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The Witch 2016

Loud and scary ;) But seriously, a little too obvious storyline, no revelations.

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It promises, but it won't deliver.

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Definitely a horrifically traumatising watch. If a movie makes you physically utter sin, then thou has won. Eggers is easily one of my all-time favourite horror directors. The rawness really gets under your skin. I did think some scenes were far too raw, but it's forgiven. The dialogue, score, and production made me feel secluded, always waiting for something, just to be blown away by the acting and teased by the genius in escalation. I just can't get over how disturbing this is, all while feeling grand. I'm both admired and astonished by this, but I'll never watch it again. I just can't.

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I missed the whole “Defying Gravity” number somehow.

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I have seen much better, the movie had the potential to be good, not enough story and a horrible ending.

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Could not keep my attention

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Meeting the family will leave you cheering on the witch. Please eat them all and end this in 30 minutes please.

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No denying the masterful work done creating such an eerie atmosphere and bringing this whole thing together, but that doesn't change the fact that I found it to be incredibly boring. Never have I felt a 90-minute film to be so long.

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A really intriguing and scary movie that portrays how religion was used to create fear during the early years of America. What makes this more interesting is that the things that happened in this movie probably happened in real life to many people just as was portrayed in this movie, even though there most likely was no witch causing it.

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It is a pity that the main character chooses evil in the end.

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Loved the eerie atmosphere throughout and the setting added to it very well. The ending scene was especially chilling.

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The last 12 minutes completely ruins it for me. Laughable. Otherwise acting and everything else was great.

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All of the actors did a great job. I enjoyed this films cinematography and some dramatic tension, yet I've always felt something missing but is still fairly acceptable.

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Amazing movie that shows just how effed up people get with religion at times. The Puritans are one of the strongest examples of this, in my opinion. This movie felt much longer than an hour and a half, but not in a bad way. The slow burn of the pacing and the archaic language make it easy to get absorbed in the plot, and the scares are atmospheric rather than abrupt and startling. The casting was impeccable; Game of Thrones is the only place I'd previously seen Ralph Ineson and Kate Dickie, but they were both fantastic here and there. I've seen Anya Taylor-Joy in a few things now, and I adore her as well. This one might even be worth a rewatch, just because there was a lot happening in the environment that a single watch might miss.

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Shout by Reiko LJ

I could see what it was trying to do but it still felt like it was missing something. It felt as shallow as the folklore it was based upon. It could have added something more at least.

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"Wouldst thou like to live deliciously?"

I was not prepared for what this movie had in store for me. Starts off strong, then had me on the edge of my seat while I tried to figure out what was going on. Some scenes are hard to watch, especially now that I am about to be a father, but it is refreshing to see a dark, gritty film like this get made.

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Visually stunning and impressive. A masterpiece that benefits from a slow storytelling style. Absolutely recommendable.

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"The Witch" is a fantastic period piece. Part fable, part fairy tale, and all atmospheric Horror. I say Horror because that's the genre this film is being dumped into but it's not really that scary. It was all mood, conflict, and suspense, which was awesome. There are no cheap jump scares.

The acting was great and it looked beautiful, though accurately drab. There are some disturbing scenes of atypical gore but thankfully, the director cut away from the violence at just the right time, which made my imagination fill in the blanks.

Again, the sets and dialogue make this film seem like it must be a very accurate reproduction of Puritans or Separatists life in the early 1700's.

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This is the movie that I end every Spooktober on and it never disappoints. The atmosphere and dread this movie builds is second to none, and the confusion it puts on the first time viewer is expertly crafted. The final "reveal" is just as chilling as ever and the level of craftsmanship in the period setting as well as the performances by all in the dialect of the time is just icing on the cake. Probably the greatest horror (alongside Hereditary) of the last decade. So, so good.

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The Witch: A New-England Folktale is a creepy and atmospheric low-budget horror film. Set in the early 1600s, the story follows a family that leaves their village to build a new home in the frontier; but when the youngest child is kidnapped by a witch and the crops fail the family begins to tear itself apart. The performances are quite good, especially Anya Taylor-Joy; who’s extraordinarily compelling and has a remarkable earnestness to her. And the lengths to which writer/director Robert Eggers has gone to bring authentic to the film’s look and feel is incredible. However, the pacing is kind of slow and the ending is rather controversial. Yet while it has a few issues, The Witch: A New-England Folktale is a chilling and well-crafted film.

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Very good period film. Excellent scenery and costumes. Dialogues are accurate, though a bit hard to follow being in Renaissance English.

As far as horror goes, if you like scary gothic novels, you will love this movie. If you're expecting a modern horror movie with killers and gore, this is not your movie.

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I've absolutely no idea why this movie has so much hype. It's painfully slow paced with no tension or interesting things happening until literally the last three minutes of what felt like a 5-hour runtime. I was fighting sleep this entire movie because it's hands down the most boring film I've watched in a long time!

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puritan life was the real horror.

"our corn is TRASH."

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Not so much a horror movie as an incredibly well crafted period movie about puritanical New England settlers and their struggles in the face of adversity. The whole movie is tense and this is stretched tight at all times. Don't expect conventional "horror"

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I belong to those who didn't like it.It wasn't a waste of time but not too good for sure.


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very disturbing psychological thriller.
easily 8/10. amazing movie.

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Watch this for asmr king black phillip y'all x

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I understand how people like this movie, but for me that was horrible. There are good acting, but the story just doesn't make any sense.

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I released the stupid movie again, I thought there was no more bullshit than the movie "Hole", but unfortunately it is the king among the greatest nonsense and stupidity I know, and I immediately deleted it from my collection !!!

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Really Good Film!!! It was definitely a Slow Burn but the Film has a whole was very enjoyable!!!! The Writing was Amazing.. The Acting Was incredible the film is a good watch!!!

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"does thou wish to live deliciously?"

seems like a lot of the commenters think horror is just jump scares and people being chased the entire movie. let go of labels and just enjoy the movie for what it is.

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Nope nope nope. Good DP but

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This movie is genuinely a good barometer for deciding on whether to listen to someone's opinion on horror.
Also incredibly well directed/shot/acted all around with a haunting and apt score.

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Shout by Deleted

I wish I had more to say about "The Witch" just as much as I wish I had watched it sooner. Postponing this movie for so long and hearing/reading about its excellence hyped me up so high that once the experience turned real, I could never reach THAT peak I was initially expecting. Sadly it didn't impress me like I've always though it would :(

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A really atmospheric and creepy film that doesn’t attempt to hide its horror in ambiguity or metaphor - there is definitely a witch out there and she is not messing around. This could so easily have gone in a different direction, but Eggers is more interested in depicting the paranoia and fear that engulfs the family as they struggle to comprehend what they are dealing with rather than focusing on external forces that are out to get them. The cinematography and brilliant score help to create a real sense of dread throughout the film, and ending, whilst divisive, is certainly unlikely to be forgotten.

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This movie sucked you immediately lost me when you mix a knife and a newborn babies wiener.

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This flick stunk to high heaven. I can not believe I made myself watch this trash.

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Title is spelled with 2 "V"'s, not a "W".

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"A well made thought-provoking slow-building horror."

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Super creepy and atmospheric. The accents were a little hard to understand at times but that's what subtitles are for. A little slow but the ending is great.

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Shout by Deleted

most boring and weird movie ever

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Good acting by all, good 'period' film in the sense of the atmosphere, scenery, costumes, vernacular, etc., but the actual story itself was for me, just "meh". I'm still trying to really figure out the ending, though I'm not trying to hard at it.

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Engrossing, true to the time period, and immersive, The VVitch isn't one to sleep on. There's some good scares to be had here, but it's really about the struggle of a family living in the middle of the woods slowly turning on themselves as they struggle to maintain their faith amidst horrible, increasingly unexplainable circumstances. Ralph Ineson and Anya Taylor-Joy are great. 4/5.

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The ugly bitch of a mother was the true witch.

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Shout by Deleted

Gostei muito da atmosfera criada

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middle of the road garbage... SOME sort ideas, but over all trash

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quase 3 anos depois e esse filme continua sendo o meu preferido de terror

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it happens nothing in this movie. NOTHING!

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So fucking disappointed I let my mother convince me to buying a ticket for this movie. We both left exhausted of watching the weird relationships between characters. This movie has the most bland and sloooww plot EVER! There is nothing scary about a 1 hour and a half country side conversational family that is scared because of some witch that we rarely get to see. And if we do, the scene is not scary, nor is it even a little jump scare. The ending was weird and disappointing as fuck. And half the time throughout the movie, I didn't understand shit that they were saying.

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Now that was some dark creepy witch craft. I’m normally not into the style of dialogue like Shakespeare but I’ll Let this film off because it’s a good film and you don’t get many good horrors these days..

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Had a very "M. Night Shyamalan" feel to it, I enjoyed it and would likely watch it again.

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This movie has an overall creepy vibe. The music combined with the somber image of the woods and the lives of this family makes my skin crawl. Sadly, not enough happened. You get the idea that every single moment there is something about to happen but mostly, there is nothing, just the feeling you get from watching.
It is however a good movie with great actors. The plot was too weak for me but the vibe I got from the movie is unlike anything I ever felt watching a movie, very unsetteling.

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High on horror, low on scares. Stellar performances all around, surprisingly great child actors. I'd definitely recommend this to any horror fan looking for a different kind of movie in the genre.

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Another modern horror dud. More like a bbc one off.

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One of the WORST movies I have ever seen...a complete waste of time....and it wasn't even scary!!!

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Well acted expertly the children actors.

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I can see why many critics and viewers liked this movie. It's very well made, acted, and does create a slow atmospheric climb of creepiness. I just didn't find it particularly scary or entertaining. I think it's worth the time for those who appreciate more nuanced horror... but it is not your typical modern horror by any stretch.

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HORRIBLE MOVIE.. please don't waste your time.

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Not a particularly scary film but one which unsettles and gets under your skin.

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Shout by Deleted

First of all, it's really difficult to understand what everyone is saying in this movie, especially William, the father. Ironically, this seems to be a device to keep your attention heightened, and it works, for a while. Wasn't long before it becomes a distraction though and takes away from the experience.

The lack of visuals of the witch is great but when you do see her, it's not creepy or spectacular. I was confused by the ending too - it was like trying to take a card from M. Night's deck but the audience never understands the totality of the other cards. So Thomasin becomes a witch - was she the witch all along? Did everyone except William get possessed? What's the point?

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the screaming, whining children and mother was so annoying! you'd think that the mother was the witch (just look at her face) lol jk. and nope, not even close to "horror", not even considered "creepy" considering the topic. don't waste your time on this.

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Interesting to see what some people think is horror or not horror...

The Witch is an absolutely classic horror - like the very best of 70s Hammer, crossed with the mundane realism of contemporary mumblegore. It is slow, atmospheric and very, very creepy - with moments of imagery that stick in your mind a long time after. If you think that horror is Hostel or Final Destination, this may not be for you.

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Not horror as they say

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Shout by Deleted

Not a typical Horror Flick, but cold chilling, guaranteed....!

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Shout by volay24672
BlockedParent2016-05-29T21:53:38Z— updated 2019-03-27T20:01:04Z

It's Creepy! Its only you need to know.

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munhozdiego: "It promises, but it won't deliver."

sums up the whole movie. I thought it would be better, but especially the ending was crap.

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What a terrible movie. Horror? Mystery? Are you kidding me? It had neither. Not scary whatsoever. It was SO predictable. I had to turn on subtitles to be able to understand their primitive dialogue. There's absolutely nothing new or unique about this movie to make it stand out from the crowd. If you want unique, go watch

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Shout by Deleted

NOT the typicall horror (if one at all?) with overused sound effects. Few slow parts but pretty good story about their struggle.

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This movie is differently good! It's like a fucking new genre!! A little spoiler* It is not scary, the thematic content is!

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Creepy, sad, more of a slow burn.

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Shout by Deleted

my little sister was so scare she peed her self omg kmsl #ShiftvW8

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Such a bad movie, especially if you have watched the trailer. I was waiting so much more, I'm really disappointed. Slooow story and predictable ending.

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Amazing movie. I must warn those who seek for a commercial horror, you'll be disappointed.

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Kinda overrated by the media, extremely underrated by the public. Even though it follows the same old family-haunted-by-the-supernatural formula (like Insidious, Sinister, etc.), it still feels very fresh.

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I've seen worse ! Overall I found it good background noise lol. Fantasy medievil witchcraft with so so special effects.

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So much hype, but for a horror movie it didn't deliver. At all.
Not even a good jump scare.
Go watch it for the ambiance and a glimpse of 17th century life in the countryside, not for the chills (or just save your time and don't watch it)...

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Absolutely stocked to see this when it comes in February!

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