Thor: Love and Thunder 2022

Thor: Ragnarok was one of my favorite MCU films. I was looking forward to watching Thor: Love and Thunder, but unfortunately, I ended up feeling disappointed. I was generally apathetic toward the characters, notably Thor, who I found hard to root for. The villain, Gorr, felt shallow, and his character arc was cliché. I did enjoy the drama, but it felt undermined by the film's attempt to be humorous: most of the jokes fell flat.

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might be one of the worst modern super hero movies I ever watched.

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The start with the Guardians was not funny. The Guardians havent been funny since the 2nd movie. This whole Thor movie is over-the-top in almost every scene. I smiled maybe twice. Tessa Thompson is extremely overrated actress, who only gets cast because of the color of her skin. Too bad they made this movie so completely bullshit.

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Thor :sweat_smile::clap: the best one!

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Thoroughly inconsistent with good performances from Portman, Bale on one side and lame jokes on the other side. Korg was the only consistent thing in the movie, consistently irritating. Even the good jokes are overdone. And for god's sake stop making Thor movies. With every movie he is getting dumber.

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It's increasingly obvious just how fickle audiences are. Like what is the beef...? Every complaint I've seen about this movie can just be as easily applied to the previous entry, which was universally praised. It's really been ridiculous to see the gymnastics people do to convince why this is terrible over the other one. Has the Marvel fatigue just really set in THAT deeply? For me, Christian Bale isn't utilized as much as he should be able not all the jokes land, but I thought this was a super fun ride with tons of charm. Especially dug the wholesome wrap-up.

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Shout by Jennie
BlockedParent2023-03-03T12:49:28Z— updated 2023-08-06T04:54:43Z

What the fuck they tried to do in this movie?

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This movie needs to be de-canonized immediately for the love of all that was Marvel. I hated it so much that I’m not even willing to type out the details of why—it still makes me too irritable to think about it. Waste of a good character and good love story, gaudy, stupid, bad ending…. Just don’t waste your time.

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My only positive takeaway from this movie was the screaming goats.

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This was terrible. why does it feel as if they're trying super hard to make this movie 2 hours long!? a lot of unnecessary looong scenes.
Also, Thor acts like a stupid child. the story is ridiculous. in comparison to the previous films this is pure garbage.

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Shout by jmg999
BlockedParent2023-02-05T05:41:20Z— updated 2024-03-17T00:22:30Z

I really loved this film. It was everything I want in a superhero film. It was funny, irreverent, didn't take itself too seriously, touching and heartfelt, and it had strong character development throughout. It also setup the future of the franchise well. This was definitely one of my favorite Marvel films. Taika Waititi did a tremendous job w/ this screenplay.

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Shout by Deleted

I don't know where Taika's good sense of humor went but it is not here.

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The classic adventure of Thor.

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Shout by JC

I was expecting a calamitous experience from the word of month, but it's not even that, really. It's quieter and sadder. It's an expression of how any director in the MCU will inevitably become rote and tired, their creativity smothered, their light dulled. Every fight scene is just 'Thor leaping with lightning' again. The comedy is the worst fusion of generic MCU fare and Waititi's humor stamped of any inspiration or dexterity or character. It's a parody of his style. The tonal whiplash could snap your neck. Everything heavy is undercut by the winking jokes before and after, so nothing has weight. And the jokes aren't funny, they're desperate and lazy all at once. Bale and Portman are trying, some of the visuals are trying, and it all results in a loud technicolor mush, as grey as the dimension Gorr plays in despite the sensory overload.

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Shout by minche

A solidly gopod movie - not great not terrible. It is fun and funny, but the plot gets a little bit wild and there can be too much random stuff going on at once. It feels like it needed to be either logner to allow the jokes to breathe and set, or shorter so that some of the extra stuff is cut. Instead of Guardians we might have seen more Asgardians, or more Jane.
Bad guy is okay, I personally don't like the trope where bad guy succeeds in his mission but then has a change of heart because of 1 scene, but I thinkt he payoff with the ending and potential for the future is great.
Overal fun, could find myself rewatching it again, but not really Thor: Ragnarok level of fun.

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"I know your pain. Love is pain. I had a daughter once. I put my faith in a higher power, hoping it would save her... and she... died."

I am not with the masses that hate any type of humor in a comic book movie. It can add some much needed levity to movies that can take themselves too seriously. That being said, Taika way overdid it this time, and somewhere in this story it feels like there was more missing. I think Thor needs to rest a bit before going back to a more serious role.

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I was expecting an experience like Ragnarok, unfortunately I spent the entire movie trying to figure out what the heck it actually wants to accomplish. Taika Waititi's humor usually works for me, but here, it's unnecessary and takes away from the story's theme and impact. Add a plot that's disappointingly generic, and you get an experience that's partly tedious and mostly forgettable.

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The parody kind of humor really made Ragnarok enjoyable and funny but they went way over the top with this one and it's kinda killing the movie altogether.

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Christian Bale and Chris Hemsworth + the rest of the cast seem to have been directed in different films or simply understood the world in which the plot is set very differently.

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Perhaps the weakest of the Thor films, Thor: Love and Thunder is more of a comedy than an action film; and is not the better for it. When Thor learns of a mysterious god killer terrorizing the realms he returns to Earth and discovers that Mjoinir (his hammer) has reformed and turned Jane into a new Thor, and together they go to Omnipotence City to raise a god army to stop the god killer. Christian Bale joins the cast as Gorr the God Butcher and makes for a pretty good villain. However, Natalie Portman’s turn as an Asgardian warrior comes off as rather forced. Additionally, the tone is overly cartoonish and silly (even more so than Antman), and its anti-religious message is offensive. But all that aside, the action scenes are fun and exciting, and are enhanced with the use of a Guns N’ Roses soundtrack; giving them a heavy metal energy. Yet while it’s entertaining, Thor: Love and Thunder comes off as incredibly desperate and has lost touch with who the character is and his place in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

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What did I just watch and why?
Taika disappointed me unfathomably. The movie felt like a parody. And a bad one too. Good badass songs can't turn a bad movie with idiotic script into a good one. Even the performances felt forced, the jokes were very much a miss and the whole scenario felt like it was written by my underage cousin.
edit: the attempt at a greek accent was ridiculous, and I'm being generous.
Tessa is a bisexual icon.

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Seemed more like Beavis and Butthead. I'd never waste a minute watching another Thor Movie. What a waste of talent. Sad.

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Hot, steaming, pile of crap... I don't even know where to begin, maybe I was not the target audience, I'm not the biggest marvel fan but I watched every marvel.

And this doesn't even come close to earlier ones, humor is bad, and some of the scenes were silly, all around the movie is bad. It had some good moments but not enough.. Big disappointment.

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3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Thor: Love and Thunder’:

  1. This was not as bad as everyone made it out to be. Many called it one big parody. And while there were some silly moments, I thought the film had some pretty sincere, deep themes. I enjoyed it.

  2. Christian Bale was fantastic. Efficiently creepy and a solid villain.

  3. I love that Korg is gay and in love!

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Had pretty low expectations but it still managed to underachieve. The weakest Marvel movie so far and a 100% kids movie. The soundtrack was the best part...

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Shout by De-mon
BlockedParent2022-10-24T07:16:49Z— updated 2022-10-25T07:57:15Z

Bad as 95% Marvel/superhero movies, but not as bad as the worst.

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Just as fun as the first time around. Still easily my favorite Thor. Christian Bale is awesome and I very much look forward to whenever I get a chance to watch this again in the future!

Rating: 4.5/5 - 9/10 - Highly Recommend

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Not sure what to think of this. I enjoyed it more than Ragnarok when I first watched that movie but that doesn't mean much.

The story itself was weak, and I'm not sure they had to bring back Portman at all. At least, that story arc was brought to an end now on-screen as well. Though I'm not sure how they'll incorporate the girl into future films.

Otherwise, the whole visuals and directing felt, like Ragnarok, over the top, LSD-trip like. A movie that tries to be serious being a super-hero movie but it's way off the mark, too comic-like, 2-dimensional. And the whole star-fest... maybe they should finally concentrate on 1 or 2 characters instead of fitting in as many stars as possible. I love Bale, I love Crowe, but they were ill-used 2-dimensional villains. But I liked seeing Sif again, as well as Heimdall's son.

And yes, I'll say it: the Thor movies need Loki much more than they ever needed Foster.

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Love is Roses, Thunder is Guns, Love & Thunder = Guns & Roses. How about that? Haha

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What a disappointment. I went to this movie with low expectations because the poster itself made me have reservations regarding the story.

Thor seems to have several versions, fun, idiot, bro, hero, clueless and so on but the latest trend of bro Thor and this idiot one doesn't feel right to me. The story is weak and the ending... underwhelming. It all wraps up in an instance with lots to be explained.
The ending feels rushed.

If not for the great soundtrack this would've been harder still to watch. O enjoyed Ragnarok but this is just... off.

Thor will return it says in the end. If they keep going like this I hope not. I remember when Thor was fun to watch and not a pain.

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This.. is a comic book movie!

This is the imaginations of an 80's prepubescent schoolboy reading a handed-down pulp copy of Thor by the seaside on a sunny summers afternoon.

This is as pure 'comic movie' as I've ever seen, bar Spiderverse

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Really feel this was lazy writing banking on the goodwill of ragnarok. A waste of the talent and assets at their disposal. Yes you will watch it smile & sometimes snigger. You won’t be replaying it like you did Ragnarok.
Feel a little like TW has sold out and thinks he does not need to try! Will watch his next venture to see if I am right. MCU now on the back foot needing to produce some solid stories/plot

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Too bad they made Thor in some dumb character instead of the (sometimes) fun one of Ragnarok. Or the Ignorant one from the first movie.

This movie was switching too much between a really bad parody and a good have been good movie.

Some actors seemed to be having fun with the parody part.. But it was really ruining the movie. You would think someone would have read the script before accepting it :thinking:

(and that from a great Marvel Universe fan..)

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Love to see Marvel fans on copium mode :D

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Look, it's not terrible. It certainly isn't the worst in the MCU. But it is bottom 5. I'd say it's slightly below Guardians 2 and slightly above Captain Marvel.

It's a weird one. The last 20 mins seems to come around when some better action or story could have been told and took it along for another 15 minutes. It just seems like they were going for jokes over substance.

I think the massive backlash against the film is actually a demographic one and the MCU audience are growing out of their youth.

To those viewers, this underwhelming feeling is what we've been having for all bar 3 or 4 films in the series. They're lacklustre and undercooked! Very rarely do they knock one out of the park. Get used to mediocrity!


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Not sure what I just saw, but would have been Uber pissed had I paid to see this in the theater. Such a farce from beginning to end.

Didn’t know I was getting jerry Lewis does Thor schtick.

Poorly written and executed, waititi’s poorest outing so far.

I’m all for a little humor, but this pushed it too far.

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Shout by Ra' T

Who wrote this $hit? Is this a good time to quit watching marvel?

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Last two minutes were the best part of the movie, and i am not talking about post credit scene.

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Tttttt gujjfrt this was the best day

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The movie was blah! When comparing to other MCU movies. It was entertaining & not a bad way to waste 2 hours of your life. But there is nothing exciting or edge of your seat action here.

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What have I just watched? A comedy parody of Thor or what is this?

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I so wanted to enjoy this movie, but it broke all emerging into the movie with just enfo to drag the rest of the franchise with it. Maybe it just high expectations but I see the final slide of the Marvel Universe :sneezing_face:

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I’m not big into the superhero movies, but I’ve definitely seen better ones. This one was just OK for me. I think the soundtrack team are big GNR fans.

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Great acting from Matt Damon. Not sure what the other guy with the hammer was doing, but this movie was full of nonsense.

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Feels more a parody of Thor

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Biggest load of crap iv ever watched

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Is this a real Thor movie or just a parody? Because it feels like a parody. Humor is good and in every Thor movie one of the best Elements. But here ist is was to much. You cant take any one serious.

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Shout by Iain

I'd hoped that a second viewing of this might have convinced me to rate it higher.
But . . . no.

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What the hell are you guys playing at over there in Tinsletown?

Like every Superhero franchise blasting its way on to our BIG SCREENS, we have very much come to expect the fanfare, spectacle and seamlessely stitched CGI. However it seems to me at least, that they first resurrect long forgotten or beloved comic-book heroes on the account of failing box office sales. Spend copious years on the development and noteworthy scripts to meet the legacy hype. This often results in the start of a juggaernaut franchise the they end up milking until the teet goes limp… à la 'Thor - Love and Thunder'.

What a pile of B*ll@cks… is this an action movie or a comedy cosplay sketch show? Christian Bale and Russell Crowe were my personal favs, although I believe they were drastically under utilised - watch this at your own peril… I will not be able to refund you back the time you've lost.

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Shout by J G

For some reason this reminded me of the last Indiana Jones movie…the part where the aliens came out. In the case of this movie, it was Zeus and Hercules. I’m done. :middle_finger_tone3:

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Nice movie overall, great chemistry between the cast and fun antics. Not too great on the plot though, i don't know if Thor (franchise)can survive without Loki whereas Loki seems to be doing fine with literally him(her)self.

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The MCU continues to allow Taika Waititi to continue to perpetrate atrocities on a character as beloved and potentially so much of Norse mythology as Thor, relegating him to an unfunny comic character and destroying such incredible stories as Gorr and Eternity. And the numbers don't lie: Love and Thunder has been relegated to a pitiful 23rd place in worldwide box office figures, below such mediocre works as Venom and Captain Marvel.

The only things that save the film are the faithful portrayal of Jane Foster's rise as Thor (who could have done with a lot more screen time instead of just "I don't know what happened") and Christian Bale's role as the villain, who almost literally eats up the screen in every scene. A memorable villain with a shameful and undeserved ending.

A completely dispensable, boring and predictable film.

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To keep it simple - I enjoyed this movie and would watch it again. I would have liked to see more of the guardians later in the movie but I had already read they wouldn’t be in it much so not too disappointed in that.

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Very boringly and I have seen the end of superhero save the people and defeat the evil before my watching. Shall Marvel make any change?

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Very boring and I have seen the ending of superhero save the people and defeat the evil before my watching

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The truth is that they don't fair me... they distort Thor a lot... that is, they make him ridiculous... with the gender equality thing they spoil everything :person_facepalming_tone1:♂.

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well… thor: love and thunder is one of the movies ever made! the script is terrible, the effects are horrible, the film is weak and manages to be the worst of phase 4, however, it's fun (if you don't have anything else to watch…). I don't know, he's kind of clueless, the children's part is very bad and Gorr is very poorly used. if the film followed in the footsteps of the previous one but with the vibe of the beginning and the end of this one (kind of a duality between something silly and something serious) it would be much better. marvel is going through a special effects strike but also a script strike, are in a hurry and with conclusions full of coincidences, the protagonists are always where they need to be at the right time and everything, except when they have to make an important decision or something ("we need him alive because of the kids" BROTHER YOU LITERALLY HAVE A CONNECTION WITH ONE OF THEM AND CAN AT ANY TIME SEE WHERE THEY ARE

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Had some funny moments. Mostly did not take itself seriously.

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I saw the mix reaction so I thought it was going to be a mess. But turned out to be a lot of fun!
People are too cynical now. Look at the overreaction over The Batman.

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Great soundtrack, terrible film. It gets a bit better in the 2nd half, but not enough to save it.

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Waste of time. It’s a comedy movie not superhero movie. After all it’s from Disney.

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Another hit for Marvel as well as Taika. I found this Thor movie to be quite entertaining.

One would think that screaming giant space goats would get annoying, and yet, they do not. I either laughed or giggled every time I heard them scream.
What else do you need. Taika's humor is all over this thing (which for me is a good thing - i understand his humor).

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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The comedy was a little too much, but it was still enjoyable, would've preferred a bit more seriousness, and perhaps more character development for Gorr. I really liked the black and white fight in the beginning of the second half of the movie.

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it's not ragnarok but it was a cute movie. and groupwatch meant i could watch with my bff while in different states and that was nice especially because she got to go "it u" when the goats came out screaming.

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They ruined Gorr, they ruined Zeus, they ruined Eternity. Bad script, bad soundtrack (so damn much of G&R). I love Taika, and really loved Ragnarok, but this movie was a combination of missed opportunities and writing mistakes.

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Waititi took the silly things from the last movie and said maybe that what made it successful and went a whole movie with it so that I'm watching a kids movie on Nickelodeon.i feel sorry for wasting Bale talent on that movie..
At the end it says Thor will return, maybe in avenger movie but i don't see him getting a standalone movie again.

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Ok Thor is my fav marvel character but it seems since Ragnarok the writers are taking more and more from him. Ragnarok - hammer destroyed can't beat his sister then Thanos handle him like a rag doll...Infinity Wars...not much he can do against Thanos....Endgame...fat bloated Thor still seems to be the brunt of some sick marvel's like Chris pissed off some writers so in a sense they Merc his character with every new this movie....didn't really care for it...once again a earth woman saves him...all the PC in movies now a days is getting tiresome and in the end...a little girl helping him to fight his enemies! Are they trying to kill Thor off? Because with every movie the writers seem to be degrading him more and more....he is a we got the set up for the next movie let's see how bad Hercules degrades him oh and remember Hercules is a demigod not a God like Thor.

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It's really sad seeing Marvel Movies turning into Star Wars Sequels.

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It was fun and entertaining! People rate it low because of the lack of seriousness they expect, perhaps:thinking:

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Shout by Kaito

I think the general plot is pretty good, except the fact that eternity grants a wish to the first one who reaches it, but how can it be that no one reached it before Gorr? Cuz no one knew what the key was? This part is underexplained.
Surprisingly for marvel stuff the ending is also the best part of the movie and gives the whole thing a sweet aftertaste. I like it.
And the implementation of female Thor is pretty strong. This movie is just solid on my levels for me
What really is not good is the humor, I didn't laugh once while watching and it made it a little dry, fortunately mostly only in the first half but it's there... People were not overstating how much they overuse bad jokes.

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All it needed was a Johnny Depp. appearance to make it yet another overpriced, yet full-fledged, "B" movie spoof.

The only way this will ever be of any value is if they lose it... even then it will only be a collector's oddity.

I found it disappointing and virtually a waste of time, possibly better spent contemplating navel-lint.

The goats were kinda cool & Bale was interesting, but it may have worked better if more of it had been left on the cutting room floor, with nothing left but 3-4 shorts as amusements.

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An excess of silly jokes.

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Real PC movie, all about putting so much culture as possible. No real story.

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I found it enjoyable enough. They put a bit too much childlike humor in it though.... Sometimes it just didn't fit the situation. Russell Crowe as Zeus was a perfect fit for him! But his accent was awful. He should have done it without an accent. Having a Lady Thor was cool, but it's sad that it was so short lived. And with that ending the next film is probably going to be centered around a child, so even more childish antics will be coming, and I'm not looking forward to that.

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It has some heart along with the laughs (the Taika Waititi special), but it all feels kind of insubstantial. Jane's inclusion in the movie feels pretty contrived, and despite the fact that he absolutely chewed the scenery whenever he was on screen, Christian Bale as Gorr was sorely underused. Not nearly enough god butchering onscreen. And on top of all that, most of the comedy didn't land for me. Except for the recurring love triangle joke; that was pretty darn funny.

All that being said, it was fun, regardless of its flaws. Which is funny, because that's almost exactly my thoughts on Thor: Ragnarok. Maybe funny-ha-ha Thor isn't totally my jam, but I had a pretty good time at the end of the day.

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They really went full retard

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And the people thinks that Eternals was a Bad Movie. Love Gorr and Christian Bale's performance.

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Shout by Pete
BlockedParent2022-08-03T08:12:17Z— updated 2022-09-18T08:39:12Z

I've been handing out several 7.3 scores lately. I'll say this is slightly lower at 7.1. This is another while grading on the "taken pretty lightly superhero fare" scale. I enjoy Waititi as a director, and although there was as always a lot of silliness it's mostly fun and the cheese wasn't too too thick for the most part. Go out and enjoy it on the big screen.

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Shout by DAVY X
BlockedParent2022-08-03T07:25:47Z— updated 2022-09-08T05:34:36Z


I wounder what that version was like
I would definitely watch it anyway, hella yeah,
Do you hear me

I know they'll never release the 4 hour cut but
just as they have with
"Spider-Man No Way Home
More fun stuff version"
Which is now back in cinemas
(September 2nd 2022)
With an extra 11 mins added to the running time
and a really good post credit scene added,
like a totally Awesome one.
There is hope for more down the line to be
added to "Thor Love And Thunder"
either way I still absolutely love this movie
and with anything extra I will just
Love and Thunder it more.

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acting: 3/3
cinematography: 2/3
storytelling: 2/3
enjoyment: 1/1


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Definitely the weakest of all the marvel movies. Forced humor, poor plot, and even though they introduced an okay villain character with an amazing weapon, all the things you wanted to see him do happened off-screen.

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Even with it’s multiple flaws this movie is stil rewatchable and very enjoyable. Bale as Gorr is the highlight of this movie for me. Portman’s character was misused in my opinion, that “eat my hammer.” Almost made me skip that whole scene. The ending as childish as it was I loved it especially the scene between Thor and Gorr’s daughter.

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wow that was great. the first half was a bit dry and felt out of place, they couldve replaced it with more gorr, christian bale was excellent! the second half was amazing!

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Wasn’t overly keen on the first two Thor movies but I genuinely enjoyed this one. Lots of comedy and interesting characters!

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It was the tacky version of the Dr. Strange, with the plot more or less based on the same principles and device, perhaps a bit more on the humor side (which sometimes was funny to experience). You change the wizard with the blacksmith, make the movie and collect the box office cash, a simple recipe when it works.

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It was a great and fun movie. Nice and funny comedy throughout the whole movie that won't get to serious.
I think that most of the low scores are given by young people who were raised on Marvel and think they are anything more than a silly and fun experience without any deeper meaning.

If you liked Ragnarok you will like this. If you preferred first, overly dark movies you won't like this.

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if you don't think of it as a typical marvel then it's good movie

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Shout by 020202

it felt soooooo good finally seeing Korg again, this movie was very funny, i didn't like it as much as i liked Ragnarok but it was still very good

one shot i really loved was when Gorr appeared in New Asgard, the full moon behind him, as he emerges out of the shadows, such a beautiful shot, Christian Bale did a good job with this character

& not to forget the screaming goats, they were hilarious, loved this movie, very beautiful VFX as always

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As the more frivolous approach “Thor: Ragnarok” was met with positive reviews in the States, it’s no surprise that “Thor: Love and Thunder” went overboard with lame jokes and kitsch visuals. This can be both a dream or a nightmare, depending on how you approach superhero movies.

I have been following each MCU with mild enthusiasm, and I personally don’t mind the retcons and inconsistencies as far as each project can shine its own light. Yet I can imagine diehard fans outraged by their hero Thor being treated as an idiot for the whole thing. This is closer to a spoof than an actual superhero blockbuster, which works great for a summer movie but probably not as much as the piece of a bigger puzzle.

Honestly, it was much more shocking to find out that there are still people who think that Guns N' Roses are cool in 2022.

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I feel like this movie has way too much humor. Don't get me wrong, it is funny and the action scenes are pretty great too. It has an amazing soundtrack and good visuals. That said, I had a great time laughing, but that's mostly it.

The problem is that it fails miserably at delivering the story that it's trying to tell, because all the drama is buried in jokes.

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I found it boring. At times I wondered if it is going to go full tilt Matrix on why we exist. There is a bit of marriage counselling for busy couples. TL DR, Save your money, wait for it to come to your streaming service.

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A very interesting although mediocre story. But it is actually unexpected in many ways, so there's that attraction. But overall it was an enjoyable movie; true this may not have much rewatch potential, but then again I rarely rewatch any movies. As a Watiti film, it's more or else what's expected even though it's not Ragnorak.

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A bold entry in the MCU which works very well - once you get where it's going and why. It's funny, emotional, scary, shocking and entertaining all at the same time. Just when you think you've seen it all, it throws an eye-opening curveball to make you sit up and take notice. Razor sharp directing and enough eye candy to swallow you whole - Marvel is well and truly back! Make sure you stay for the end credits extras :-) I loved it and cannot wait to see it again! 8/10

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I've been a big fan of Taika Waititi's work but this was one of his weakest effort. I'm all up for adding humour to the Marvel films but this one just pushed the silliness boundary to far. They also stole the small planet gag from Rick an Morty. Christian Bale was great though.

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