Review by DAVY X

The Witch 2016

A worth once watch but no way I could put myself through this on a regular basis, i much prefer
Which is the much superior movie and that one is actually based on a true story. This just felt flat all the way through, and them twins annoyed the Hella out of me, i was begging for the witch to....
that aside it was interesting to a certain point and the way they talked was the most authentic I've heard for a movie set in the 1600s but after a while that started to grate, I found myself paying more attention to how they spoke so I could translate it in my head than actually what was really going on, which wasn't much really.
Look I'm a sucker for
Witch movies I have the best one's and I watched this to see if it belonged in my "MMA" (My Multiverse Archives) but it just doesn't have enough cred are enough in it to find it's way in. Fair movie but their is definitely much much+ better out there.

Speaking of, time to go watch The Wretched
My uncut version
"The Witch Next Door"

Now things have just got very real very quickly.

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